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March 12-16, 2001 / Esfand 22-26, 1379


* Monarchy:
- Shah was French

* Romance:
- Your mother too?

* Poetry:
- Utterly beautiful


* Monarchy:
- Content over form

- Fossilized issues
- Monarchy no answer
* The Iranian:
- What's the point?

- Total shock
- Unfortunate fact

- Decriminalizing marijuana
- Farhad seriously ill

* Romance:
- Hire a maid
Iraj Mirza:
- Freedom fighter
- Martin Luther King: No chance in Iran
- America needs Iran

- Hee haa!
- Personal attacks

- Pahlavi's wealth
- Very poor choice
- Anti-Iranian Americans
- Kam lotfi
* Persia:
- Where are the Persians?

- Confusing everyone
* Model:
- Oy vey!

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March 16, 2001

* Shah was French

I liked your article "Shah or president?" Democracy is a learned behavior. You must grow up learning from the small society of the household how to come into consensus with your immediate family members. After the revolution when I started reading more about the social decay of the Iranian society and its key players, starting from the Shah, I realized that the Shah was more of a French fellow than an Iranian.. I don't think he really knew who the Iranian people were >>> FULL TEXT


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* Your mother too?

You must be quite lonely to be such an ass regarding women ["The hell with romance"]. It is people like youwho give Iranian men a bad name. You fit the stereotype of the sexist pig that just f*#$%s for selfish pleasure -- oh and reproduction of course >>> FULL TEXT


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* Utterly beautiful

I just wanted to say I really enjoyed the poem "Boro". It was so full of emotions. Very innocent, sad and yet utterly beautiful. I read it three times. I cannot believe it's from a high school student in America. So proud of you!

Glayol Banaie

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March 15, 2001

* Content over form

I couldn't agree with more ["Shah or president?"]. Once again you've hit the nail right on the head and I find myself in the fortunate position of having a partner in politics. Especially when you say: "The real problem facing Iran is not choosing between monarchy or republic. The problem is how to reject theocracy and backwardness." That just brings tears to my eyes, because for the past 20 years I have been saying the same thing and begging the all-so-important- figures in the opposition in my town to not make themselves so preoccupied with form at the cost of forgetting content >>> FULL TEXT

Massud Alemi

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* Fossilized issues

As a response to the elaborate discussion on "Shah or president?" I can only say that I am shocked that we even spend time and energy discussing such fossilized issues. Just because the present government seems to be insistently directing itself as if we still live in the era of Mohammad does not give us a right to indulge nostalgically in what is gone and will never be recovered. The Shah's regime was also a filthy and corrupt, although it did not even come close to the barbarism and inhumanity of the present one >>> FULL TEXT

Maziar Taleshi

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* Monarchy no answer

My memories of Iran are not ver clear. My knowledge of Iran is incomplete. But I do know this: a return to monarchy is not the answer for Iran. I think it is unfortunate that so many Iranians regard the Shah's regime with such nostalgic affection. Iran doesn't need a secular dictatorship to take the place of the current theocratic dictatroship. Iran also doesn't need a constitutional monarchy filled with symbolic figureheads and royal families that do nothing but attend charity dinners >>> FULL TEXT

Sina Yousefi

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* Unfortunate fact

I don't agree with Naghmeh about the cover picture in The Iranian. I am also a mother. The picture of a young Iranian man doing drugs may not be a good sight to look at and enjoy, but it definitely is an unfortunate fact. We can't ignore the facts. There are the bad, the good and the ugly about every society.

I do like; I am actually addicted to it. I have had a few sleepless nights when I did not receive my issue on time. I think for some reason the editor chooses not to print the bad news or crimes committed by the Iranian community outside of Iran >>> FULL TEXT

Simin Habibian

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* What's the point?

I have recently started browsing The Iranian web site and reading the articles. Through them I have discovered the new attitudes, thoughts and opinions of my community. I have, however, been saddened more than once. I do not think it is the responsibility of media to determine attitudes, but I do not think it would be wrong for you to set high standards for our community. We are after all Iranians. And I am still proud to be one, despite what I have read recently >>> FULL TEXT

Maryam Tehrani

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* Total shock

I must admit that the first time I visited I was in total shock. Your site is so orginal and tasteful that I refer it to some of my frinds (non-Persian). These days it's the first site that I read when I am on my PC. Keep up the good work.

Bijan Rais

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March 14, 2001

* Farhad seriously ill

Farhad Mehrad, better known as Farhad, is seriously ill with hepatitis C. He is 58. His most likely course of treatment is believed to be a liver transplant, a very expensive operation.

Farhad is very private person, and it is only because of the severity of his condition that his wife, Pouran, has agreed that his case can be publicised. The hope is that those who have heard and loved his songs, and perhaps the Iranian authorities, would do something to save his life >>> FULL TEXT


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* Hire a maid

I believe Mr. Baniameri may be better off switching to the other side ["The hell with romance"]! Yes, Siamack, I believe you are better off dating your own kind, MEN. How long have you been in the closet?

I have to give you credit though, proposing on the net that you would like to bond more with men, buying them candy and roses, to pat other men on their back! You have thought about this for a while haven't you! >>> FULL TEXT

Mojdeh Safayee

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* Decriminalizing marijuana

NOTE: This letter was emailed in capital letters


Hamid Ageorlo

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* Personal attacks

Asghar Agha, I appreciate your comments ["Asghar Shah"] on my article ["My friend"]. Your sense of humor is truly wonderful.

I also thank you for reemphasizing the point of my article. The issue is that nobody challenges Reza Pahlavi on the substance of his program. The attacks are purely personal and unfounded.

As far as politics are concerned, the personal life of a public figure is strictly his own business. Even though I challenge anyone to come forward with a cleaner personal life than Reza.


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* Pahlavi's wealth

In response to "My friend", the author claims that neither Reza Pahlavi, his mother, nor his father, have any substantial wealth.

Gee, I seem to remember Reza Pahlavi having lost $25 million several years ago as a result of some bad investments. And despite this he's still living fairly comfortably.

For the past 21 yrs, he hasn't worked a single day or earned a single paycheck. aAso, he sends his daughters to a private French school in northern Virginia.

I think these facts are evidence enough that the Pahlavi's currently have and have always had very substantial wealth.

Nariman Neyshapouri

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* America needs Iran

My name is Eamon. I am an Iranian-American living in Austin, Texas. And I just have to say that the sanctions against Iran aren't helping anyone, but they are hurting America. If Bush can do one thing right (even though he proboably won't) I hope it is to re-establish friendship with Iran.

America needs Iran for everything from oil to the battle against Iraq. And Iran needs America to protect it from Sadam and his twisted mined, and to improve the economy.

If teachers in schools excpect students to get along without conflict, why can't we excpect leaders of nations to look past their pride and ego and see that friendship can do nothing but make the world a better place.


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March 13, 2001

* Very poor choice

I have always liked but the choice for your cover picture was very poor. How will a man doing drugs benefit your site?

It is unbelievable how Iranians come to U.S. and forget about all their values. I am very disappointed, and I think people hide behind their freedom of choice a bit too much. They say and do whatever they want in the name of freedom.

Of course, I, too have a choice of not looking at the picture, but as an Iranian, as a mother and a woman, I still think your choice of putting that picture for your welcome page was very poor.


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* Anti-Iranian Americans

In his article ["America, welcome"], Ron Wurzer managed to rehash all the usual complaints and stereotypes about Iran and Iranians. The point is, I've lived in America all my life. As an Iranian-American, I can tell you one thing for sure: despite the "hundreds of thousands" you saw chanting anti-American slogans in Tehran, i guarantee you the level of anti-Iranian animosity among American politicians and the American public still far exceeds the sum total of anti-American sentiment in Iran >>> FULL TEXT

Nariman Neyshapouri

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* Where are the Persians?

It sounds like disagreement is a more powerful incentive than agreement or it's that way in our culture. I happen to understand and completely agree with G. Motamedi's view on the insanity that was behind Reza shah's decision about asking other countries to say Persia instead of Iran ["Bring back Persia"].

I don't understand why those who introduce themselves as Persian and not Iranian don't send a letter! I personally witness everyday that more than ninety percent of our people introduce themselves as Persian and not Iranian! I don't need anybody to agree or disagree with me on this because I see it everyday for myself >>> FULL TEXT


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* Freedom fighter

I agree with the tittle of this feature: "Missing the point"! Iraj Mirza was living in the era that had no Internet, no media, no printed books, (at lest not anything in Farsi or very hard to find).

The problem is that everyone has a different perception of the world according to his or her personal experiences. So if a man gets to the point that he knows literature and has a deep perception then I understand why he uses harsh language. To me he is a freedom fighter and I salute him.

Abbas Abhroudi

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March 12, 2001

* Kam lotfi

I read "Not going back" and frankly it upset me to see how negative one can be! I don't deny the fact that there's very limited freedom (of any sort) in Iran and that it is not necessarily a good tourist location, but it's honestly not that bad. This American woman claims that she stood out in public because of her red nails, makeup, and white sneakers while everyone was wearing black! First of all, we all know that Iranian women in Iran and elsewhere wear a whole lot more makeup! >>> FULL TEXT

Parastoo Ghodsi

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* Hee haa!

Was this ["Engage secular Iran"] an opinion piece in the Christian Science Monitor? I sure hope so. Otherwise, I can not believe that their journalism has sunk so low.

Oh, now that we have a trigger happy Republican administration, let's get back to Cold War tactics of "helping" those on "our side" in geo-politically "strategic" countries like Iran. Forget about past interventions, however futile they may have turned up; let's intervene some more. It is cowboy time at the White House! Hee haa! Yahoo! >>> FULL TEXT

Setareh Sabety

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* Martin Luther King: No chance in Iran

I read Fariba Amini's "Thy father's sins" and the great advice she has given Reza Pahlavi.  Then I read responses to her article by Khosrow Moniri and H.M. Jalili.  Frankly I had to re-read Amini's article and could not see any of the points the two responders' are raising. Amini has rightly indicated that the revolution was hijacked by the mollas.  She has correctly pointed to the grave mistakes made by the Pahlavi regime.  While Jalili seems to be very knowledgeable about the history of civil rights movement in America, he fails to recognize that if Martin Luther King was in Iran during the Shah's regime, he could not stage any of his non-violent demonstrations for a minute >>> FULL TEXT


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* Confusing everyone

I must say as someone who has spent most of his adult life in the West, we Iranians have succeeded in confusing everyone about our identity and cultre, ourseleves included ["Bring back Persia"]. I have also come to believe that we Iranians have diluted our identity by over-educating foriegners. In our eagerness to defend the Iranian image outside we have created confusion about the name of the country, the name of our people, the name of our seas and the name of our language >>> FULL TEXT

A.R. Beigie

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