March 1, 2001
You animals
Mr. Moniri is very correct and to the point in his
response to Ms. Amini ["Thy
father's sins"]. It seems that after 22 years, she has not grown
and still is the same "young and idealist" person!
There is no denial that Iran in 1978 needed democratic reforms. This
was well-understood by Washington and even the Shah himself whom by all
accounts was planning for free elections. I do not condemn people's aspiration
for freedom and democracy. However, I condemn vociferously the actions
which Ms. Amini condones, the burning of stores, banks, cars, and attacking
innocent people. This is exactly what happened in Iran in 1978.
Ms.. Amini and her fellow "revolutionaries" were criminals
and traitors and I for one do not consider them visionaries and freedom
fighters. Dr. Martin Luther King and his followers were freedom fighters.
After centuries of virulent oppression by the White majority, slavery,
segregation, lynchings and the most awful forms of human persecution, African-Americans
changed America with a message of love, peace, equality and rule of law.
If Dr. King's freedom fighters displayed the horrible acts that Ms.
Amini's and so-called "revolutionaries" committed in 1978-79,
they would have met with sound and confident response from the U.S. and
other governments. You don't believe me? Look at past and contemporary
In 1860-65, when few U.S. states decided to annul the American Constitution
and secede from the Union. Abraham Lincoln, hailed as America's best president,
arrested "secessionists" and their sympathizers and abridged
civil rights. These men and women were held in shackles for years. Mr.
Lincoln decisively fought any notion that violence or disobedience will
be tolerated.
One of America's most decorated heroes, General Tecumseh Sherman, whose
statue stands heroically in front of the White House, did not just keep
the war to the battle fields. In order to break the will of fighting men,
he burned all factories, farms and houses in his conquest of the south.
Nothing was left standing in Sherman's path. These men saved the Union
and maintained the rule of law.
Had the late Shah been as courageous as Mr. Lincoln, patriotic and dutiful
men, such as General Rahimi would have saved Iran.
Even in more recent history hooligans were treated swiftly in Western
society. Didn't British Troops maintain order in Northern Ireland? Have
you heard of Kent State when National Guard shut agitating students? What
happened in Watts, Los Angles in 1960's and 1990's? National Guards was
called in to break lawlessness. The Chicago Police affectively maintained
orders against agitators at the Democratic Convention in 1968. In 1960's,
French Army attacked students and put down the rebellion.
My question to Ms. Amini is in what civil society do "revolutionaries"
trap innocent people in theaters and set it ablaze? What civil human beings
burn down stores, movies theatres, banks, bars and places of worship of
religious minorities? What decent human beings murder or cheer the murder
of their vanquished and call it "Spring of Freedom?"
Gandhi in his quest for Indian independence, called off all activities
when revolutionaries trapped five policemen in a burning building. Yet
you "revolutionaries" trapped more than 100 innocent people in
Cinema Rex in Abadan and barbequed them. You were not idealist human beings;
your behavior is only comparable to criminals in the Attica Prison riot.
You excuse yourself by blaming the Shah for your horrible crimes. I
am not here to justify his actions. Oppressing human being is not justifiable.
However, nothing is an excuse for what you people did. You are the most
uncivil of human beings.
African-Americans- after enduring 200 years of slavery, 100 years of
Jim Crow laws, acted with passion, civility and maturely.
You were animalistic. The violence that Iran has been subjected for
22 years was brought about by the violence you people committed in 1977-79.
You cheered when members of "ancient regime," Kurds and Baha'is
were murdered but you only cried foul when mollas turned against you.
Abe Lincoln said you can fool all the people some of the time, you can
fool some people all the time, but you can never fool all the people all
the time.
H. M. Jalili