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November 1999 index Letters index
Letters sent to The Iranian in previous months

* Khomeini:
- Delplored life, glorified death
- Integrity
- Near irreproacheable life
- Erotic Sufi tradition
- Questioning false beliefs
- Erotic literature not rare

- Humiliating chadoris
- Nature of the beast

* Iran-U.S.:
- Reverse situation

- How confused we were
- Think first
- So far in the past

- Tired of chants
- Thinking small
- Easy to be ignorant

* Inetrnet:
- Delighted

* Shah:
- Bravo
- Impressive

* Diaspora:
- Becoming stronger

* Concert:
- When will we learn?

* Ferdowsi:
- Politically informative
* Thanksgiving:
- More thankful than Americans
- Was even willing to convert

* Abadan:
- Strange experience
- Predictable behavior
- What am I?
- Antipodean air!

- Essalat!
- Whine fest
- Bahai concern

* Conspiracy:
- Shame on us

* Iranians:
- Say something POSITIVE

* Halloween:
- Haaloo

- Frustration
- Mocking the chador
- Happiness in their eyes

- Bii yoo tii fool
- Francis Bacon
- Taking credit
- Shameful

* Nostalgia:
- Dubai ahead of us

November 30, 1999

* Delplored life, glorified death

In response to Mehrdad's letter:

Some people may think of Khomeini as a true fundamentalist who was acting on pure Islamic values without any regard to human rights or interanationally respected democractic principles ["Lunch with Khomeini"]. But, the fact is that Khomeini knew the power of religion over the unedcuated masses, and he used that to the utmost of his abilities.

Altough mainsream Islam is based on self sacrifice and obedience to religious authorities, the barbaric manifestations of vengenace killing (qasas) and many other facets of these extremely reactionary rules which belong to 7th century desert bedoiuns has lost its validity in most of the Islamic countries.

Khomeini was able to revive the most backward, ill conceived notions of shite religion. He used ex- SAVAK agents , hooligans, and many of the mollas that used to be on the payroll of SAVAK to crush the legitimate political oppositions.

Most political opposition groups in Iran refrained from criticizing the extremely backward reactionary teaching of Khomeini. They thought that such a criticism may isolate them from the masses. Iranian history has seen many dictators, and bullies, but no one has been as blood thirsty, hateful, unashamedly hypocite as Khomeini.

To call Khomeini as a man who only acted upon his fundamentalist view is a critical mistake; he delplored life, he glorified death. A man who initially claimed he did not want to have any role in politics, established one of the bloodiest and violent religious dictatorships in the world.

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* More thankful than Americans

In response to, "What are you thankful for?"

You should be thankful that you are living in the United States, and not anywhere else in the world.; thankful for the freedom that you are provided to breath freely; thankful for walking in the streets without fear of paasdaars, thankful for being able to look at hundreds of beautiful women of all ages; thankful that your daughter doesn't have to wear the chador and can get an education and have a future; thankful that you can publish your thoughts and ideas on the Internet without having to get permission from anyone; thankful that you can turn on the TV and radio and hear music; thankful that there is a huge bookstore in every neighborhood that you can go and browse hundreds of thousands of subjects; thankful that you can go to a bar and order a beer without fear; thankful for abundance in stores; thankful for cheap food of the highest quality; thankful for security...

Actually, come to think of it, as immigrants we have more to be thankful for than the natives. We were not born here, but we are extremely lucky and blessed to find ourselves not only out of Iran, but in the U.S., land of freedom and prosperity, like no other on earth.


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November 29, 1999

* Predictable behavior

So far as procrastination is concerned, there has not been a more powerful tool invented. I read your article ["The search"] with some interest as I, like many other young products of our time, have been coming to grips with assorted questions of identity. Although your article read well, it sounded more like an introduction to a thesis (a long-winded abstract perhaps) than a sharp inquisitive article. You suggest a hypothesis, which although sounds trendy is hard to define or justify, and then you fail to refer to it again...

... There is no specific handbook for being an Iranian or an exiled Iranian. However what you have failed to grasp here is that there is a pervasive pattern in each set which is easily defined based on various parameters including socioeconomic background, education and alike. So as you see, in most cases there is a predictable pattern of behavior which is governed by the competing and dominant forces in an individual's life ... FULL TEXT

Dariush Rafaei, PhD

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* Erotic Sufi tradition

In response to Rasool Nafisi's letter:

There are a few specific themes that I wish to explore in Sufi mysticism. The Prophet Mohammad was the starting point of Islamic mysticism; Rabi'a, as the founder of the theme of Sufi love; al-Hallaj, whose writings are the locus classicus of impassioned union; al-Ghazzali, as the clear-headed systematizer and reconciler of mysticism with orthodoxy; Ibn al-Farid, as the composer of what is perhaps the greatest erotic love poem in all of Sufi literature; Ibn al-'Arabi, as the supreme philosopher of the erotic in the Sufi tradition; and Rumi, as the exponent of love best-known to the West ["Let's not talk about sex"].

The earliest foundation of the theme of the erotic in Arabic poetry predates Islam. Poetry was the primary form of literature, indeed, the main form of artistic expression, of the jahiliyya period, circa 500-622 C.E. While there were a few different types of poetry, the qasida, or ode, was the only finished type. The qasida tended to have a fairly invariant structure: a nomad would stumble upon the remains of a desert camp and sing of its desolation. His loneliness would inspire him to recall his fondness for those who had once encamped there, and he would describe with great nostalgia the strength of his affection for his beloved and not infrequently would describe her in detail. This section of the poem is called the nasib, "erotic prelude." ... FULL TEXT

Dr Fereidoun Abbasi

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November 24, 1999

* Integrity

I wholeheartedly agree with K. Magardie's letter rejecting the notion that Khomeini collaborated with the SAVAK as portrayed in the article "Lunch with Khomeini".

I know many things went wrong when the late ayatollah was Iran's leader but it's totally irresponsible to label him a dishonest man. Overly orthodox, ardently religious yes, but dishonest or dirty never.

Like it or not, millions of Muslims around the world revere Khomeini. A large majority of Iranians, in spite of disagreements with him, still acknowledge the man's integrity and modesty.


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* Questioning false beliefs

The beauty of poetry is that you take what you want out of it. How one interprets poetry has more to do with your own self, than what the poet intended. So with that in mind, here is what I think.

I fully think it is a woman right to wear the hejab. And I understand what rape is about. Rape is violence toward women. But Iraj Mirza's poem is about questioning beliefs, the act of sex is a just a small portion of the overall poem. And I didn't see the violence at all.

I think this poem talks about a person believing in something (in this case the chador) and taking it out of context. In a way, controlling herself in a manner that is opposite of its nature. Iraj Mirza is arguing for the opposite, putting the wisdom of nature and human desires above a short-sited belief system.

What is interesting is that when your lady friend interprets the incident in this poem as rape, it shows that she understands the poem and rape as much as the woman in the poem understood the concept of the hejab. I guess, "we have NOT come a long way" from that time after all!

Daryoush Mehrtash

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November 23, 1999

* Strange experience

You can not do this to us! I was sitting here in front of the computer trying to get some work done and then I received The Iranian Times with all th Abadan photos. I could not work after looking at the pictures. I don't think any person who lived there could!

The pictures were so different from the last time I visited Abadan about nine years ago. At the time most places were unrecognizable because of the war damage.

No matter how it looked, the earth and the sky were there and the connection to the past was as present as it could be. I also went to 110 Braim. At the time they were working on the house. When we arrived nobody was there and the door was open. So I walked inside.

The walls had just been painted white. The rooms were all empty. I stood there in the small hallway next to the entrance door. It took me just a few seconds before I could see all the things that used to be there: the paintings, like the one of Persepolis and another one that was my favorite but I can't remember the name.

Needless to say, it was a strange experience being there. Even talking about it now, I can still feel it all.

Yassaman Mottaghipour

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* What am I?

Apropos of the census brief in The Iranian Times, I wonder if the magazine can ask a question that surely a lot of Iranians want to know the answer to -- what racial/ethnic category are we?

It seems to me that "Iranian" does not qualify because it encompasses a number of races and ethnicities. If I am not Kurdish or Turkish or Arab, what am I?

There's probably some professor somewhere who knows the answer, but I don't.

Gelareh Asayesh

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November 22, 1999

* Near irreproacheable life

I would like to voice my strongest disappointment at the article "Lunch with Khomeini". Given this is not the opinion of The Iranian, but how such drivel could be printed in an otherwise excellent magazine, astonishes me.

First of all, the supporters of the Shah's regime, ex-SAVAK types inclusive, would just love it if it appeared as though the Islamists were in fact collaborators. Certainly, a great many were on the payroll. But this sensationalist attempt to brand Ayatollah Khomeini as an opportunist smacks of pure, unadulterated fabrication of history... FULL TEXT

K. Magardie (Ms)

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* Was even willing to convert

Living in a multicultural society, (Toronto, Canada), people interact with many other people from different backgrounds. I had the lovely experience of dating a wonderful Iranian girl for four years. It was the greatest experience of my life.

Even though I am from a Jewish background my parents had no problems with me dating her, unfortunately I could not say the same for her family...

Throughout our four-year relationship we shared many wonderful experiences but the thing that always came up was how her parents felt. I tried everything I could to change that. I was even going to do whatever was the appropriate thing to do in her culture. I was even ready to convert if that would have made anything easier for her. Nothing seemed to work ... FULL TEXT

Michael Pearlstein

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November 19, 1999

* Antipodean air!

To listen to Roozbeh find his way and Iran and the United States in Chile is wildly exhilarating ["The search"]. He writes beautifully, expansively, with heart, and the person and place that he paints are full, multi-dimensional, unexpected, interesting and irreducible.

The kind of people who change the world start off like Roozbeh, not accepting anything at face value. I say, breathe in some more Antipodean air! It does you - and us - great good.

Laleh Khalili

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* Essalat!

Kudos to Mr. Shirazi ["The search"]! This is another great article on this topic. I'm just waiting for the cynics to blast him with their negative peanut-gallery-type commentary on their "essalat" and hisr socio-cultural bankruptcy!

Banafsheh Zand

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November 18, 1999

* Nature of the beast

The Iranian Students"in the line of the Imam" were responsible for imprisonment and murder of thousands of students and opposition group members. Calling them democratic now, would be deceiving the people.

Two factions of the Islamic government are at each other's throats. The Islamic goeverment is in crisis, and now is the best chance for the people to voice their demands, but at the same time we should know the true nature of the beast, and avoid depending on either factions.


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* Whine fest

Ms Darznik,

I read some of your articles in The Iranian. I usually do not read the social commentaries on the site but my serendipitous and fortunate find provided ample interest and amusement. Your frankness is disarming and contrasts strongly with the attitudes of the older Iranians who are obsessed with keeping up appearances. (I exclude my parents from this simplification because they have been ahead of their time) ...

Your experience of being an outsider within a society of outsiders was incomprehensible to me. How could such a mixed race as ours have such a palpable discomfort with regards to differences. To call you half-anything I think is rude. Iranian racial purity is a myth. Being Iranian is a state of mind. An obsession, a pleasant mental disease akin to mania, a sweet pain and a worthwhile challenge. I think in this day and age, when being an Iranian is a serious disadvantage to one's career advancement, whosoever thinks they are Iranian could not possibly be anything but genuine ...

The ashamed Iranians appall me. You talked about the man who refuses to speak Persian. I know of someone who has the same attitude. First time I met him, I recognized his name as being Iranian and greeted him pleasantly. He said: "Sorry I do not speak Persian!" (To which my undiplomatic response was " You do not speak much English either. A regular Hellen Keller you are.") He recently rediscovered his Persian identity and decided to ask all to no longer call him by his previous preference. He has reverted to his real name now ... FULL TEXT

Arash Salardini

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November 17, 1999

* Erotic literature not rare

In respect to your piece "Let's not talk about sex," I like to say that portraiture of actual sexuality in Persian literature is not rare: Sadi has a section on "hazliyat". Obayd is well known, and Iraj Mirza's erotic poetry is excellent.

But this genre of artistic expression was not popular with Iranians because of their sophisticated and sublime taste in poetry -- and maybe sex. Peter Chelkowski, the Nezami scholar, has extensively discussed sexuality in the works of Nezami. Chelkowski argues that portrayal of sexuality in Nezami is unmatched in world literature...

Talking of Obayd, to my estimation, his references to acts of sex are not just for the sake of talking about sex. In fact, you find tremendous social consciousness in his works. His satire targets the hypocrisy and absurdity of the people in power, religious authority in particular. His works may be evaluated along the lines of Chaucer, and of course Obayd is more fun and more poignant ... FULL TEXT

Rasool Nafisi
Strayer University

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* Humiliating chadoris

I think Iraj Mirza not only humiliated chadori women, but instead of looking at women in general, chose an individual and judged others accordingly. Not only that, it is obvious that he has absolutely no idea about the teachings of the Quran or the Prophet or even most basic principles of Islam which highlights the fact that the hejab saves lives and families.

The hejab is an important rule of Islam. But it means more than covering the hair. There's the hejab of the body, mind and eye. If he had any idea about Islam he would have known that the chador is only the hejab of the hair and body. A mohajaba is a woman who also has the hejab of the mind and eye to resist temptation. Unlike old times people are more open minded about these things. They know that it is okay to show your face to a naamahram. Therefore, chadors don't cover the face, but only the hair and the body.

This poem ridicules mohajabas, even though we all know that the majority of mohajabas are very civilized and educated . The world will not be complete with women, but experience has shown us that no man would like other men to have any feelings towards his woman. So the hejab makes life easier for men too. No sensible human being should judge a group of people over something that a single individual has done (if she really did it and if it wasn't rape) and so this poem shows me that the poet is not a very sensible man and does not know anything about religion.

Bushra Abbasi

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November 16, 1999

* Delighted

Just wanted to write to confirm Laleh Khalili's sentiments regarding Chineh Internet cafe in Tehran ["Chai, shirini & the Internet"]. I was recently in Iran for a month and desparate to be able to check my email.

I was delighted to find that the opportunity existed to connect with the rest of the world at Chineh, which is not far from where I live in Kamranieh. The atmosphere is wonderful and the staff very friendly. I have no doubt that in the future we will see more such places in Iran.

Peyman Adjamian

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* Bahai concern

Mr. Sohrabi wrote in The Iranian ["Cyrus meets Lincoln"]: "As a United States Senator what I hope to achieve for Americans of Iranians descent is straightforward: end the demonizing and stereotyping of Iran and Iranians. In fact, my first act as an elected official will be demand a public apology from Senator Barbara Boxer (Democrat from California) for calling the Iranian nation 'terrorist' in her interview with CNN last February."

I hope you also work with the governments foreign human rights committee especially with regards to the situation of the Bahai community in Iran. Recently, the UN Commission on Human Rights again expressed concern for Iran's Bahais.

Fereidoun Abbasi

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November 15, 1999

* Reverse situation

Mr. Hosseini's essay ["Go Big Red!"] brings back memories of my first days in U.S. What a time and what a place alive! Those of us who came to the U.S right during the revolution must have had at least some similar experiences like those of Mr. Hosseini's. Even where I was in California, the sentiments ran as deep and as fast as they did in Nebraska.

As Westernized and as Americanized I have become in the past twenty some odd years, I will never forget the feelings expressed to me and my other Iranian friends by many (not all) American students. The students' parents were much more understanding. Heck, some of them even empathized with our situation. It was the students we saw every day though who cared about their parents. Ugly days and some ugly memories.

Although, I have to admit that if the situation was reversed (Iranians taken hostages in the U.S. by radical students after a revolution) Americans in Iran would've forgotten the meaning of Iranian hospitality and ta'arof faster than a NY minute!

Ali S.

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* How confused we were

As I read the story ["Go Big Red!"] I remebered those days. I also witnessed different views and situations. I remembered how confused, tender and sensetive we were toward this historic event.

It also made me feel older, but am I not glad we passed through thoses horrible times? The days when we were young and should have been proud and a lot happier?


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November 12, 1999

* Think first

In response to Mr. Beeler's letter

I read your letter on "Thinking small" and I wonder is it Iranians who are thinking small or is it you that can not see the big picture. The scenes and the stories that you see and you hear from those who take actions against America in Iran or other countries should not be a reason for people like you to make any judgement toward a whole nation.

I am sure that you are not aware of the political situation that is currently taking place in Iran because you would have known why or who are those groups of people that are burning flags and yell "Death to America". My suggestion to you is that next time, before you make any decision with your educated mind, do a little research.

Should I call all Americans a bunch of racists when KKK members burn crosses and show hatred toward other human beings just because of their skin color?

Pejman Asgarpour

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* Shame on us

I read the article "Curzon's last laugh" with sorrow and disgust. This is yet another example of wanting to blame things on others. Poor us - they did this to us and they did that. How much longer are we going to sit on our butts and blame all of our shortcomings on others? What is that going to solve or accomplish?

First, shame on us for letting foreigners take advantage of us. Here, the Ghajar dynasty is more to blame. Their fascination with sex and corruption and pleasures let them lose sight of things, letting foreigners come and take advantage of our poor country - the same country that was once powerful and did unto them (remember Nader Shah and his multiple invasions of India) what is being done to it!

Second, while we are sipping our tea and trying to find causes for our miseries, the progressive world is advancing at a very fast paste. Iran is at least 200 years behind in social standards of living, economy, technology, education, etc. The gap is widening at an exponential rate and soon there will be no hope of a decent future for our country and people.

You go ahead and dig into stuff hundreds or years old while others are envisioning and planning for the upcomming century!

Bob Mani

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November 11, 1999

* Say something POSITIVE

I have often wondered what explains this urge by the older generation of Iranians to constantly bash Iran, emphasize the shortcomings while ignoring the accomplishments, and impose their hang-ups, frustrations and psychological baggage on the youth. Perhaps it is a good excuse to do nothing - if everything about Iran is bad, everyone is corrupt and all the decks are stacked against you, then there is no point in trying to accomplishing anything, right? Perhaps it is a way of justifying one's own frustrations. Or perhaps the answer is simply that "misery loves company."

How about having something POSITIVE to say about Iran and Iranians once in a while then? ... FULL TEXT

Lizzie Borden

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* Impressive

The poems of Khomeini ["The soft side"] are impressive in nature and meaning. Are these really his poems?

A. Parsa

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November 10, 1999

* Bravo

Thank you for giving us the occasion of reading this beautiful article [about visiting the Shah's tomb, "By the pale-green stone"]. Thank you to Mr. Kadivar for sharing his wonderful trip with us. I wish the young post-Islamic generation would read this little "trip to the past" especially those in Iran. Bravo, and thanks again.


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* So far in the past

It is like yesterday to many of us the day that the American embassy was taken. I was studying in a small town in Kent, England when a friend of mine who was a leftist sympathizer stormed to the cafeteria of the college with a big smile and waving a clinched fist to announce that the U.S. embassy had been stormed by a group of students!

There were many Iranian students everywhere in those days including in Kent. Of course we looked with amazement at this friend and all had a sneaky sense of triumph without fully understanding the full implication of this act.

Today all those events seem so far in the past in our eyes and in the eyes of Mr. Abdi, one of the hostage takers and Bruce Laingen one of the hostages ["Time to move on"]. In the political climate of Iran, it is very brave of Abdi and others to offer their regret for this act.

As one commentator said yesterday in reply to the question "what will happen if the American embassy opens tomorrow in Tehran?", the reply was " a long line will be formed for visa applications to the U.S.!" I think this sums up the true sentiment of the Iranian people.

Reza Mousoli

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November 9, 1999

* Becoming stronger

Termeh Rassi's piece ["The plaid sofa"] was lovely -- direct and moving. She writes about an experience that is defining for Iranians of this day and age -- the experience of diaspora.

Through more of such writing, we can try to understand and come to terms with our experience as Iranians; in the hopes of becoming a stronger, more rooted community wherever our journeys have taken us.

Gelareh Asayesh
St. Petersburg, Florida

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* Tired of chants

In response to Mr. Beeler's letter

Take it easy. I too am an American who gets angry when I hear about the flag burning and the death chants going on in Iran, but you got to remember not all Iranians are like that, and many of them are getting tired of marching to the drum of certain mollas well.

You are right in that hatred has a tendency to breed further hatred but that is something we all have to work on. Thank goodness there exist forums such as The Iranian where frustrations and differences of opinion can be expressed. There are some discussion groups which won't allow anything like this and that is unfortunate.

I firmly believe that as long as people are allowed to have dialogue, openly and honestly, without fear of repercussions, a good majority will come to appreciate and learn to co-exist with those who differ. And that is what is needed most in this world right now.

Alex Bettesworth

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* Taking credit

I am writing in regards to your Persian web link of the day. Apparently this "Payam" guy is taking credit for my hard work.

No, he did not put up 1,000 Persian songs in RealAudio format. I did. He simply linked to them. And by the way, it's not 1,000 songs, it's 800.

Ashkan Yekrangi
Webmaster of CyberIran

Editors note: The description for this web site has been corrected.

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November 8, 1999

* Easy to be ignorant

In response to Mr. Beeler's letter

... If someone wants to be ignorant, it is very easy to stereotype a whole nation. My co-workers, patients, neighbors, and some of my best friends are American. It would terribly undermine their intelligence if I were to stereotype them as a bunch of rednecks who have beer bellies and burp hotdogs all day.

Last but not least, I recommend you travel around the world a little and not limit your world eye view to the media and its representation of other countries ... FULL TEXT

Roya Zarnegar

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* Shameful!

So many wonderful books have been written about Iran. Iran is a beautiful country. Its people are gifted, civilized and charming, kind and hospitable.

Someone has written of James Buchan's book ["A good place to die"] : "This must be one of the most perceptive attempts to understand the Iranian psyche ever undertaken in an English work of fiction".

As a foreign wife of an Iranian, I lived in Iran for many years. I find this book quite shameful!

Margaret Habibi

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November 5, 1999

* Haaloo

Vaghti in haaloo-haaye iraani ["Halloween 1999"] baraay-e jashn-e haaloohaa intor khod-baakhteh dar moghaabel-e doorbin-e to zhest gereftand, aayaa delet nagereft beh khaater-e iraan va farhang-e iraani?!

Maryam Kazemi

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* Frustration

This is in response to Isa Tanha. I am wondering where and in which era does Mr. Tanha thinks he is living. Young people in America have traditionally used Halloween ["Halloween 1999"] to make fun of older generations. Most masks and costumes depict politicians and figures who have gained prominance in the preceding year.

It is sad that our Americanized youth can't be more creative to mock the more famous American figures. It would make it easier to be judged and understood by their own fellow revelers. Instead they resort to making fun of certain values that are sacred for Mr. Tanha.

These poor ignorant youth don't know any better but to attack the very symbol that is being projected worldwide by The Iranian as well as international media as the symbol of a corrupt society.

Mr. Tanha has failed to remember that during the reign of the "dictator", most street-walkers never separated from their chadors while in public. What are you trying to protect?

Look my dear friend, I really do share your frustration with the speed our cultural values are being diluted in this day and age. But you can not blame Iranian youth. I would rather criticize The Iranian for glorifying it by posting the pictures in its site.

Moftaki Majjani

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November 4, 1999

* Thinking small

I read some of the articles on your site. America is a great country and I'll kick anyone's butt for trying to run over my country! I try to have no hatred towards any man but when your people live in the past and continue to burn our flags and shout out "Death to American" it causes nothing but hatred towards your people from Americans.

We just look at Iran as a bunch of ignorant individuals who are jealous of our country and our life styles and can't handle life as it is. They are people that live in the past and have nothing to look forward too. If they would open their eyes and look for a future of good living and stop blaming the world for their past failures then maybe they would have a life of opportunity and prosperity to look forward to.

As for the British, yes, we did have a revolution against them and yes, we did win and break away from Britian but any and all of those hard feelings have since vanished and are forgotten where as if it were Iran, they would still be boo-hooing about it! I do feel sorry for the people in Iran because they do have a real big problem of thinking small.

Duke Beeler

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* Mocking the chador

I am writing this letter in regard to your article ["Halloween 1999"]. Apparently, the pictures show some young people dressed in different costumes at a Halloween party. From what I see in those distorted pictures, some of the costumes also appear to depict the traditional Iranian dress -- the chador (veil). If this is the case, I like to express my deepest disappointment in the attitude of such young compatriots who humiliate and demean a traditional dress worn by our mothers and great grandmothers ...

Those who wear chador BY CHOICE are not ignorant as some may think. They know what they are doing. What kind of message are we implying by mocking them? Such displays are as bad as those who force women to wear the chador, and those who forcefully prevented them to follow their belief ... FULL TEXT

Isa Tanha

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November 3, 1999

* Happiness in their eyes

I saw the Halloween photos ["Halloween 1999"]. They are a little bit spoiled but you can see the happiness in their eyes; they makes me cry . I've been in Spain for more than three years and it's like that I'm living in a glass bubble.

Mandana Asadi

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* Bii yoo tii fool

Your pictures ["Halloween 1999"] are so weird and bii yoo tii fool! And the most dangerous thing is that some of them are so blasphemous. I'm afraid the hezbollah might find another target!


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November 2, 1999

* When will we learn?

Last Saturday, October 30, we went to a concert in Burlingame, California. The two entertainers, Ebi and Bijan Mortazavi were great, and put in a lot of effort, love and dedication to please the audience. What I don't understand is why don't the organizers choose a more appropriate venue?...

The other problem was that after half an hour, when Ebi got real hot and into it, people started getting up, and before long you had all but like 10 tables (out of maybe 150 tables) standing up, and blocking everyone else, and sure enough a fight started. I heard a security person say "I knew something was going to happen."

It is so ridicules that after being in this country for over 20 years our people have not learned to do things the right way. I truly believe Iranians are extremely humble, and then there are those few who take advantage of that and just do things that are beneficial to themselves, and others don't count. What a shame ... FULL TEXT

Shirin Razavi

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* Francis Bacon

Pictures of Halloween Iranian style in Washington DC ["Halloween 1999"] were so much like Francis Bacon's paintings. Very interesting visually.

Nargess Shahmanesh

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November 1, 1999

* Dubai ahead of us

The nostalgia of 70's will always be with us. For the generation that grew up in Iran in the 70's, Googoosh was the crystallization of an epoch, a landmark which tells a lot about our society.

I have been living in Dubai for about three months now. I look round and I feel very sad to see that the we as nation did not realize and appreciate the country that we lived in 25 years ago.

There used to be very little in Dubai. But now it's a dynamic city, cosmopolitan and free, In a way it reminds of Tehran of the 70's. We dived into the unknown are are seeing the consequences.

Iran will find her place at the world stage once again. In the mean time life must go on.

Reza Mousoli

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* Politically informative

I wanted to thank you immensely for the most politically informative article you have contributed to The Iranian ["Democracy or Theocracy"]. It is always a source of immeasurable pride to know graduates of such prestigious schools such as yours, are working hard to keep bright the flame of our knowledge, from our very distant past.

I very much enjoyed reading your article on Ferdowsi's conclusion of the best form of rule, as compared to socrates.

Haleh Akhlaghi

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