"Haifan Baha’i Organization falsely claims that their critics are the same person to mislead Iranians"
<<" Grey propaganda and a false narrative have been employed against me by the Haifan Baha’i organization (via its Baha’i Internet Agency) since at least 2009. It is a narrative which is prevalent among the Haifan Baha’i community everywhere outside of Iranian.com as well. They falsely claim that their critics are the same person using multiple User IDs and that all voices of dissent and opposition to the Haifan Baha’i organization everywhere online are mine. ... It should be mentioned that it has been an open secret for quite a while that the majority of active posters contributing to Iranian.com are all exclusively composed of: (1) Pro-Israeli Zionist Jews, (2) Haifan Baha’is, (3) ethnic separatists,(4) former Iranian First-World gusano leftists pulled into pro-Western “humanitarian intervention” agendas, (5) sympathizers of the MEK/MKO terrorist organization and (6) online lobbyists for Washington based Neo-Con think-tanks such as the American Enterprise Institute or groups financed by the CIA-founded NED (National Endowment for Democracy). This is the active poster base of Iranian.com. ... The dubious site Iranian.com is presently just such a hot-bed for a vocal, pro-war and regime change minority-interest group based within the United States: a minority who are actively misrepresenting – and in innumerable cases actively victimizing – the Iranian community at large through a targeted psychological warfare, gang-stalking an...