The United States and the Islamic World: Challenges and prospects
Ali Akbar
August 29, 2005
The Muslim world's negative perception of America has been a
consistent challenge for the US foreign policy since the invasion
of Afghanistan in October 2001 and Iraq in March 2003. The 2004
reports of instances of abuse and torture of prisoners in Abu Gharib
and Guantanamo Bay have simply magnified this negative image.
does this negative image imply for the reconstruction of Afghanistan,
the continued occupation and reconstruction of Iraq, the conflict
between Palestinians and Israelis, and the future of nuclear
standoff with Iran?
The expanding pool of potential Muslim recruits for
terrorism against the United States is now a major long-term
threat to US security and prosperity and has created serious financial
and security problems for the US all over the world. Recent polls
and studies show that the majority of Muslims believe that Americans
are indifferent to their suffering, whether in Iraq or Palestine.
They believe that the United States has equated Islam with terrorism
and that the war on terror is a cover for the war on Islam.
What are the causes of anti-Americanism in the world in general
and in the Muslim world in particular? Is the negative perception
of the United States, and subsequent negative relationship with
Muslim populace, due to specific US policies or the nature of Islamic
culture? To what extent have the inconsistencies of US objectives
and priorities in taking the war on terror to Iraq contributed
to the deterioration of her relationship with the Arab world and
larger Muslim population beyond the Middle East?
Under what circumstances
and with what conditions will the United States, as a world hegemon
and the strongest supporter of Israel in the Middle East, be
able to win the hearts and minds of Muslims around the world,
in the Middle East? Is it possible for the United States to establish
positive relationships with the Islamic world, maintain strong
support for the security and prosperity of Israel, and secure
her political and economic interests in the Middle East?
Are there
ways to prosecute the global war on terror and to improve the
of the United States and the world without making the Muslim
world more insecure and besieged? Is the tension between the
United States
and the Muslim world due to a clash of civilization or lack
of civilizational understanding and dialogue?
The 2005 Sagan National Colloquium at Ohio Wesleyan University
has invited distinguished policy and academic experts, prominent
politicians involved with the Middle East, and Muslim scholars
to reflect upon the above issues in order to further our understanding
of relationships with the Muslims and our perception of Islam.
Dealing with various aspects of this broad topic, these experts
will approach these issues from opposing points of view and help
us to have a better foundation for establishing a peaceful dialogue
between the people and leaders of the two worlds.
The colloquium offers 20 public lectures, 3 panel discussions,
two performances, and 5 films, starting on Monday, September 12,
2005 and ending on Tuesday, November 15, 2005. For full information
about events, speakers, and times, please visit
Also see schedule
Ali Akbar Mahdi is Professor at the Department of Sociology
and Anthropology in Ohio Wesleyan University.