October 14, 2002
The Iranian
Send us your questions
and comments
* So unique, so hopeless
I am a deaf African-American and non-Iranian. I am in my late 20's. I am also
married. I need your advice on what to do and how to deal with my own emotions and
attraction. I have had a deep crush on this hearing Iranian man who is in his early
30's, whom I met briefly last winter.
The last time I saw this Iranian man was last spring, it was so poignant but
sad because I knew that I would never see him again and it broke my heart. After
I met him last winter then I developed deep feelings for him that I didn't know what
to do and how to deal with it because I never had been attracted to an Iranian man
in my life before.
He is native-born Iranian but is obviously naturalized American because he
told me he grew up in U.S. almost all of his life. He is the most intelligent and
dashing man ever I met in my life. I have deep amazing respect and admiration for
him truly. I guess I don't think he knows how much he means to me personally because
he is my inspiration.
I admit that I really truly want him but unfortunately he is married and already
moved away somewhere. Nothing romantic happened between him and myself. It was completely
platonic between him and myself. I did try to tell him how I felt about him through
the letters that I wrote to him but he was busy and never responded and left and
moved away.
Since last time I saw him I have been struggling with my feeling for him and
tried to forget him but I have not been able to. I couldn't get him out of my heart
and my soul. I tried to let it go and move on. It is my first experience with this
Iranian man. This whole Iranian man situation is new to me and I tried to learn so
much about Iranian culture and Iranian people including Iranian-Americans.
I really do respect you both and your advice too. What do I do about this now?
Should I move on with my life and forget him. I will always love him wherever he
is regardless -- whether he is or is not in my life. He said he will miss me. I already
told him I will miss him before he told me.
I never knew how to act around him. The last time I saw him my knees were shaking
and I was very nervous. I was falling in love with him but I knew that I didn't know
him very long and that I met him briefly. I will never forget the way he looked at
me -- like no one else looked at me. It was unique and one of a kind and rare about
the way he looked at me. It was like one of a kind and rare between him and myself.
I was so aching to see him and I don't know how he really truly feels about me and
I don't know if he loves me or not. I will never know.
Abjee Fotti and Abjee Pari write:
Dear Aching:
Thank you for your letter. Getting over an unrequited love is always difficult. It
takes time and hard work. It seems from what you say that he was not interested in
pursuing a romance with you (He never answered your love letters.)
As such, we think you already know the answer to your question i.e. whether to
move on or not. The object of your affection has already answered it. The fact that
he did not respond to your love letters and moved away without further communication
shows that there is really nothing you can do except to nurse your broken heart and
forget him.
Though crushes and falling in love with someone is something we all go through,
the abjeez are disturbed by the fact that you were both married. Namely, that you
would pursue someone while you are married to someone else. And that you would pursue
someone whom you know is also committed to his own wife.
We know that you can't control who you fall in love with. However, you went further
than that and actually took steps to initiate something more than platonic between
the two of you (by writing him love letters). We do not feel that this behavior is
morally right. Yes, the abeez are probably in a minority today when we believe that
the marriage vows are sacred.
We do not want to sound unsympathetic or emotionally distant. We are not so naive
as to think every marriage is perfect. There are people who got married for the wrong
reasons or maybe they have fallen out of love and are no longer compatible. The answer
to the problems between a husband and wife however is NOT to bring in a third party
into the equation.
If you are unhappy in your marriage (and it sounds to us that you are or else
why would you pursue a doubly adulterous affair?) you should take steps to either:
1) try to work things out with your husband or 2) if there are no reasonable ways
to resolve your dilemna, end your relationship.
We strongly urge you to evaluate your home life and your marriage. If things are
so bad that you contemplated having an affair with another man, maybe it is time
to take all that focus you had on that Iranian man and put it towards your relationship
with your husband, and your own life.
Before you make things more complicated in your life by engaging in adultery, you
have to work on getting to understand what you want out of life. What is the root
of your unhappiness? Your dissatisfaction? Perhaps you need some marriage therapy
or relationship counseling... or you need to talk about your feelings in privacy
with a professional? Please explore these options before you take any drastic steps
such as pursuing an adulterous affair.
Abjee Pari and Abjee Fotti