Reza Pahlavi, mayor of Karaj?
Test run
Reza Pahlavi should fly to Tehran
By Omid Ashraf
January 31, 2001
The Iranian
I read "Citizen
Pahlavi" and must say I wholeheartedly agree. But I have a few
First though, I must say the general rhetoric and timing sounds an awful
lot like those times when Reza's father was about to be re-instated. With
"W" in the White House (let us not forget that George Sr. was
the head of the CIA during our tormented times) and the Cold-War team in
charge of U.S.-Iran relations, the whole thing seems a little too familiar.
But that's just too crazy. Back to my suggestions.
Aqa Reza should approach this like starting a new business. The premise
being: "Will the people of Iran buy my product, that is, do they want
a government that will revive their rich history and gloried past?"
Being the grandson of a colonel who took over Iran by force, I think
it might be stretching it a bit, but I could be wrong. With the right PR
and advertising, it just might work. (I mean let's be honest: don't we
all miss the pets.com puppet?)
In order to market his product, I suggest a limited test-run or a focus-group
approach to see what the consumer response is.
He should fly to Mehrabad, and very carefully open the door of the plane.
If he hears several "POP! POP!, Poppity-POP! POP!s" he should
close the door and return to Virginia, as quickly as possible.
This will be an indication that his product needs major modifications
and a whole new ad-campaign will be required.
If he does not hear any "POP!" sounds, he should get off the
plane (quickly) and proceed to run for political office -- let's say --
the mayor of Karaj. This would be the first test to see how well his product
does in the Iranian consumer market.
Once he has proven the value, usefulness and quality of his product,
he can push it a little further. Like becoming the mayor of Qazvin, or
a member of Majlis from Gilan. Eventually he could become the president
where he could finally live in his old home again. Or close by.