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February 2006

February 28

* Hejab in Iran
* Video: Ronaldinho: Great goal
* Video: Beavers: Tasteless restaurant

February 26

* Wackiest street name: Psycho Path
* Creation vs Evolution

February 24

* The sea of sadness has no shore...
* Boz boze aghdi: Sudan man forced to 'marry' goat
* Video: Can your cellphone do THAT?
* Video: Sumo wrestling

February 23

* Music: DJ Mazhabi: Abolfazl!
* Video: Frank Caliend does Bush on Letterman
* Video: Cork soakers

February 22

* Video: Football violence
* Ya Ali!
* Video: Cute kid, expensive dream
* Heaven
* Brothers take over sisters
* Video: Eye-Fi

February 21

* No to Noruz
* Persian textbooks with local flavor
* While you were sleeping
* Video: Kharriyat in action
* Video: Foti's Angels: Iranian women police
* Video: Use birth control
* Video: Always wear a seat belt
* Olé indeed

February 20

* Video: Bush stand-up comedy

February 16

* Song: Cheney had a gun!
* Video: Laughter: All together now
* Islamic Academy Awards

February 15, 2006

* Video: Bush slips & tells the truth
* Video: I'm hungry, mummy

February 14, 2006

* Video: Dick Cheney hunting accident

February 13

* Video: Why men need to shave
* Video: We are SINKING!
* Video: Nice shot grandma!
* Video: Bad day at work

February 10

* Video: Hindu Santa

February 9

* Video: Jealous cows

February 8

* Video: Kidding! Mohammad cartoons
* Video: Mohammad, mo problems
* Hojatoleslam Marmoolak
* President Bush's energy policy

February 7

* Video Hazer ghayeb: Rowan Atkinson
* Toiletry: Rostam ol-Tavaarikh

February 6

* American soldier with Iranian map of Middle East
* Danish pastry now "Mohammadi floral pastry"
* Video: Ladies! Enjoy....

February 3

* Fish dumber than you imagined

February 2

* Rostam ol-Tavarikh in the toilet
* Wanted: Daad zan

February 1

* Video: Karma: Dokhtar irooni attitude, with a twist
* Ahmadinejad's aggressive posture towards the West

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