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Press review: Satrapi's "Persepolis" in French newspapers and magazines
Darius Kadivar
June 22, 2007
Marjane Satrapi and Vincent Paronnaud' film Persepolis is out for national release in France today June 27th 2007. The French Press unanimously hails the Cannes Jury Prize film as a masterpiece in its genre and see is not as animated cartoon but a film in its own right. [Trailers: 1 -- 2 -- 3 -- 4] From the Right Wing newspaper Le Figaro, to Left Wing Humanite and Liberation or Centrist Le Monde and last but not least Royalist (aka Monarchist and not to do with Segolène) Point de Vue Images Du Monde magazine ALL recognize the movie's qualities in breaking down stereotypes on Iranians and Iran and for its style that is inspired from Italian neo Realism to German Expressionist Cinema. The film is meant to become a summer blockbuster has already its aficianados amongst the comic book fans worldwide ever since the publication and translation of Marjane Satrapi's personal account of her experiences growing up in post Revolution Iran and in exile in Austria and France >>> Clippings
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Darius KADIVAR is a freelance journalist, film historian, and media consultant.