December 18, 2001
The Iranian
Send us your questions
and comments
* Just friends
How do you tell a guy you just want to be friends without hurting
his feelings? I like this guy a lot as a friend, but I have just discovered
he wants to be more.
We were supposed to hang out with a bunch of friends on my birthday
but instead he showed up alone and proceeded to wine and dine me. He acted
all surprised that nobody else showed up but I think he set the whole thing
up and never told the rest of the gang to join us that night. He gave me
suggestive gifts such as perfume and flowers, and a romantic card. I felt
very uncomfortable but I was too embarrassed to tell him anything.
I don't want to lose his friendship as he is a great guy and I like
hanging out with him. I feel guilty about whether I have been sending him
wrong signals but I am by nature a very friendly and warm person. Can't
you just be friends with an Iranian guy?
From Abjee Pari:
The question you ask sparks a debate that is as old as time. It is relevant
not only to Iranian guys but all guys in general. However, the concept of
"simple friendship" seems to be a bit more complicated amongst
Iranians. Can there be a genuine friendship between a man and a woman? A
lot of people are of the mind that it is impossible, that all friendship
between the sexes is based on some sort of physical attraction. One of my
favorite movies, "When Harry met Sally", discusses this very theme.
From Abjee Fotti:
Personally, I think it is true to some extent that a lot of men are initially
interested in getting to know a girl just because they feel some kind of
attraction to her. With Iranian guys, it is even more likely because culturally,
they expect an Iranian girl to be reserved and distant. If an Iranian girl
is warm and friendly, this is outside the norm and so they may think she
is interested in pursuing a romantic relationship. However, if you and your
male friend have both grown up in the West, the notion of friendship between
the sexes is certainly not alien and in fact very normal. Therefore, your
male friend should not be assuming that your friendliness means more than
it does.
From Abjee Pari:
We tend to automatically blame ourselves, or something that we did, to
explain an error of judgment coming from a man. Please do not change your
personality and lose your friendliness and warmth because one guy took it
the wrong way. The best solution for you is to continue being straightforward
and honest. Tell him in no uncertain terms that you like him as a friend
but you are not interested in a romance. I won't lie to you. He is certain
to be hurt and may even avoid you for a while. Also keep in mind that it's
quite possible for you to start feeling stronger about your friend as well.
From Abjee Fotti:
A similar thing happened to me and I momentarily lost the friendship
of an otherwise really nice guy. But then, after some time, and some cooling
off, we renewed our friendship and are to this day (almost a decade later)
very good friends. He later even admitted to me that even though he was
hurt at the time by my rejection, he ultimately came to appreciate my direct
approach because he had afterwards suffered so much with the mind games
and mixed signals he received from a number of Iranian girls.
If the friend is truly as good a person as you make him out to be, you
are certain not to lose his friendship in the long term. But if you continue
avoiding the issue, he may keep perceiving that your every action as mixed
signals and you would then be putting your friendship in irretrievable jeopardy.
Abjee Pari and Abjee Fotti
