The Iranian


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March 15, 2001

Unfortunate fact

I don't agree with Naghmeh about the cover picture in The Iranian. I am also a mother. The picture of a young Iranian man doing drugs may not be a good sight to look at and enjoy, but it definitely is an unfortunate fact.

It seems the picture is taken in Iran. We can't ignore the facts. There are the bad, the good and the ugly about every society. I think our kids and youth will learn more abut real life issues by confronting and discussing the problems and discussing it with their parents.

For instance if we were allowed and encouraged to read about the teachings of our religious leaders, probably our country would have been in a better situation than now.

I do like; I am actually addicted to it. I have had a few sleepless nights when I did not receive my issue on time. I think for some reason the editor chooses not to print the bad news or crimes committed by the Iranian community outside of Iran.

For example more than a year ago, a 17-year-old Iranian girl, presently in prison, with an American friend, shot another 17-year-old Iranian boy, who was killed in a drug-related incident. Another young Iranian ­ Arab boy was involved. This happened in the Washington metropolitan area where the editor lives. I did interview the family for an Iranian magazine and sent the news to as well, and it was not mentioned.

Of course this is his magazine and he can choose his news and articles. I personally rather know what really is going on in our community regarding all important issues and incidents, rather than reading only about the successful and rich Iranians outside Iran. Our children will learn more if they know and hear both sides.

Please don't take me wrong. I love to read about our youth and their success. Actually I always try to interview successful Iranians.

Simin Habibian


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