August 17, 2001
Always a threat
Iran should be actively opposed to Israel not only because of the moral
aspect of the issue, but also because it suits Iran's national interests
Israel will always be a threat to Iran, even if there were no such things
as Palestinians (as Golda Meir, the Israei Prime Minister, once claimed.)
Why? Simple: Israel wishes to dominate and control the Mideast for its own
interests. Why? Simple: Because the world is a competitive place, and all
nations engage in competition. Israel is far worse: Israel has nuclear weapons,
follows a messianic and racist expansionist policy, and has claims to "Greater
Israel." Therefore, even if we totally ignore the Palestinians, Israel
will be a threat to Iran.
Furthermore, Iran's national insterests will certainly not be served
by allowing Israel and the pro-Israeli lobby to dictate Iran's policies,
and force Iran to look the other way and acquiesce to Israel's blatant violations
of every principle of international law and humanity. Iran should under
no circumstance AT ALL set such a precedent. If they get their way today
on the Palestinians, what's to stop them in the future when they make additional
Also, from a moral standpoint, Iran should oppose Israel. Israel claims
it has a right to hold onto lands obtained by military conquest, and to
drive out the inhabitants and replace them with settlers - blatant violations
of international laws such as the Fourth Geneval Convention which ironically,
was specifically drafted in response to similar actions by Nazi Germany.
The parallels between Israel and Nazi Germany are frightening. Both claim
racial/ethnic superiority of their "chosen people" to live in
a region which has been "cleansed" of the people of the "wrong"
race or ethnicity, both excused their expansionist policies by callng for
"breathing room" for their settlements to "naturally expand",
both attacked their neighbors while also claiming to be "preemptively
defending" themselves, both legalized the torture and murder of people
of the wrong race/ethnicity, both engaged in "population transfers"
and both pushed people of the "wrong" race/ethnicity into ghettos.
Iran's support for the Palestinian right to a sovereign and independent
nation and the right of return of Palestinian refugees to their own homes
is totally in accordance with international law, the Geneva Conventions
and the position of overwhelming majority of the other nations of the world.
This fact is proven year after year, in vote after vote in the United Nations,
where only the US and Israel and some US-backed small Latin American and
Pacific Island nations attempt to block resolutions which tell the truth
about the racism and illegal actions of Israel. Of course, Israel dismisses
this as merely a world-wide anti-semitic conspiracy.
So, Iran's position on Israel is not only in the interests of Iran, it
is also the moral thing to do. Whether the IRI attempts to use this for
propaganda reasons or not makes to difference to these facts. In fact, not
even the Shah would have allowed Iran to become subservient to Israel.
Israel is a country which has legalized torture, ethnic cleansing in
the name of God, and the racial/ethnic/religious superiority of one people
over another, which at the same time claiming to be a democracy. Israel
is an apartheid state. Iran did not have relations with the apartheid regime
in South Africa, and should do everything it can to oppose Israel. Iranians
who complain about the human rights violations of Iranian dissidents should
not forget that human rights are not limited by borders. If Iran does not
come to the aid of the Palestinians, then who will come to our aid when
the Israelis come for us next?
John Mohammadi