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September 24, 2004Top

* Textbook propaganda

Dear NPR,

I have a comment regarding your "Morning Edition" of Aug 30 regarding Iran's nuclear program: Are NPR commentaries nowadays the new benchmark for "evenhandedness"; a standard of "fair play" that even exceeds those at rival Fox News?

Has NPR reached a new low for slanted journalism by now making the Bush Administration's case for war with Iran? Is that not what Vicki O'Hara's report is; a textbook example of propaganda dressed up to look like unbiased reporting?

If this is not so, then why on earth are all three interviewees of this NPR report charter members of America's "far right" establishments, that " spearheaded" America's rush to war with Iraq?

By applying the dubious rationale of such hawks, we could justify attacking any country we choose without even the slightest proof of wrongdoing. And it wouldnt matter the least if the IAEA repeatedly gives Iran a clean bill of health.

What is particularly bothersome however is that the aspirations of these ultra-conservatives have unfortunately become part of an NPR platform for spreading their wisdom to the benighted masses. How could anyone call themselves a journalist and use three right wing loonies as their sourcing for a report on a topic as sensitive as Iran?


Nima Kasraie
President, The University of Tennessee Persian Club


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