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September 24, 2004Top

* Peak of treachery

Mr. Behrooz,

After reading your "guerrillas" ascension to the peak of treachery in Iranian history, I wanted to drop you a line in order to lodge my comments/criticisms. First off, I was rather disgusted with the tone of your article which admires these blood-thirsty traitors who were blindly following a bankrupt ideology. The left movement in Iran gave rise to the modern terrorist sponsoring state we see today 'occupying' the land of my birth. In your own words, 'it challenged the Imperial Regime', but in what way?

By resorting to murder in order to create chaos? You call this a movement? You call murdering innocent civilians, accomplished civil servants and foreign 'guests'/workers, stealing money/property from the Imperial coffers during and after the revolution, not to mention 'sleeping with the enemy' and taking up arms against 'Iran Zamin', as serving a noble cause?

For once, I agree with the Mullahs who have correctly labelled you as hypocrites, even though they are clearly more misguided, in every sense of the word, than you and your cause! The left received everything that they deserved when their 'dozd/jahel' revolutionary colleagues butchered them shortly after the mass mess of 1979.

For your information, your ideology has been proven to be a failure and has been tossed in to the trash bin of history in order to join the other failed philosophies: Fascism & Nazism. Do not worry though, the Islamic Republic, and the theocracy it represents, will soon join these insolvent principles in the very near future.

Babak Kalhor


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