Peace jammers
Photo essay: Shirin Ebadi and co-Nobel Peace laureates work with youth and pass on the spirit, skills, and wisdom they embody
Pantea Beigi
September 18, 2006
Denver, Colorado -- Many believe that the times we are living in today are indeed the out cry of human injustice at its worst. Perhaps they are right and perhaps global poverty, global warming, lack of human security and many more are at their worst. But I can promise that none walked out the Magness Arena at Denver University with such feeling tonight.
This September15-17 ten amazing Nobel Peace Laureates including Ms. Shirin Ebadi have gathered in a historic conference shaped around the youth of our globe.
[[[Pictures of a communty project in Denver on the
day of the gathering and the conference itself ]]]
These amazing bodies have spend the recent year on dialogue of many emails, faxes... exchanged that have brought them together as one body standing for world peace. That's true. The 10 Nobel Peace Laureates have gathered together for the first time in the history of the United States to set out the action plan for the next ten years on the 12 themes they have picked as most crucial to present to the United Nations starting with their first U.N. meeting next week.
BBC World is planning two months of coverage of the laureates, started Sept. 1. The network also will run a 13-part documentary in 2007 that will follow each of the peace prize winners as they put their plan into action and head to the U.N. with them over the next 10 years!
I have had the honor and privilege of serving as one of the 300 mentors for the 3,000 high school students who have arrived from 31 different countries of the world! I’ve also had the honor and privilege of meeting with the laureates to discuss the call to action, to learn and receive their guidance as well as inspiration to keep moving forward with a dream for a better world. A dream fallowed by realistic action as Shirin Ebadi best put it in her speech tonight.
This weekend close to 3,000 “Peace Jammers” have gathered to fallow and uphold the call for action by each of the laureates.
About the Nobel Peace Laureates
Peace Jam is an international education program built around leading Nobel Peace Laureates who work personally with youth to pass on the spirit, skills, and wisdom they embody. The goal of Peace Jam is to inspire a new generation of peacemakers who will transform their local communities, themselves, and the world.
Archbishop Desmond Tutu was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1984 for his courageous leadership in efforts to find a nonviolent solution to the conflicts over the policy of apartheid in South Africa.
President Oscar Arias, current President of Costa Rica, was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1987 for his efforts to negotiate a peaceful resolution to the years of conflict and war in Central America.
Rigoberta Menchú Tum was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1992 for her work as a peaceful advocate of native Indian rights in Central America and for her leadership among indigenous peoples worldwide.
The Dalai Lama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1989 for his nonviolent efforts to resolve the Tibetan conflict and for his worldwide role as a man of peace and advocate for the environment.
Aung San Suu Kyi was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1991 for her nonviolent leadership of the democratic opposition in Burma, following the principles of Gandhi. She has been under house arrest since 1989.
Mairead Corrigan Maguire & Betty Williams were presented with the Nobel Peace Prize in 1977 for their efforts to create a grassroots movement to end the violence in Northern Ireland.
Jody Williams of the International Campaign to Ban Landmines (ICBL) was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1997 for her work in creating an international treaty to ban landmines and for the clearing of anti-personnel landmine fields.
Adolfo Pérez Esquivel was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1980 for his leadership for human rights and true democracy for the people of Latin America.
José Ramos-Horta was presented with the Nobel Peace Prize in 1996 for his sustained efforts to end the oppression of the East Timorese people.
Shirin Ebadi was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2003 for her efforts for democracy, peace, and women's rights in the Middle East.
This morning we were blessed with his holiness The Dalai Lama's key note. It was an intimate and beautiful moment for each one of us. We asked questions, and he answered. Some with humor, some with deep breaths of sympathy while reflecting on the sad events of the world at the current time. The Dalai Lama kept true to his young spirit by making us laugh with the details of his life such as enjoying fixing his clocks since he does not know anything about fixing computers! He also kept true to his humanitarian spirit by sharing his thoughts on love, compassion at heart, respect and tolerance for all religions, all cultures and all people of the world.
Among the highlights of the night was of course Ms. Shirin Ebadi's voice in Farsi that shook in a very very deep place in my heart and went through my head twice as her translator repeated everything in English. Her words were amazing and the crowd was deeply moved, standing still clapping for her.
The Archbishop Desmod Tutu and The Dalai Lama both hugged Shirin Ebadi when she bowed down giving The Dalai Lama a beautiful Buddhist curtsey.
[[[Pictures of a communty project in Denver on the
day of the gathering and the conference itself ]]]
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