Iran-U.S.: Sit down and talk
April 1997
The Iranian
On April 2, 1997, those on THE IRANIAN TIMES mailing list were invited to share their thoughts on the state of relations between Iran and the U.S. They were asked to respond to a number of questions and makecomments. The results of the poll follow. Click here to read their comments.
Number of persons on mailing list ........ 1,475
Number of those outside Iran ............. 1,460
Number of respondents to the poll ........ 115
* Should Iran and the U.S. hold direct talks and resolve their disputes?
%87 .......... Yes
%9 .......... No
%4 ......... Not sure
* Do you think Iran and the U.S. will hold direct talks in...
%41 .......... Three years
%29 .......... Six months
%21 .......... One year
%4 ......... Never
%3 ......... No response
%2 ......... Not sure
* Which country is more at fault for the existing animosity?
%48 .......... Both are equally at fault
%29 .......... U.S.
%17 .......... Iran
%4 .......... Not sure
%2 .......... No response
* Is the conflict between Iran and the U.S...
%77 .......... A conflict between two governments and not their people
%13 .......... A conflict between Islam and the West
%6 .......... You are not sure
%4 .......... No response
* Which is the WORST action by the U.S.? (Choose only one)
%37 .......... The 1953 CIA coup that overthrew Dr. Mosaddeq's government
%32 .......... Leaning toward Iraq in the war against Iran
%13 .......... Blind support for Mohammad Reza Shah for too long
%10 .......... Trying to destabilize the Islamic Republic
%8 .......... No response
* The takeover of the U.S. embassy in Tehran in November 1979 and the taking of American hostages was...
%72 ......... Unjustified, no matter what the circumstance
%21 ......... Justified reaction of an angry nation
%7 ......... No response
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