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Student movement
Point of no return

April 4, 2000
The Iranian

The students who took to the streets in July of last year to demand greater freedoms received the third highest number of votes in our survey. Nearly 13 percent of the readers of The Iranian who took part in the survey said they deserved to be recognized as Iranians of the year. See comments below from readers. To see features and photos related to the student movement, click here.

Iranian of the year 1379/1999 main index

* Bloody shirt
* Wake-up call
* Democracy without violence
* Six reasons
* Meaning of courage
* Completing movement
* Chose freedom
* Rocked Islamic Republic
* Point of no return
* Idealism
* Prisoner of conscience
* Risked life
* Right cause
* Love of freedom
* Sincere

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* Bloody shirt

I think the Iranian of the year, should be Ahmad Batebi, the student whose image was on the cover of many international papers. This powerful image of a student holding a bloody shirt of his fellow beaten student is comparable to the image of Che Guevara which has been reproduced thousands, possibly millions of times. This picture, namely Batebi, in my opinion is a representation of all the struggles of the young generation of Iranians striving for democracy. It is also worth mentioning that he is still in jail and being tortured possibly even as I write this e-mail to you.


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* Rocked Islamic Republic

The student movement rocked the foundations of the Islamic Republic. Although it did not destabilize the government itself, it drove home the message to ALL government leaders that the staus quo was not acceptable and change was inevitable. The successful election of a reformist Majlis demonstrates that the message was heard lound and clear by some of those leaders. The student movement remains crucial, if the unelected figures who continue to control significant roles in the republic are to be removed from power.

Kourosh Parham

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* Wake-up call

The student movement was a wakeup call for the establishment.

Firooz Gidfar

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* Idealism

The student protestors in Tehran and other cities: For their idealism and dedication in demanding reform in the face of cynicism and fear.

Kaveh Niazi

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* Meaning of courage

My choice for Iranian of the tear would be the Iranian students for showing us all the true meaning of courage; and, for showing the world that the quest for freedom and progress shall always persist in Iran.

Nazenin Ansari

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* Prisoner of conscience

I vote for the symbolic student at last summer's uprising. If I have to mention a name, then, it is Manouchehr Mohammadi, the one who has been condemned to death. Every efforts MUST be made to eliminate his chances of getting executed, as he is simply a political prisoner of conscience.


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* Completing movement

The students are completing what my generation left unfinished. I wish there were something we could do for those who have been jailed.

Massoud Faghihi

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* Democracy without violence

The student movement made two things very clear for the whole world: 1. It exposed the corrupt and violent nature of the regime. 2. The youth of Iran want secular democracy through non-violent means. They did not fall for the trap set by right wing thugs, and they did not pay any attention to terrorists on the enemy's payroll in Iraq.


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* Sincere

The students are probably the most sincere of all others [working for reform].

Kiumarss Nasseri

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* Risked life

Definitely the students should be selected as the Iranians of the year. These brave souls are opposing one of most backward relegious dictatorship in the world today. They have have risked their life for democracy and justice for the people of Iran. Every democractic-minded Iranian person should support their struggle, and direct the world's attention on the thousands that are imprisoned in the Islamic dungeons in Iran.


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* Point of no return

They have shown us the point of no return, which is the path toward freedom and justice.

A. Basseri

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* Six reasons

The students are the Iranians of the year. Why? 1) They are our future, they are new voice from iran. they are going to change all political and cultural images of Iran in the world, 2) They are the new genaration who want to bring a democratic and civilized system, which we need for reform and development in our country, 3) This movement showed us that the Islamic regime has NO FUTURE, and that the new genaration want CHANGE, CHANGE, CHANGE, 4) They demonstrated a new political and cultural platform,which is revolutionary, democratic, modern, civilized, and acceptable worldwide, 5) The movement came as a shock to the old political parties and groups inside and outside Iran and said GOODBYE to all undemocratic political and ideological attitudes, 6) It is clear that the student movement's demands are what we wish for and the students are risking everything for freedom and democrasy and a modern and secular system.

Alex Anahita

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* Right cause

My choice is the students because of their great movement and their bravery for the right cause

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* Love of freedom

Students came to the streets and bravely shouted against evil. As opposed to all the other nominates, they did not have any motive except loving our country and freedom.


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* Chose freedom

The students chose freedom and human rights against theocracy!


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