Describe recent developments in our understanding of the biological basis of addiction and comorbidities 7. The common truism that no two people are exactly the same bears repeating when discussing the psychology of addiction. Compulsive use of social media results from a combination of biological, psychological and social factors and there is still much research underway to understand the individual and combinatorial factors responsible for social media overuse among adolescents. However I personally believe individuals have a biological pre-disposition to addiction, but this likelihood is increased and nurtured by social environments such as social views, the . Many of these models have not been tested or applied to every specific type of addiction. Until recently, people with addiction disorders such as drug addiction were considered selfish, weak-willed people. Addiction, Biological Psychiatry and the Disease Model: Richard D. Lewis, MEd, has worked with addictions for the past 19 years in New Bedford, MA. It is a model that takes into account the various aspects of one's life that can impact addiction namely biological and environmental influences like social life, culture, and relationships. Describe the psychological processes that affect continued drug use or problem gambling behaviour 6. Behavioral and cognitive effects of smoking: relationship to nicotine addiction Abstract Nicotine addiction is an extremely complex process that involves biological, psychological, behavioral, and cultural factors. This is reflected in an individual pathologically pursuing reward and/or relief by substance use There are also similar findings for drug addiction . Addiction. Stress is one of the most commonly reported precipitants of drug use and is considered the number one cause of relapse to drug abuse. "In summary, Stress and Addiction: Biological and Psychological Mechanisms is a useful book that provides an overview of the research on stress and addiction in a concise format that motivated readers can use as a starting point to track down more in-depth information in diverse areas. Implications for research, interventions, and policy are discussed. The field of addictions rests upon a variety of disciplines. This model emerged in response to criticisms of the biomedical model, which has historically dominated the field of addiction . Most recently, biological explanations of addiction have become popular. The Psychological theory focuses more on personality differences between drug users and nonusers. These theories suggest that brain chemistry, brain structure, and genetic abnormalities cause human behavior. In my last blog, I talked about the "Biological" or disease model for understanding how addictions develop. The biological model can successfully explain why certain… Addiction is a primary, chronic disease of brain reward, motivation, memory and related circuitry. The term psychological dependence is generally meant to describe the emotional and mental processes that are associated with the development of, and recovery from, a substance use disorder or process addiction. Digital age addiction falls into five types - device addiction . Many of these models have not been tested or applied to every specific type of addiction. e.g. A person with a behavioral addiction is likely to experience any or all of the alterations outlined above on the biological, psychological, and behavioral levels. However, there can be no total separation of emotion and cognition from physiology. Psychologists propose several possible causes of addiction. Models for addictions refer to the tools used to deliver message concerning the biological basis of addiction as well as the broader social and psychological aspect of addiction. Richard discusses the relationship of addictions to severe psychological distress often labeled as a "disease" and/or a so-called "mental illness". Addiction, from a biological perspective, is seen as a disease. Addiction is a physiological or psychological need for a substance, behavior, or activity. Tolerance (AO1) Relevant learning theories include both operant and . Learning theories represent one set of psychological principles that have had a strong influence on our understanding of the causes of addiction, as well as informing some of our intervention strategies. Definition: biological psychology, also called physiological psychology or behavioral neuroscience, the study of the physiological bases of behaviour. The biological theory explains that your genetic makeup makes you vulnerable to developing an addiction. It is naive to say that alcohol use disorder is simply because someone is mentally weak-willed or his brain rewired him to be like this. that being said, many of the features that might converge to make adolescents vulnerable to addiction (maturation and associated hormonal and other biological changes, greater independence, greater access to addictive substances/materials, emerging non-addiction psychopathology) many represent factors associated with altered eating behaviors and … The Biological Mechanisms Behind Addiction. Food addiction can have both biological and psychological causes, according to the Food Addiction Institute (FAI). It is one of the major perspectives in psychology and involves such things as studying the brain, immune system, nervous system, and genetics. Health complications and consequences of addictive disorder Addictions to gambling and the internet are just two examples. It identifies three main phases that explain how addiction begins, reasons why the behavior continues, and what causes the individual to go back to the addictive behavior after a period of abstinence. Biological Abnormalities and the Psychology of Addiction. Medicine, psychology, psychiatry, chemistry, physiology, law, political science, sociology, biology and witchcraft have all influenced our understanding of addictive behavior. Initiation explains how the behaviour starts, maintenance is why the behaviour is continued and relapse is what causes the individual to go back to the addictive behaviour after a period of abstinence from the behaviour. The biological model of addiction includes 3 aspects; initiation, maintenance and relapse. Read more Article Although you're not 100 percent at risk of . People with food addictions develop a kind of chemical dependency on certain foods, most frequently foods that are high in sugar, excess fat and salt, according to the FAI. For example, someone suffering from heart disease must make significant changes to their . The Meaning of Addiction. It's a complex condition with both psychological and physical elements that are hard (if not impossible). Compulsive use of social media results from a combination of biological, psychological and social factors and there is still much research underway to understand the individual and combinatorial factors responsible for social media overuse among adolescents. Stress and Addiction. Addictions like drug addiction are fundamentally a behavior. Addictions Addictions Addiction is a chronic disorder with biological, psychological, social and environmental factors influencing its development and maintenance. Addiction psychology is the psychological study of addiction, its causes, effects and possible approaches to treatment. The biological perspective is a way of looking at psychological issues by studying the physical basis for animal and human behavior. Memorize flashcards and build a practice test to quiz yourself before your exam. Implications for research, interventions, and policy are discussed. Prevention efforts and treatment approaches . 3. The word psychological can be defined as relating to, or arising from the mind or emotions. Biological Explanations of Addiction. Biological and psychological theories Name: Institution: Course title: Instructor: Date: Introduction Addiction is when an individual has a habit of using alcohol or other drugs regularly which have negative effects on the body. Being careful not to blame the family, it is true most article continues after advertisement In addiction research, it's believed that people misuse alcohol and drugs because of the the. Despite the evidence of these biological vulnerabilities, it is erroneous to conclude that addiction to alcohol, nicotine, or other drugs is purely biologically determined. Biological‚ psychological‚ and sociological theories of crime all seek to determine why individuals commit crime.Biological theorists link crime to physical and/or mental traits of an individual.Psychological theorists link crime to influences of individual and family factors‚ such as events that take place during childhood that have an impact on an individual during adulthood. Exercise addiction has been suggested as having an obsessive-compulsive dimension as well as rewarding aspects that may include it among the behavioral addictions. Other research has indicated that repeated exposure to drugs and other addictive substances (and behaviors) can permanently change the molecular and neurochemical structure and functioning of the brain. Please use one of the following formats to cite this article in your essay, paper or report: APA. (2020, May 13). When looking at the biological influences on drugs, it is important to assess all these separate components and assess the interactions each component may have. Along with this comes the physical need for more and more of a drug to get the desired high. This chapter will include research on a range of substances - including nicotine, alcohol, and "harder . Digital age addiction falls into five types - device addiction . A psychological model of mental disorder. Defining addiction is hard enough, so one can imagine how hard diagnosing . Over the years, psychological principles have contributed to the development of many theories about substance use disorders and addiction. BIOLOGICAL, PSYCHOLOGICAL, AND SOCIAL-CULTURAL FACTORS THAT CONTRIBUTE TO DRUG USE . In today's blog, I want to discuss the "Psychological" model for understanding the development and maintenance of addictions. In many cases, addiction theorists have now progressed beyond stereotyped disease conceptions of alcoholism or the idea that narcotics are inherently addictive to anyone who uses them. Biological models of addiction emphasize the importance of genetics and the biological forces of nature. The biological approach is also known as the "disease model" of addictions. In relation to alcoholism, there is a heritability of alcohol dependency between 50-60% in both men and women (McGue, 1999). Also, cognitive- behavioral therapy, which is the treatment of drug addiction disorders, emotional disorders and eating disorders could be useful. Stress and Addiction: Biological and Psychological Mechanisms. : Mustafa al'Absi. Biological explanations of addiction. Addiction is a treatable, chronic medical disease involving complex interactions among brain circuits, genetics, the environment, and an individual's life experiences. Two family members growing up in the same crazy household, abused by the same parents and inheriting the same genetic disposition, may end up in entirely different situations. The psychological portion of the BPSS model views addiction in different ways. Biological psychology is concerned primarily with the relationship between psychological processes and the underlying physiological events—or, in other words, the mind-body phenomenon. From biological point of view, the addiction is seen as disease which proves that the addict is victim of an illness. This demonstrates itself by having a tolerance to drugs or the body. A psychological model of mental disorder. 1 Review. Addiction occurs when people become physically dependent on a substance through repeated use. A psychological addiction then refers to how the individual can become mentally dependent on certain substances (usually mind altering) or behaviors. primed for addiction in adulthood. The reward system's biological purpose is to reinforce natural rewards. The biological portion of the BPSS model considers addiction a brain disease with biological, chemical, and genetic roots. Believe it or not, psychological disorders can be passed down through generations. The origins of addiction are quite complex and not fully understood by psychologists. A wide range of different perspectives on the condition of addiction can be found within the psychology community, and a great variety of therapeutic models have been developed and refined for use in the treatment of the condition, some of which are typically employed . For the past several decades, there have been a . What is Addiction? We now turn our attention to the psychological portion of the BPSS model. Theories of Addiction. Psychology is a science that studies human behavior. Similar to many diseases, there is no cure for the ailment, only a control. "A common misperception is that addiction is a choice or moral problem, and all you have to do is stop. During our discussion of this model, we reviewed that the development of an addiction rests heavily on biological factors. Elsevier, Apr 28, 2011 - Psychology - 456 pages. Dysfunction in these circuits leads to characteristic biological, psychological, social and spiritual manifestations. There is the need to implement addiction recovery program so as to handle the addiction behavior of the individual. Orthodox Jews, and Mormons have extremely low rates or drug addiction and alcohol use. What is the psychology behind addiction? "If such connections are better understood, this will also result in important indications for better therapies." Montag C, Kirsch P, Sauer C, Markett S, Reuter M., However, recovery from addiction rests heavily on psychological factors. Analyse the factors that impact on the chance that someone will develop an addiction 5. Also support or refute the practice of using drug therapies for treating addiction. The American Psychological Association defines addiction as " a chronic disorder with biological, psychological, social, and environmental factors influencing its development and maintenance". In current biomedical, social and psychological theory and research there has been a great deal of controversy concerning the nature of addiction. The biological basis of addiction helps to explain why people need much more than good intentions or willpower to break their addictions. While numerous factors ultimately contribute to an individual's drug-taking behavior, understand-ing the biological components is crucial to a better comprehen-sion of substance abuse and addiction. The writers of the individual chapters are knowledgeable and present . The majority of people who struggle with addiciton also have an underlying mental health disorder. It works best as a reference resource. The BPSS Model The model proposes that biological and social factors, together with a person's individual experiences, lead to mental disorder through their conjoint effects on those psychological processes. Start studying the Psychology: Addiction - Biological Explanation 2 : Addiction genes flashcards containing study terms like what is heritability, what did Goldman et al (2005) come up with, what does the 0 represent on the heritability scale and more. Addiction is a brain disorder involving compulsive substance use despite negative outcomes. In the treatment of behaviors such as drug addiction, four fundamental aspects should . One definition describes physical addiction, meaning the biological state in which the body adapts to the presence of drugs. Such rewards include life-sustaining behaviors like eating, sleeping, working, socializing, procreating and parenting. Genetic, Biological or Psychological Addiction? Models The following are the known models that explain the concept of all forms of addiction. One of the explanations of addiction is the biological approach; this is based on the idea that addiction is caused by genetics. However, almost all recent research shows that addiction actually has emotional, mental and physical dimensions. However science suggests that alcoholism and addiction are anything but simple phenomenon, they appeal to be multifactorial in origin, stemming from pharmacological, biological, psychological and social factors. Personal responsibility model 2. Since addiction is a harmful, maladaptive behavior, psychological models are very useful for understanding why people engage in this unhealthy behavior. Addiction is a biological, psychological, social, environmental inefficiency and inability to stop the consumption of any chemical, drugs, medication, activity, or substance abuse, even if it is causing physical and psychological problems in the body and mind. Psychological Addiction Defined. Biological models of addiction emphasize the importance of genetics and the biological forces of nature. Combining practical case studies with vital statistics drawn from public policy, cultural anthropology, and neuroscience, the course explores . Think about the implications of attributing addiction to biological versus psychological causes. The received data demonstrates the necessity of complex approach to rehabilitation, with regards to biological, psychological, social and spiritual components of addiction. Addiction to one's own behavior is highly prevalent. Biological studies show that in rodents, exercise such as wheel running activates the dopamine reward system and thus contributing to stress reduction. The Irish, British, Germans, Italians, and Catholics typically drink more than average. biological differences exist among individuals in their suscepti-bility to abuse drugs. Alcohol addiction is a complex interplay between both biological and psychological factors. Just as with so many other illnesses, addiction has a psychological component. Addiction to one's own behavior is highly prevalent. Psychological dependence: this is an emotional need to use a substance or perform a behavior that has no underlying physical need. The model proposes that biological and social factors, together with a person's individual experiences, lead to mental disorder through their conjoint effects on those psychological processes. One model that scientists have developed over the years of addiction research is known as the Bio-Psych-Social-Spiritual Model or BPSS model. To imply that "psychological dependence" is not . Addiction, on the other hand, is a behavioral syndrome characterized by the compulsive and repeated seeking out (psychological dependence) or usage of a drug in spite of negative physical, psychological and/or social consequences. Behavioral addiction risk factors have biological bases and some of them have been effectively treated by SSRIs. Biological Psychology. Throughout this topic center on addiction, we have emphasized the Bio-Psycho-Social-Spiritual (BPSS) model of addiction. First, people may engage in harmful behaviors because of an abnormality, or "psychopathology" that manifests itself as mental illness. This gave rise in the 1990s. Stanton Peele. Two psychological models of addiction include the psychoanalytic model and psychopathology model. Bruce K. Alexander. The biopsychosocial model of addiction states that genetic/ biological, psychological, and sociocultural factors contribute to substance consumption and should be taken into account for its prevention and treatment (Becoña, 2002; Skewes & González, 2013). There are many reasons that alcohol addiction can occur, and knowing this is key to treating it. People may get addicted because they learned it from others. Even if drug addiction originates because of some biological process, recovery from drug use requires people to become motivated to make significant changes. What is the psychology behind addiction? In this background paper, article continues after advertisement In addiction research, it's believed that people misuse alcohol and drugs because of the the. Biological, Psychological and Behavioral Factors of Addiction From a biological standpoint, there is definitely a genetic component to addiction. This theory regards addiction as a disease, just like arthritis, cancer, diabetes, or heart disease. Health psychology. The Biological Component. Therefore, psychological, sociocultural and spiritual factors influence whether we mature beyond our biological limits. There are both biological and genetic factors when it comes to mental illness and addiction. Addictions to gambling and the internet are just two examples. In order for addiction to occur the substance must be used, this creates either a mental (psychological) addiction to the substance and/or a physical (physiological) addiction. A person with a behavioral addiction is likely to experience any or all of the alterations outlined above on the biological, psychological, and behavioral levels. They seemed to be behaving badly, regardless of themselves or others. With these thoughts in mind: Post by Day 4 an analysis of the extent to which addiction to psychoactive drugs is a biological versus a psychological phenomenon. Tocris Bioscience. How Addiction Changes Your Brain. Addiction, from a biological perspective, is seen as a disease. In discussing this, it's important to keep in mind that there are many psychological theories for explaining human behaviour. People with addiction use substances or engage in behaviors that become compulsive and often continue despite harmful consequences. About half the risk for addiction is genetic. Three factors that influence smoking and that are influenced by smoking are performance, stress, and body weight. It is best to think of addiction as multilayered of disorders, by which compulsive use of the addicting substance is only one of them. 1. A biological model of addiction focuses on a neurological or genetic cause of addiction and would classify addiction as a disease. Gambling addiction is often called an illness due to the almost compulsive behaviours displayed, suggesting the addiction has a biological route, which it may do. The symptoms of addiction will be psychological and physical in nature. The Psychology of Addiction and Recovery online short course explores the science of addiction, and the barriers to successfully addressing drug addiction and dependence at a personal and systemic level. He added that with the mutation, a biological marker had been found that would allow to characterize online addiction from a neuro-scientific angle. The psychoanalytic model of addiction involves conflict, unresolved trauma, and the ego as underlying causes of addiction. Simply stated, there is a lot more to addiction than meets the eye. Drugs like heroin hijack the brain's reward system, strengthening the desire to use more heroin. when people stop smoking they recover physically in a very short time but their emotional need for nicotine takes a lot longer. 4. Powered by Create your own unique website with customizable templates. Addiction is very complex and deals with biological, physiological, psychological, behavioral and spiritual aspects of a person. The biomedical model is the dominant view, which sees addiction as a disease triggered by the substance; others deny the usefulness of the concept altogether. Conflict can occur within the mind and one way to resolve these conflicts and the associated feelings of rage, fear, or . These theories suggest that brain chemistry, brain structure, and genetic abnormalities cause human behavior. One of the major debates in psychology has long centered over the . 8. Most human behavior is a learned behavior. The biopsychosocial model of addiction posits that biological/genetic, psychological, and sociocultural factors contribute to substance use and all mustbe taken into consideration in prevention and treatment efforts. 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