The Iranian


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October 2, 2000

Depressing comments

Reading Mr. Kadivar's reminiscing his trip ["Requiem in Cairo"] and observing the 20th anniversary of the death of Mohammed Reza Shah Pahlavi was very heartwarming and enjoyable. I have been dreaming of the day to visit the tomb of Mohammed Reza Pahlavi in Cairo. My deference for the late Shahanshah is due to my awareness and admiration or the love and hope Mohammed Reza Shah held for his country. The very fact that his final resting-place is in Cairo instead of his beloved Iran, demonstrates the tragedy that his downfall represents for his dreams and for our country.

During the reign of Pahlavis, my parents were simply employees of the government and had rather peaceful lives. They didn't have any glorious positions. They just lead simple lives. They certainly wished to see the country move towards more liberty and wished for the corruption to end. However, in 1978, they were one of the few to know that Khomeini will be far worse than the regime of the Shah. Certainly, the people who are ready to "throw-up" when other people express their emotion about this man, fell into streets in 1978 and were so easily mesmerized by a bearded, turbaned, uneducated man.

While Mr. Kadivar's article was enjoyable and impartial I was so disgusted and yet depressed to read some of the responses from the distinguished visitors to this wonderful site. I was astonished to see how after twenty years Mr. Bardia Saeedi, Neda and Babak Arminian can find it so easy to "throw up" at Mr. Kadivar's trip to Cairo. Immediately after reading their letters, I began to think about all that has bothered me through the past 21 years both in Iran and in the U.S.

Mr. Bardia Saeedi can throw up about the deference some people hold for a man who sought to strengthen our nation, give his countrymen better lives and enhanced Iran's image and standing in the world community. I have been on the verge of tears almost every day of my life thinking what individuals such as these gentle people committed and what their actions have meant for so many people.

I throw up thinking about the images of our boys and girls as little as thirteen years old who died in a senseless eight-year war. I tremble of the thought of the physical, intellectual, emotional and financial loss our nation suffered from a war that the Shah had avoided. I feel so depressed to think how Iran's best artistes and greatest minds left our nation in droves after 1979 and continue to do so.

How is it that our Iran is suffering from lack of medicine, doctors and trained engineers and professors while the west is enjoying the fruit of labor of so many of Iran's brightest? Inside me cries to know how Iran's bravest generals, pilots, officers were executed early on in the revolution. Interestingly, the executioners are people who were later themselves executed or have since sought the comfort of the West and continue to attack the Pahlavis.

I want to throw up thinking of the innocent 400 hundred people who were charcoaled to death inside Cinema Rex by the "revolutionaries." I want to cry when I watch Olympics and Iran is the only nation to wrap its sole female member like a candy in a black chador. I feel ashamed knowing my country's image as a fairy-tale land was replaced with a pariah nation, a terrorist outlaw state.

Iran, the land of Cyrus the Great, the prophet of human rights, the liberator of Jews, is trashed in the world for its inhumane treatment of its Jewish, baha'i and Christian population. Next time, Bardia Saeedii, Babak Arminian, and Neda want to throw up because people go to pay their respect for a man who's now been dead for 20 years, then should find smile on their face knowing that the ayatollahs desecrated the baha'i and Zoroastrian temples and cemeteries in our land.

Next time they want to scorn about Iranian people, who respect a fellowmen, they should think of themselves and their kind who saw the image of "their Imam" in the moon only two decades ago.

H. Jalili


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