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Phoenix of political opposition
Iranian Solidarity Assembly in Paris draws democratic blueprint


June 20, 2007

Ever since the Islamic revolution in 1979 Iranian opposition groups, from both inside and outside of Iran, have searched for ways to oppose the Islamic Republic of Iran. The challenges they encountered disallowed them to perform adequately and gain the trust and acknowledgement of the Iranian people. Therefore their efforts to reach a political cooperation between the different opposition initiatives remained fruitless. Until today.

A group containing Iranians from different political ideologies, parties and ethnical backgrounds have reached a common ground on the basis of human rights and democratic values, in order to create a solid basis to reach a democratic alternative to the regime of the Islamic Republic of Iran. From June 15 th to June 17th 2007, the Iranian Solidarity Assembly gathered in Paris to draw the blueprint of their common objectives.

It was in Berlin two years ago (September, 2005) when the first steps were taken towards this Iranian Solidarity Assembly, within a small gathering containing representatives from different Iranian opposition parties. In this first gathering they drafted the Berlin Charter that described the political common ground of the Iranian Solidarity Assembly. This charter also states the basic values of the designated future constitution of a democratic Iran.

The participants of the Berlin gathering simultaneously started the organization of the second and larger gathering in London. In this gathering a larger representation of the Iranian opposition were represented, including representatives of different ethnical groups. In this gathering the participants used the Berlin Charter to design the future steps needed to move towards a National Institution.

The different committees that were shaped in the London gathering started active counseling with more Iranian political opposition groups from all different backgrounds. Their efforts to include a wide range of political and social representatives - both as organized parties as well as individual activists, authors, intellectuals, human rights activists, women's rights activists and student movement activists- proved successful. A total of 180 Iranians participated in the third gathering, the Iranian Solidarity Assembly, in Paris.

The participants of this Assembly drafted three charters, namely:

1) a charter describing the identity of the Assembly and its aims,
2) a charter describing the political statement of the Assembly, and
3) a charter describing the organizational structure of the Assembly and its future form.

The Assembly proceeded on an absolute democratic and inclusive mechanism and confirmed the three charters on the basis of majority of votes (50+1). The charters were submitted to alterations and suggestions of the present participants. The charter describing its organizational structure prescribed an election of a smaller representation of the Assembly, in the shape of a Council, with the mandate of all present participants of the Assembly.

This Council of 20 people, elected through a list- based election, has the responsibility to proceed the counseling role of the previous gatherings in order to include an even larger range of the Iranian opposition groups, on the basis of acceptance of the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights and respect of basic democratic values. The second responsibility of the Council is to start coordinating several working teams to reach the objectives described in the Assembly's political statement.

They will raise awareness about the objectives of the Assembly by, for example organizing meetings, demonstrations, counseling with international ngo's and news agencies. The different working teams will be coordinated professionally to perform research and report on different political and social subjects in order to create a substantive basis which will build the fundaments of a future National Institution, with the support and legitimacy provided by the people of Iran.  The Council of the Iranian Solidarity Assembly has stated as its objective to build the fundaments of an Iranian National Council, within the next couple of months.

It is then that the regime of the Islamic Republic of Iran will be confronted with the phoenix of the Iranian political opposition. Comment


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