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  Write for The Iranian
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August 17, 2001

Fortress for the West

I agree with basically all of what you mentioned ["Just wondering"], except possibly the one about Azeri population. Islam is multicultural and Iran being an Islamic society follows that, for example Ayatullah Khamenei himself is Azeri.

Anyhow, as for Israel, yes they are a big threat. Why? Because they, i.e zionists, are the ones who have made the bad publicity for Iran among the Western countries. They are the ones pushing for the sanctions against Iran, they are the ones always talking to USA and the West that Iran is a 'threat' to Europe etc., and they own most of the Media (and a whole lot of the companies and wealth I might add) and as such use it to influence the politicians in the various country into anti-Iranian actions.

If you have been involved in working against the sanctions on Iran with the organization IIC (, you could easily see how much power the zionist lobby has. They managed to gather together basically 95 out of 100 senators, and hundreds of congressmen in a matter of days, when the Bush administration seemed to be wanting a 2-year extension, with the zionists wanting a 5-year one.

Other issues are propaganda films such as "Not without my daughter" were filmed in Israel and the mere purpose was to picture Iranians as anti-American wife abusers and kidnappers. So that's the polito-economical one. Now for the second reason, that we as muslims should show solidarity with the oppressed, in this case in the Holy Land, is quite reasonable.

They have stolen land, driven millions of people into exile and a miserable life in refugee camps, they have killed thousands of others, they have even occupied parts of other countries with which we have good ties such as Syria and Lebanon and where there exists a significant amount of shi'ite muslims. On top of this they are sitting on some of the holiest shrines of Islam.

Basically, Israel is a fortress for the West in a sea of Muslim land, just as it used to be for their Christian forefathers who waged Crusades to kill us muslim 'infidels'. Yes, we should definately help our neighbours, no one said we shouldn't, but supporting the cause of illegal occupation of a racist regime based on a "Chosen People" coming and killing babies and women and stealing land, making propaganda against Islam and Iran, occupying some of the Holiest Sites, blocking the progress of economic and political progress between Iran and the West and so and so forth, does not stop us from helping our neighbours as well. So there I guess we disagree.

Also you said all of the Arab states have agreed with Israel or tried to. Well first of all we know that practically all arab states are ruled by west supported corrupted monarchs or presidents. Let's take the examples of some neighbours like Egypt. They get some $3 billion to keep this so called 'peace' with Israel. They are dictators and tyrants, but they are supported by the West because it suits their interests. Same goes with the monarchs in Jordan.

They get nearly $500 million annually to keep this 'peace', and ofcourse it doesn't matter to the West if the ruler is oppressing the people. The same goes for all other dictatorial oppressive monarchies in the region, such as Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman etc, and this is the same as when they used to support the Shah even though he severely oppressed our people. It's nothing to do with them caring about democracy or human rights etc., because had they done so, then they would have done something about Algeria and Turkey, wherein Islamic Parties won the elections in both of the countries, but the military stepped in and did not let them come to power, rather they turned into military dictatorships.

It's all about money and power, and they simply need satellite states. The head of the states in other words arent important. What matters is the opinion of the masses, and the masses are very hardcore against the very existence of the illegal Zionist entity.

Corr Chris

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