Ahmad Sadri
Department of Sociology and Anthropology
Lake Forest College
555 North Sheridan Road
Lake Forest, Il 60045
1988New School for Social Research, New York, New York
Ph.D. with honors, Sociology
Dissertation title:
The Sociology of Intellectuals: Max Weber.
1980New School for Social Research, New York, New York
M.A., Sociology
1976Tehran University, Tehran, Iran
M.A., Sociology
Thesis title:
The Political Elite in the Qajar Period.
1974Tehran University, Tehran, Iran
B.A., Sociology
Thesis title: Movie Advertisements as an Indicator of Changing Social Values
in Iran: 1953- 1973.
Honors and Awards
1999 Bird Award for Intellectual Contributions
to the Campus Community at Lake Forest College.
1997 American Center for Oriental Research (ACOR/USIA) Post-Doctoral Fellowship,
Amman, Jordan, February-August, 1997.
1994 William L. Dunn Award for Excellence in Teaching and
Scholarly Promise, Lake Forest College.
1993 United Nations Development Program award of teaching under the auspices
of Transfer of Knowledge Through Expatriate Nationals (TOKTEN Phase II) Plan
for five weeks in Iran.
1990 National Endowment for Humanities summer seminar participant, University
of Chicago.
1981 Ph.D program Fellowship for Democratic Studies Awarded by the New School
for Social Research, New York.
1978-81 Ph.D Program Scholarship in Sociology Awarded by Farabi University. Tehran,
for Advanced Study in Sociology at the New School for Social Research.
1989-99Center for Middle Eastern Studies, University
of Chicago
1986-99American Sociological Association
1997-99Society for Iranian Studies
Academic Experience
2002- Professor of Sociology and Anthropology, Lake Forest College
2001- Chair, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Lake Forest College
1994-2000 Associate Professor of Sociology, Lake Forest College
1988-94 Assistant Professor of Sociology, Lake Forest College.
Subjects taught:
*Introduction to Sociology and Anthropology
*History of Social thought
*Sociological Theory and Explanation
*Political Sociology
*Intellectuals and Society
*Social Structure and Culture Through Film
*Self and Social Interaction: Freshman Seminar
*Sociology of Civilizations: Senior Seminar
*Greece in Bronze Age
*Different Approaches to Religion, Graduate Seminar
Summer 95-98Visiting Professor of Sociology, Imam Sadegh University, Tehran,
Subject Taught: *Sociology of Religion
Summer 93Visiting Professor of Sociology, Tarbiat Modarres University, Tehran,
Subject Taught: *Sociology of Religion
Fall 92 Visiting Professor of Sociology, University of Tehran, Iran
Subject taught: *Sociological Theory
Visiting Professor of Sociology, Allameh Tabatabaie University, Iran
Subject taught: *Qualitative Methodology of the Social Sciences
Visiting Scholar, Institute for Research in Planning and Development, Tehran,
Iran. Research project: The Role of Iranian Intellectuals in Social and Economic
1988-93 Associate Editor, International Journal of Politics, Culture and Society
1987-89 Student Advisor for the Sociology Department
Graduate Faculty of the New School for Social Research
1986-88 Lecturer, Kean College, New Jersey
Subjects taught:*Introduction to Sociology
*Development of Social Theory
1983-87 Participant, Staff Seminar in the Sociology Department,
New School for Social Research
1982-87 Founder and Organizer of CRITICA, New York, a Citywide Forum for Interdisciplinary
Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences
1980-81 Lecturer, Paterson College, New Jersey
Subject taught:*Introduction to Sociology
1977-78 Lecturer, Farabi University, Tehran, Iran
Subject taught:*Political Sociology
1977-78 Lecturer, Abu-Reihan University, Tehran, Iran
Subject taught:*Sociology of Education
1975-78 Lecturer, Tehran College of Educators, Tehran, Iran
Subjects taught:*Sociology of the Family
*Sociology of Leisure
1975-78 Research Assistant, The Planing and Budget Organization, Tehran, Iran
Research topic: The impediments to the Rise of the Bourgeoisie in Iran. Supervisor:
Dr. Ahmad Ashraf.
Invited Engagements
2002 Invited commentator in the International Conference "Hierarchy
and Power in the History of Civilizations, organized
by Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of
Sciences. July 4-7, 2001. The daylong panel is dedicated
to examining my theory of civilizational imagination
proposed in my 1998 article (Item number 2 in the list
of my publications.)
2002 Invited to deliver a series of four seminars for the faculty at the College
of Lake County. The series entitled The Milieus and Provenance of Terrorism is
sponsored by the Learning and Teaching Center at the College of Lake County.
April 6th, 13th, 20th and 27th.
2002 Invited to deliver a lecture at College of Lake County, South Shore on June
18th, 2002.
2002 Invited to deliver the Annual Yale Maria Lecture at the University
of New Hampshire. March 6th, 2002.
2002 Invited to deliver a lecture at Williams College entitled: Iran: From Rebellion
to Reform. March 5th, 2002.
2002 Invited to deliver a lecture at Roosevelt University entitled: Islamism
and Terrorism, February 6th, 2002.
2001 Invited to deliver a lecture at Harper College entitled: Terrorism, East
and West, November 5th, _2001.
2001 Invited to deliver a lecture at the College of Lake County entitled: Provenance
of the idea of terrorism in the Middle East, October 10th _2001.
2001 Invited to deliver a lecture at Shimer College entitled: Understanding Religious
Terrorism. October 12th, 2001.
2000 Invited speaker at Cultural Connections in Winnetka entitled From Ancient
Persia to Evolving Republic. On April 15, 2000.
1999 Invited speaker at the Seminar of University, Society and Islamic Culture,
November 28-29, Tarbiat Modarres University, Tehran, 1999.
1998 Invited speaker and featured participant, at
the conference entitled: "Inter-ethnic Coexistence:
Shaping Education for an Emerging Global Field",
sponsored by Brandies University, March 29, 1998
1997 Invited speaker at the Mo'tah University, Jordan, July 6, 1997.
1994 Invited speaker at the international conference entitled: "The Artist
in Society: Rights, Roles, and Responsibilities, October 1994, School of
the Art Museum of Chicago, Sponsored by The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur
Foundation and The Art Institute of Chicago. October 13-15, 1994.
1994 Invited speaker at "Faithworks Seminar" sponsored by the
National Council of Churches at Purdue University, July 1994.
1993 Keynote speaker at "Meeting Grounds" Sponsored by "Culture
in Action," "Randolph Street Gallery" and "Lila Wallace-Reader's
Digest International Artists Program." November 1993.
1993 Invited speaker at the conference entitled: Under Siege: Islam and Democracy, Sponsored
by Columbia University, Middle East Institute, June 1993.
1993 Invited speaker at the Bielefeld University Seminar on Sociology of Development,
January 1993.
1990 Invited speaker at an interfaith round table sponsored by the Church of
the United Nations, the Temple of Understanding, October 1990.
Recent Media Presentations
2002 Invited guest of Hamid Tehrani of the BBC on
the Evening Persian Service, December 4th, 2002.
2002 Twice Invited guest of Amir Mossadegh Katuzian at Radio Liberty (Voice of
America) Prague, September 28 and October 11, 2002
2002 Invited commentator on the news show on WKRS 1220 AM, September 12, 2002.
2002 Twice invited guest of Farangees Rahimi on a show entitled: Iranian Religious
Intellectuals at the French Radio International Persian Service, August 26, 2002
and November 1st, 2002. The latter was also reported in two Iranian dailies Hayat-e
Now and Iran on November 3rd, 2002.
2002 Invited guest of Sholeh Sadre on a show entitled: Democracy and Islam at
Sydney Broadcast System (SBS), Australian Persian Service, July 9th, 2002.
2002 Invited guest of Laura Knoy at the National Public Radio show The
Exchange (WBUR, New Hampshire) on March 26th 2002.
2002 Six times Invited guest of Jerome McDonald at the National Public Radio show "World
View" on January 15th and March 26th September 5th, September 27th, November
18th, December 10th2002,
2001 Five times invited guest of Jerome McDonald at the National Public Radio show "World
View" on January 22nd, April 11th, June 11th, September 27th, and October
31, 2001.
2000 Seven times invited guest of Jerome McDonald at the National Public Radio show "World
View on January 10th, February 2nd and 18th, April 26th, March 14th, July 10th
and August 30th. 2000.
1999 Five times invited guest of Jerome McDonald at the National Public Radio show "World
View" on August 14th, September 17th, September 30th, October 28th and,
November 12th, 1999.
1998 Six times invited guest of Jerome McDonald at the National Public Radio show "World
View, September 21st October 21st, June 19, March 6thrd and, March 23rd.
1998 Invited guest of Grechen Helfrich at the WBEZ, National Public Radio
show "Odyssey"1998 March 6th.
Invited guest of Jerome McDonald at the WBEZ, National Public Radio show "World
View," December 22nd.
Invited especial guest at the half-hour interview program "Encounter," Jordanian
Television, Channel 2, August 15th, 1998.
Weber's Sociology of Intellectuals, New York: Oxford University Press,
1992. Selected as one of the "outstanding academic books" of 1993 by Choice
Magazine, January 1994.
Book ñ translated from Persian, edited with an
Freedom and Democracy in Islam: Essays by Abdolkarim
Soroush, New York, Oxford University Press 2000,
Co-translator: Mahmoud Sadri
Book ñ translated from Arabic
I am the One Who Saw. Under review at the
University of Arkansas
1- "Varieties of Religious Reform in Iran", Politics,
Culture and Society, Winter 2001, Volume 15, Number
2- "Civilizational Imagination and Ethnic Coexistence", in: Handbook
of Inter-ethnic Coexistence, Continuum Press, 1998.
3- "Searchers: The New Iranian Film", Brochure of the Chicago Film
Festival, 1997.
4- "Doppleganger: Twins' Disruption of the Assumptions of Constancy and
Uniqueness of Self in Everyday Life," Symbolic Interaction, Summer
1994, Volume 17, Number 2, Co-author: Mahmoud Sadri.
5- "Adjusting to the World According to Salman Rushdie," in: The
Subversive Imagination: Artists, Society, and Social Responsibility, editor:
Carol Becker (New York: Routledge, 1994).
6- "Reinventing the Wheel of Democracy: An Exercise in Intercivilizational
Exchange," in Under Siege: Islam and Democracy, editor: Richard W.
Bulliet (New York: Columbia University Middle East Institute, 1994).
7- "The Second Death of the Soul of the Salesman," Politics, Culture
and Society, Vol.5, No.1, Winter 1992.
8- "What Rushdie Wrote and Wrought," Politics, Culture and Society,
Vol.4, No.3, Spring 1991.
9- "A Business Ethics for Post Liberal Capitalism" Politics, Culture
and Society, Vol.1, No.4, Summer, 1988.
10- "Intercultural Understanding: Leo Strauss and Max Weber". Politics,
Culture and Society, Vol.1, No.3, Spring 1988. Coauthor: Mahmoud Sadri.
11- The above article is reprinted as a chapter in The Living Legacy of Marx,
Durkheim and Weber: Applications and Analysis of Classical Sociological Theory
by Modern Social Scientists. New York: Gordian Knot Books, 1998).
12- "Max Weber and The Southwest German School: Remarks on the Genesis of
the Concept of the Historical Individual," Politics, Culture and Society,
Vol.1, No.1, Fall 1987.
13- "The Mantle of the Prophet: A Critical Postscript," State, Culture
and Society, Vol.1, No.3, Spring, 1985. Co-author: Mahmoud Sadri.
14- "Max Weber's Sociology of Religion as a Sociology of Intellectuals," State,
Culture and Society, Vol.1, No.2, Winter 1985.
Book Reviews
1- "Islam between Politics and Culture," Middle Eastern Studies
Association Bulletin, July 2002, Forthcoming.
2- "Fragile Resistance," Middle Eastern Studies Association Bulletin,
Volume 28, Number 1, July 1994.
3- "Intellectuals and Politics," Social Forces, Volume 17, Number
3, March 1994.
4- "Religious Regimes and State Formation: Perspectives in European Ethnology," Sociological
Analysis, Vol.53, No.4. Winter 1992.
5- "Holy Wars: the Rise of Islamic Fundamentalism," Sociological
Analysis, Vol.51, No.3, Fall 1990.
Publications in Persian
The Necessity of Reviving The Concept of Civilization in Social Sciences,
Tehran: Hermes and Center for the Dialogue of Civilizations, 2001
1- "Who Lost the World", Aftaab,
September 2002. Translated from English by Amirhossein
2- "Odysseus or Achilles", Hamshahri, September 27, 2001. Translated
from English.
3- "Fundamentalism Against the Modern State", Kian, Vol. 8,
No.45, February /March 1999.
4-"The Making of Foreign Policy in the United States", Round Table
Discussion, The Middle East Studies Quarterly, Volume 5, Number 3 & 4,
Fall, 1998.
5- "Religious Pluralism", Kian, Vol.5, No.28, Dec/Jan 1995-96
6- "Huntington's Apparition of Clashing Civilizations" in: Huntington
and his critiques, Tehran: Institute for Research in Foreign Policy, 1995.
7- "Max Weber and his Research Project", Houzeh va Daneshgah,
Vol. 1, No.4, Fall 1995.
8- "Max Weber and intercultural Understanding", Houzeh va Daneshgah,
Vol.1, Winter 1994.
9- "Round table discussions about Postmodernism", Kian, September
10- "The Consequences of Ideologizing Religion", Kian, September
11 - "An Introduction to Intellectuals", Kian, July 1993.
12- "Round table discussions about Ideology and citizenship", Hamshahri,
March 1993.
13- "Round table discussions about intellectuals and development", Hamshahri,
April 1993.
14- "Morality and Family in Ancient Persian texts", Tehran College
of Educators Press, Tehran 1977.
15- "Alienation and the Sociology of Leisure" Tehran college of Educators
16- "Political Elites in the Qajar Period," M.A thesis University of
17- "The Intellectuals, "Azarakhsh, The Faculty of Economics Journal,
University of Tehran, 1974.
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