February 16, 2001
Monarchist fascists
It is obvious that Mr. Miniri ["Shah's
mistake..."] has not grasped the essence of my article ["Thy
father's sins"]. Like all supporters of the monarchy, or at least
a good part of them, concepts such as democracy and dialogue, even they
have lived in Western democracies, is strange to them. Yet they claim to
want a democratic system in Iran.
No one (including us rebels!) claims there were no grave mistakes made
during the revolution. We were young and idealistic and saw the changes,
and at least thought that positive changes would bring Iran into the world
of democracies.
If our political leaders lacked vision and the clergy were clever enough
to steal this revolution, it does not make the people's aspirations and
demands for more freedom any less justifiable.
I do not, for one minute, hestitate to say that today what Iran faces
is a disaster compared to the Pahlavi era. However, one should always
look at the roots of the problem before making simple judgements.
As for your statement that the Shah's only mistake was not to get
rid of more "rebels", this shows the true face of some supporters
of the monarchy whose dictionary definition is Fascists. In a future free
Iran, there is no place for you with such mentality.
I think Iranians after 50 years of the Pahlavi dictatorship and twenty
two years of theocracy have had enough of violence and killings in any
form or shape. In a free and democratic Iran, people must convey their
thoughts from the far left to the right with complete freedom and should
not fear punishment.
Your kind of mentatlity does not belong in that Iran which hopefully
all Iranians will want to build.
Fariba Amini