Why shouldn't the free world accept
an interim
for Mesopotamia
to have a loose federation of six republics?
May 16, 2005
Some of us as internet authors have the advantage of being
able to adjust our writings with time in order to make the same
a more appealing or convincing wordings. However, I am wondering
if Salman Rushdi was an internet author, would he have bothered to
reformulate his thoughts on Satanic Verses to make the same
point without having the challenges he faced! Last summer I wrote
an article
on Mesopotamia and its republics (while the US candidates were
preparing for the election). In a review I noted it needed much
like many other writings. Following is a modified version of the
essay and a reflection on how ones thoughts on a particular issue
might evolve or change with time.
Election years are good years to remind politicians to work toward noble ideals.
Due to suppression of basic human rights, my identity as a previous citizen of
Iran progressively became unimportant to me. Now as a privileged US citizen it
will be unfortunate not to take advantage of free speech in this melting pot
of free people.
Under the pressure of its opponents, the current American administration
still seems to be ignorant in helping Kurdish people to fulfill their dreams,
although Kurds, with their limited resources, have welcomed America the
most in their adventure to eliminate tyrannies in the Middle East.
I am deeply saddened
that the Kurds in their homeland, divided by four artificial borders, have
no national rights, despite having all criteria to be an independent
The "brave new world", America, represents a significant component
of the global civilization, a civilization that the West can no longer
claim as its own exclusively. Although the Left and Right in this
have damaged humanity to a certain degree, they both have made
great contributions
to the evolution
our minds.
Usually one becomes a target of certain accusations by the Left
or the Right for being or not being involved in some thing. Blaming
others is the easiest
way to deal with difficulties. I could blame the US military for not liberating
Iraq first via welcoming Kurdistan with peaceful means. I could blame them
for not pulling the troops back to welcoming Kurdish area for mutual
since many Shiites and Sunnis prefer Americans to leave.
I could also blame
the US for not leaving the fundamentalists in South Iraq to go
through evolutionary
stages and like many Iranians and Afghanis learn from their mistakes, so
they reach renaissance, make spirituality become only a private
matter, and say no
to mixing religion and state once and forever. I could even blame the
US for giving the wrong message that it is fine that every country,
regardless of history
is, "indivisible and
under god". I could blame
the US for forgetting the true meaning of freedom,
justice, and equality.
However, if I ask a simple question of why events
such as the Iraq War happened in the Middle East and not in another
part of
the world, only the Middle Eastern
societies come to my mind to blame! With this in mind, I still think the
Middle East would gradually become a better place because of what
the US has pushed
for! Putting it frankly, which other country could bring the chance
for true change if it was not
for the US, which has been described by some envious
smaller Satans as the "Great Satan"?
Since the United Nations has
currently proven itself as inefficient, or too biased by the influence
of dominant ethnic groups, many Kurds have lost their faith in
the world body and
sided with the US during
the peak of the conflict between the two. Now a true alliance with the
free world, which by default is capitalistic and under the leadership
of United States, is
the hope of those Kurds, whose goals are freedom, independence, and membership
in an unbiased United Nations.
This "brave new world"
capitalism may have an ugly side, but one of its reasonable ideals is to
create an atmosphere for individuals to have
opportunities to do their best in a free market economy! I am wondering why
such an ideal that is legitimate for individuals should be illegitimate
for societies.
I am wondering why the perceived taboo of territorial integrity should not
be broken, so that the suppressed groups of poly-ethnic countries
could run their
own affairs and flourish as equal and independent nations.
I am wondering why
the US should not remain firm against all of those who violate basic human
rights, and assure further changes in the Middle East-hopefully
with peaceful means.
To me the Kurds are entitled to have a free independent state comprising
of all of their divided parts, or at least those in the Iraqi
part where they have suffered enough; it is time they fulfill
their dream.
I am wondering if a united Kurdistan is a still considered as
a premature demand to many. Why shouldn't the free world accept
an interim
for Mesopotamia
to have a loose federation of six republics to include: a Sunni Arab, a Shiite
Arab, an Assyrian, a Turcoman, and two Kurdish republics of Soran and Badinan?
Since Soranis and Badinani are not rivals any more, together they
seem to be able to function as one of the Republics of the
Such a federation
might stimulate other people in Arab countries, Palestine, Israel, Turkey,
Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, etc. to strive for a greater Middle Eastern
Federation that could unite with the rest of the world in the
future and protract what
the world civilization has achieved instead of letting it be destroyed
by fanatics of all religions and nationalities.
Kamal H. Artin, MD, is a member of:
- Kurdish American Education Society
- Kurdish National Congress of North America
- Kurdistan Referendum Movement