September 27, 2002
The Iranian
Send us your questions
and comments
* At least two hours
Dear Abjeez,
I hear that you give wonderful advice. Well, I have a most uncommon challenge
that simultaneosly baffles me into a great mystical oblivion and also confuses all
the ladies. Ok here it is... I can't really have sex for less than two hours.
The problem lies here: it has been brought to be attention that American woman
can't handle such hardcore great times. This makes me wonder about the lack of religious
conviction, since for me, religion enhances the mambo experience.
Well well Abjeez, the bottom line is, that woman seem to be afraid of exploring
the lunar limits of orgasm. I don't know how to tame this religious beast!? What
do you think needs to happen? Should I trade in Samarkand and Bukhara for that mole,
Abjeez, dispel your wonderful advice upon my ancient eyes!
Abjee Fotti and Abjee Pari write:
Dear Mr. Persian Potion:
Thank you for your...errr...shall we say..."original" letter. From your
description of your physical prowess, you seem to us to be a follower of the tantric
sex movement, recently popularized in the West by celebrities such as Sting and Madonna.
Tantric sex is actually a very old and not so uncommon practice that consists of
sexual practices derived from the "Tantra", or Tantrism, a many branched
religious and cultural movement. Its principles are embodied in the "Tantras",
sacred scriptures that embrace bodily pleasure as a way to achieve bliss.
Tantric sex is concerned less with achieving union with the Divine, and more with
earthly goals such as opening up to higher levels of pleasure, becoming more in tune
with the interconnectedness of your and your lover's energies, and (for men) achieving
multiple orgasms without ejaculation. As self-styled "Tantric sex experts"
Charles and Caroline Muir put it, tantric sex is "the
art of conscious loving."
Sex is an important part of Tantra. In fact, sexual intercourse, or maithun,
is one of the five elements that make up the central tantric ritual of the "Five
M's": Madya (wine), Matsya (fish), M (meat), Mudr
(parched grain) and Maithun (sexual intercourse). The maithun rite
is a sacred procedure that can consist of just as many hours of ceremonial preparation
as those of actual intercourse, which is often just as formal as the preparation.
Perhaps that explains why the sexual act takes you 2 to 3 hours. The act of sex
is very symbolic, as partners embrace not as mortals, but as manifestations of the
God (Shiva) and Goddess (Shakti). Tantric sex is very
open and loving. There is delight, since the whole object is to generate bliss through
physical means.
Tantric sex was injected into our collective unconscious during the sexual revolution
of the 1960s and 1970s, when all things sexual and exotic were in vogue. Today, many
high profile celebrities like the above-mentioned Sting and Madonna boast of their
physical prowess due to their adherence to Tantric principles. So why not teach your
intimate partners so that they can keep up with you and enjoy a longer and more pleasing
sexual experience?
If you are a dedicated tika with years of study and practice,
and you are skilled in such things as activating the seven chakras, awakening
the kundalin "hakti", employing mudr (symbolic hand gestures)
and meditation, then you might be able to achieve enlightenment through the ritual
sex practices of Tantra. If, however, you learned tantric sex through a book, instructional
video or a weekend intensive in Hawaii, then you will probably not achieve enlightenment.
However, you may enjoy a more blissful union with your lover.
We hope this has been helpful to you.
Best regards,
Abjee Pari and Abjee Fotti