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Iranian of the Year

Photo by Nader Davoodi

Shadow of hope
Mohammad Khatami is the people's choice for the second year in a row

March 22, 1999
The Iranian

The following are comments in favor of President Khatami as the Iranian of the Year, 1998. He received the highest share of the votes with 34 percent. Each comment is from a different person. Names have been withheld to protect their identity:

* Back to the Iranian of the Year main index

* Shadow of hope
* New level
* Continues to push
* Not hiding faults
* Rarest of beings
* Proud to show passport
* Best solution
* Great promise
* Opportunity for democracy
* Stood by his word
* Positive change
* Coming out of isolation
* Ongoing reform
* I see changes
* Iran recovering
* One and only
* Civil society
* Moderate Islam
* Let us pray
* Changed our life
* Rule of law
* Feel honored
* Trying very hard
* WOULDN'T vote for him
* Like Lech Walesa
* Courage
* Like Gandhi
* 2nd Amir Kabir
* Moderate & intelligent
* Will determine future
* There's been a difference
* Modern state
* True hope
* Just love this guy
* Positive influence
* Listen without prejudice
* Hard job
* Best president ever
* Engine of change

* Back to the Iranian of the Year main index

Shadow of hope

His presence has given all of us Iranians around the world a shadow of a hope that maybe, after 20 years of injustice and corruption, Iran is moving in a positive direction. I realize times might get harder before we actually see any positive effects, but I believe the right steps are being taken.


New level

Khatami has taken Iran to a new level. The press are testing the boundaries of freedom of speech, singers such as Delkash are returning to the spotlight and Iran is slowly, but steadily becoming a more open and democratic society. Khatami has instilled hope in millions of Iranians and soon all his promises will become a reality.


Continues to push

Because he continues to push toward democracy and reform. For his understanding of our people needs, and his non-violent means under an extreme violent situation.


Not hiding faults

He is the only person in the government in the last 20 years who has tried to show the government's faults and correct them, instead of hiding them.


Rarest of beings

He is that rarest of beings, a politician with a strong moral center and the courage of his convictions.


Proud to show my passport

Because of him, now I can proudly show my Iranian passport all over the world. Now I can proudly vote for my country. Now I am proud of my vote on Khordad the 2nd, 1376.


Best solution

Although my heart is with Iranian nationalist champions (Dr. Mossadegh, the Foruhar's, and etc), I think President Khatami is the best solution to achieve democracy at the current time. His path might not be too much different from our nationalist champions.


Great promise

He has shown great promise in his words and actions. He is fighting an uphill battle to have the government be responsive to the will of the diverse people that live in Iran as opposed to smothering it.


Opportunity for democratic republic

Although all the other Iranian dissidents and freedom advocates have sacrificed much (including their lives), President Khatami is the one who has not allowed their sacrifices go unnoticed. He has walked a very fine line to wrestle more power away from the old guard, antagonizing this very paranoid group, and still accomplish his goals for bringing about a civil society in Iran. This is probably one of the most tangible opportunities for Iran in its entire history to evolve into a democratic republic. So far President Khatami has shown to be a very astute politician. I wish him and the Iranian nation all the luck in world.


Stood by his word

He stood by his word. Although facing criticism from outside and serious threats from inside, he did not alter his moderate views of change, and did not lose the control of his peaceful, yet well planned, policies.

If he continues this way, and gets rid of the radicals the way he is doing now (simply by showing their real face to the public), we shall soon have a real democracy based on our own ideas, not the ones exported from the west.


Peaceful reform

He is the hope of Iran for peaceful reform.


Feel honored

In every lifetime there is a slim chance that one can have a leader who won't be in the fray to interfere with people's affairs. Khatami is the one. Feel honored to have him in the leading position.


Trying very hard

Because he is trying very hard against all the opposition to make our country a better place and to open it up to the rest of the world and in turn hopefully earn the respect that Iranians deserve. I always pray for his success and well being.


WOULDN'T vote for Khatami

I tell you why I wouldn't vote for the Iranian president. He may be for reform but he's the Iranian people's servant and should be happy for the position the people have given and the confidence the people have shown him. I don't necessarily become elated with any kind of improvement of relations with the West. We have not had enough time and separation to be wise enough to have yet another relationship. Remember, we just finished a messy divorce, if you could call our relationship with the West a marriage. So let's not be rash and run to another dysfunctional relationship. Let's be happy with ourselves for a while before we jump into it.

Now, as far as I know this president has only one "higher" qualification over Mr. Rafsanjani, the old president, and that is his flirtation with the Western countries and the can't-wait-to-get-to-Iran-and-get-rich-gain intellectuals.

So lets wait, for heaven's sake.


Like Lech Walesa

It reminds me of Lech Walesa and Poland 20 years ago. How he brought the freedom back to the country without a bloodshed.



For his courage under fire.


Will determine future

The project that he has undertaken will determine, not only the fate of the Iranian nation today, but also its future direction and its position in the international arena for many years to come.


Like Gandhi

Khatami has done much for Iran in a non-violent way like Gandhi and I think he will continue in the same way.


2nd Amir Kabir

He is the 2nd Amir Kabir. All odds are against him, yet he marches on with his beliefs!


Coming out of isolation

The recent local elections in Iran proved that the majority of the people are in favor of his reformist policies. Also, at the international level, it was he who's the first Iranian head of state to travel to a couple of Western European countries; it's under his tenure that Iran is coming out of its isolationism.


Moderate & intelligent

My reason is because: he's a moderate leader, intelligent and fair! He's dealt with a few important issues and his main concern is actually the people of Iran. Keep up the excellent work and hard effort Mr. President! Inshaaalah, Iran will see light and a whole lot of other good things. Have faith and believe in Allah!


Positive changes

Because he is the only Iranian that is truly making positive changes for Iran.


Ongoing reform

For his ongoing reform project and his attempt to democratize Iranian politics.


I see changes

I see the changes, and I appreciate it.


Iran recovering

I believe president Khatami should be announced as Iranian man of the year, because,

i) He is trying to accomplish the jobs in Iran that, since Dr. Mosaddegh, and in particular over the past 20 years, nobody else has done or could have done; even though, one may say the political climate had already changed before he came to power.

ii) Iran, after twenty years of being known as a terrorist state, now is recovering its lost value; but this time, not being known for its rich people like as the Shah era, however, as a country in which people are struggling for freedom;

iii) He is a courageous and realistic man who doesn't want to do everything over night;

iv) He is really showing people how to bear their non-violent political opponents.


One and only

20 millions people elected him and I`m one of them! We need the person who can be our voice. Khatami the one and the only man who can do something for us and our freedom!


Civil society

With a great respect and salute to many other Iranians who work hard to bring pride and victory for Iran and Iranians, I would like to choose Mr. Khatami as the Iranian of the year. Nationally, Mr. Khatami is bringing positive changes to our society and politics inside Iran by pursuing his civil-society ideas and the rule of law. Internationally, he made an excellent proposal to the United Nation for naming the Year 2001 the YEAR FOR DIALOGUE BETWEEN CIVILIZATIONS. This shows how committed Iranians are to peace and dialogue.


Moderate Islam

I am pro-Islam, and in favor of an Islamic government. I might prefer hard-line rule but Islam is for the people, and the people of Iran in general are not very religious -- they went from the Shah to Khomeini with no transition. Thus, I think Khatami is the Iranian of the year because though he is favoring Islam, he is moderate, just, fair; he appeals to the people and keeps the Islamic government appropriate and within reasonable limits. I think he's doing the best job he can in a tough situation. May God Bless him for his efforts.


Rule of law

For his efforts for the establishment of the rule of law and recognizing people's rights.


Let us pray

Without any hesitation my vote will go for President Khatami. Let us not forget that a majority of Iranians in Iran voted for him as the beacon of hope for the future. Let us pray he lives...


Changed our life

Because he changed our life.


There's been a difference

I went to Iran about two years ago, right when President Khatami was elected and I went again last Christmas and actually saw the difference!


Free & modern state

My choice for the Iranian of the year is President Khatami for his great efforts to make Iran a free and modern state.


True hope

He seems to be the true hope for Iran as a whole.


I just love this guy

Because he chose a responsibility that the majority of us can't handle even for a day. I can not imagine how he sleeps at night with all the thoughts going on his mind. I feel sympathy for her wife too. She is sacrificing as much as the president himself. I just love this guy, I love every word he says, every move he makes.


Positive influence

He is the most influential leader, and is using his influence positively.


Listen without prejudice

Listen only to one of his speeches, listen with your heart and your mind and try for a moment to forget all your prejudices. If you have a passion for justice, not only political or economical justice, but a total human justice, you might see his importance in implementing the world's first modern system based on total human justice, and you will be proud that he is Iranian.


Hard job

For the hard job he has to do for changing the Iranian government's policies and what he has done up to now .


Best president ever

Because he is the best president that Iran has ever seen. He is our friend. He is the friend of the young people in Iran.


Engine of change

Because he is the engine behind whatever changes we see in the Iranian affairs. Although last year has been a very difficult year for him (economically, politically, and socially), he has steadfastly pressed ahead with his agenda of more freedom, tolerance for different points of view, openness to the extent possible in the current conditions, and resistance to the hardliners who have tried to block his moves in these directions.

All other categories also have high merits-- but we are talking about the Iranian of the year, whose impact is most felt on the life and well beings of all Iranians and humanity.


More comments

For his courage, openness (hopefully), democratic thinking. I hope he does not stop changing the rules/policies for betterment of Iran.


Never in the history of our country have we had such a movement as we have experienced during the past two years, and it happened on his watch.


I believe he is the person who is capable of redirecting our country to the right path.


There are many people to choose as the Iranian of the year. And the choices you have provided are outstanding. Iranian soccer players not only won a victory for Iran but won it for the third world! I was in Tashkent, Uzbekistan at the time and everyone there was watching THE game between Iran and the U.S.! What a feeling it was!

However, only one person came to my mind. This man has the courage to go against the will of orthodox and/or conservative way of thinking, while having the charisma and tact to deal with the established powers in a diplomatic and professional way. He has become a symbol of modern Iran and Muslim leadership. Therefore, I choose President Khatami as the Iranian of the year.


He is doing such a great job on emphasizing freedom of speech and human rights in Iran.


Mr Khatami again has overwhelmed us with his leadership and his political views and it is my pleasure to give my vote to him.


Brave Iranian of the decade.


He is sincere.


I love him.


He is a true freedom fighter.


Because of his courage to change.


He is for more freedom.


I respect him highly for his courage, patience and faith in helping Iran continue its evolution. Not anyone could have started what he has. He would need a lot of courage and support from the Iranians all over the world. I salute him and wish him all the best; and if one day I could do anything to help my country and to assist people like him I would with all my heart. May God be with him and guide him at all times.


President Khatami continues to impress me with his reform. He made a lot of Iranians proud again. The new elections are being seen as an important part of President Khatami's plans to take democracy to the grass roots.


I made this choice because he showed a lot of courage in introducing reforms which will affect the state of liberty and democracy in the country in the medium and long term.


Had it not been because of his humanitarian views on political reforms and his best attempt at the implementation of the law, whether the law is just or not, many of the other important issues such as the press freedom and the recent murders would not have come to light.

I vote for him to be the Iranian of the year so that the world can see moderation, freedom, civil liberty and democratic laws -- things the Iranians have always wanted. President Khatami is not the ideal candidate. This is a start.


He injected a new and fresh atmosphere in our society. He flourished the hopes of youth and gave the intellectuals the opportunity to express themselves freely. He is a great reformer whose name will be carved in our history.


His actions are affecting the majority of the Iranian population and for the longest time to come.


My choice for the Iranian of the year is President Dr Mohammad Khatami because not only because he symbolizes outstanding political and social reforms which has been brought about in the Iranian society but also because of his doctrine, vision and wisdom is the main engine for these developments.


He is the only Iranian politician who knows exactly what is going on.


He has made many great changes for Iranians. Also he has and is continuing to relieve some of the pressures on the youth. There are many reasons why I would elect him for Iranian of the year.


I chaos Mr. Khatami as Iranian of the year because he has continued to press for reforms despite his troubles and is the leader of Iran's movement towards a civil society.


I think he is a great leader and he is improving democracy in the our country.


I made this choice because it seems like in spite of all the pressure from the fanatic right and the people who are working in his government, he is trying to introduce a new improved image of the country and the people of Iran to the rest of the world, especially the Western countries through a series of intellectual moves.


To honor 20 millions of Iranian voters and because of his efforts to make an open society in today's Iran.


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