September 5, 2001
Historical fabriucations
I have been following your arguments ["Where's
the evidence?"] with Mr. Kaveh Ahangar ["By
the sword"], and some other fellows, regarding the invasion of
Iran by Arabs about 1,400 years ago. It seems that you are interested only
in facts, and always ask for hard proof for any statement, and reject most
of the well-known historical events due to lack of proper documentation.
I do not know what kind of a proof you are looking for to accept all
the barbaric and cruel acts of Arabs to Iranian population in their holy
war against Majooses. Aerial photographs of the concentration camps? location
of the mass graves exposed to UN inspectors? Geographical coordinate of
the mill that was supposed to run by Iranian blood? Four just, male eyewitnesses?
Tell me what kind of a document you are looking for? No British books.
No Russian books. No American books, either. We can neither trust Bayhaghi
and Tabari, because they couldn't pronounce Valla-Zalleen correctly.
And then, tell me what kind of a document or proof do you have for your
statements? The baked chicken will laugh in the middle of the dish with
your fake claim that Imam Ali has said " Iranians will preserve Islam,
and return it to Arabs again". Where did you find it? In Helliyatol-Mottaghin?
But fortunately, there is still another book that I hope you believe in.
In more than 50 occasions the Quran directly orders killing of pagans and
The Quran clearly states kill the pagans befoe they can even come up
with a plot. It clearly orders to kill them, loot their belongings, take
their women, as much as you want, anytime and anyway you want. To have
sex with them you do not need to marry them. Are you saying that the Arab
army, in their holy war against Iranian Majooses, was not practicing these
direct orders? What a strange ideology, that even its zealot defendants
were not practicing its orders.
Or, do you think that Arabs did not consider Iranians pagans? Then why
did the prophet bother to write letters to Khosrow Parviz? Why did the Arabs
start a war with Iranians? Why is there a Ghadessieh street, square, stadium,
and football team in every existing Arabic country? They could peacefully
live with their Zoroastrian neighbors just like Christians and Jews in Syria
and other countries you mentioned.
You are wondering why Arabs didn't kill all the Iranian population? Simply
because they couldn't. Just as the Israelis couldn't kill all the Palestinians,
or Indonesians all the East Tomur population, or the Japanese all the Chinese
at the time of their occupation of China. They killed as much as they could,
but they needed laborers to carry their luggage, they needed bakers, farmers,
artisans for the survival of their army in a foreign land.
These are the peole who were forced to turn to Islam or pay jazzieyeh.
You are saying, that money was the cost of their protection by Arabs. That
chicken is laughing louder now. Protection against what threat? What danger
was more imminent and pervalent than the repeated raids of Arabs against
Iranian towns and homes, destroying houses, killing men, and taking away
their possessions, daughters, and wives to fullfil their darkest desires?
Tisfoon was so big that Arabs called it Madaen, or cities. This is a
historical fact. There were many people of different classes living and
working there. Have you ever wondered what happened to that city? Where
are the ruins of the homes, libraries, schools, fire temples, or post offices
(as you mentioned)?
You can still find ruins of much older civilizations in Egypt, South
America, or Europe. Is it that all the inhabitants of Tisfoon lived in tents?
The engineers and craftsmen, who were making bridges and dams, were not
capable of making a house? The class of writers and scholars were teaching,
learning, and debating in the desret? People were living in caves? So, what
happened to the city of cities? What happened to the books they were reading?
They were only reading laalaaie? There was no single book worth translating
into Arabic? IF yes, where is it? If no, what did they do to them?
Please do not denigrate the history. The truth is that Arabs destryed
the city. They killed as much as they could, burned all the libraries, books,
schools, hospitals, barracks, houses, and took every single stone of the
remainings of Tisfoon to make their new capital, Baghdad, to flourish and
make you proud.
You wonder how an ancient civilization with millions of people, greatly
organized army, aqueducts, and postal service, was defeated by small army
of barefoot, lizard-eating, desret people? Listen to your book and read
history. That is the irony of history. The Roman Empire with similar potentials
was torn apart by less organized, less motivated wandering tribes from
northern parts. Attila the Hun leveled all the civilizations on his way
to Moscow.
Even your lovely, splendid Arabic Empire collapsed in the hands of a
much fewer mule-riding Mogols. Or, do you believe all the learned and wise
scholars of the Islamic Empire were fascinated by the Chngis' YASA? Both
you and Shahid Mottahari are wrong in reasoning for the Iranian defeat.
There are many historical examples that a nation turns to an outsider
to solve the internal conflicts. Russians did it in the WWI, French did
it in WWII, Afghans did it, and Iranians had also done it once before by
letting the Alexander's army entering Persopolis. So it is a matter of
bad judgement, and yes I agree with you, also a matter of shame. Your most
pathetic thrive to prove your non-sense comes right in the middle of your
Analyzing the word Allah for your persumably stupid readers. Wonderful
job. But I still wonder how the prophet's father's name was Abdlollah "Slave
of Allah". How come his father's name was Abdolmottaleb "slave
of Mottaleb"? Could you please kindly analyze the word Mottaleb for
us, or you would like me to refresh your memory with some other historical
Then we come to your historical revelations about Zartosht and Sassanids.
So, by your norms Zartosht was a prophet. Do you have model block in your
belief that whoever fits in, is called a prophet? Tell us more about your
criteria of being a prophet. Does it fit Buda? What about Confucius of
Mani? It sems that you have not followed to the orders of your book, and
have not investigated history. For your information, Sassanids were the
first dynasty
In Iranian history that officially adopted the Zoroatrian religion and
propagated it. So, if they were tyrants, blame it on Zartosht's preaching.
Before them were Pathians that had no known religion,and before parthians
were Seleucids that were also pagans acording to your standards. Achamenids
did not have any official religion, and I do not think that with what
Dariush and Kambujeyeh did in Egypt and Greece you consider them as good
Could you please tell us which emperor or king you are specifically
referring to? And about the Sasanids, what is your historical proof for
their tyrany? Where are your facts? Please come up with something more
innovative than the massacre of Mazdaki's, or the story of the merchant's
son who wished to be scholar.
In hand of Arab conquerers, those Mazdaki's had no better fate than
the Jewish population of Meddina, and what the merchant wanted was a change
in the class for his son. With how much money you can change me into a
"Seyyed", and make me eligible for the easy money and Fetrrieyeh?
Regarding your latest advice of reading the poetry of Saadi, Hafez, and
Ferdowsi in honor of Ahlul-Bayt. Thank you for your advice. Saadi was a
Sunni, so he couldn't praise Ahlul-bayt. Hafez had no known religion, and
in at least one occasion has welcome a poet by Yazid-ibn-Moaavvieh, the
enemy of Ahlul-bayt. So he couldn't respect Ahlul-Bayt either. Invasion
of Iran by Arabs is the darkest part of Shahnameh. In fact, Ferdowsi was
the one who made the lizard-eating label for the Arabs.
No Sir, these are not your men. Try Shahriar, he has praised everybody
including Ahlul-Bayt. Dear Mr. Chris, Iranians know their history by heart.
They do not need some Mr. Corr Chris to teach them their own history. Keep
your historical fabrications for yourself. Or, sell it to the the people
who are still wondering how to celebrate Now-Rooz when it falls in Moharram.
But if you still feel compelled to propagate your historical counterfiets,
do not challange some frustrated teen-agers, challange me.