A raw deal
The Shah and the Ayatollah six months before the revolution
June 17, 2003
The Iranian
Bahramian served as a negotiator between late Mohammad Reza Shah
Pahlavi and the nationalist opposition hoping
for a smooth transition of power and implementing democracy in
the country in 1970s. His role lasted for 8 years, leading to the
end of monarchy
in February 1979.
Following the Black Friday massacre (September
8, 1978), Bahramian and other nationalists tried to avoid a
bloody revolution by encouraging the Shah to end
his absolute rule and speed up free elections. In Renaissance dar Iran: Roshangari Zavaayaa-ye
Taarik-e Enghelaab-e Bahman 1357 (Published by Center for
Technology Management, Rockville, Maryland, 2001), Bahramian,
who now lives
DC, has described revealing details from talks with the Shah
as well as nationalist/religious figures of the time.
the revolution, as political advisor to Prime Minister Mehdi
Bazargan, Bahramian was in charge of foreign
contacts, including negotiations with US officials during
the hostage crisis. He also worked in a committee to draft
a new constitution, which was dismissed by Ayatollah Khomaini.
Excerpt from his book:

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