March 28, 2002
The Iranian
Send us your questions
and comments
* If I'm so perfect, then why?
My boyfriend just ended our relationship. I wasn't with him for very long,
about four months, however, he was the first guy that I really, truly cared about
(I'm 18).
Ever since the beginning of our relationship, he would always tell me that
I was too good for him and that he could never give me the love and affection I
needed since he'd be in love before and gotten hurt (He's 23).
He always told me that I should go and find a guy that could give me true
love, but then we got into an argument and he said that was it, and that he couldn't
be with me because he couldn't be in a relationship/ have a girlfriend anymore.
After the arugment he called me and told me that he was sorry it had ended
this way, but that it was better that it had rather than end in the future. He told
me that I was the perfect girl, and that if he was "clean" inside that
he would want to be with me.
My question is if I'm so perfect then why did he dump me? And should I believe
him? Or was he just saying that to get out of the relationship?
Sad and Wondering
Abjee Fotti and Abjee Pari write:
There are good news and there are bad news. Let's start with the bad.
In the abjeez' experience, if your boyfriend tells you "you are TOO perfect
for him" or "TOO good for him" or "TOO anything for him"
(as well as many variations), red flags should go up!
Now, we know you are very young and this was your first romance, so don't feel
bad that you are confused. We do not know why but a lot of men have a hard time being
direct when they want to end a relationship (not to say that women aren't also guilty
of that sometimes!). So they try to let you down gently, the old "It's not
you, it's me" routine. Of course, if he found you so perfect and desirable,
the reality is he would never have let you go!
On the other hand, maybe you can appreciate that in his own way, he was looking for
the least hurtful way of ending the relationship, in what he thought would be least
likely to hurt your feelings. So maybe you can find comfort in that.
Of course a break-up is going to be hurtful, no matter how diplomatic the "dumper"
is. We share in your sadness, especially since this was your first relationship.
But believe us when we say that love is the only way to heal love.
In other words, you may think this is the end of the world now, and that you will
never care about someone again but those negative feelings will quickly dissipate
the minute you look into somebody's eyes and that familiar twinge (in your heart,
in your stomach, in your knees or wherever else!) comes back. And at least, you
will be that much wiser from your previous experience.
From now on, if a guy starts saying you are "TOO" anything for him, just
look at him calmly in the eyes, smile, and utter brightly: "You know what? You
are right! I can do much better." And that is the truth, as the abjeez see
it. :o)
Abjee Pari and Abjee Fotti