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Iranian of the Year, 1998
Your choices as the most important people of the past year

Updated March 26, 1999
The Iranian

Comments from those who voted for...

* ... President Khatami
* ... the dissidents
* ... the national soccer team
* ... the reformist press
* ... film director Majid Majidi
* ... Activist Maryam Namazie
* ... Vice President Abdollah Nuri
* ... Singer Delkash
* ... Farah Pahlavi
* ... ten others

Last month emails were sent to more than 11,000 people on The Iranian mailing list asking them to send in their choice as the Iranian of the Year. For the second year in a row, President Khatami became the top choice. He received 34 percent of the vote.

The second highest vote (25 percent) went collectively to Dariyush and Parvaneh Foruhar, Mohammad Mokhtari, Mohammad Jafar Pouyandeh and other slain dissidents. The Iranian national soccer team came in third (12 percent), the moderate press in Iran fourth (6 percent), and film director Majid Majidi fifth (4 percent). About a dozen others received the remaining votes.

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