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September 24, 2004Top

* Are you getting the "facts" out?

Dear Bamdad, [Jimmy Carter, hide your head in shame ]

I must admit that i have turned into one of your die-hard fans, and i like reading your essays, particularly because i find it rather interesting when you put together some factual and some non-factual statements and somehow attempt to portray a realistic picture of american and international politics and how it would or should affect the political opinions of iranians in US.

I seriously hope you will consider making me the president of your fan club someday:) In your recent analysis, i happened to notice a highly uncorroberated and very unusual piece of information that you had presented in the middle of all that wonderful facts about how carter staged the iran-iraq war and how reagan palyed a role in ending it and that was the following assertion that the iranian people rallied behind the islamic regime to fight the war and to uinite for the same cause????!!!!

Where did this come from? You must have either not lived in the country during those terrible times, or that your memory does not stretch far enough to recount the events during those days, that how poor and impoverished communities were being rummaged to recruit volunteers to go to war by being offered incentives if they fought (a highly patriotic effort, would'nt you say?)

Remember the Basijis? How many times regimes agents went to many high schools to trick students into leaving classes and choose instead to go to the front lines? Do you recognize how many young adults left the country for the sake of not getting enlisted or drafted for that matter?hence spearheading a major " brain-drain" movement that has lasted up to now? There were however some unlucky ones who had no choice but to participate.

I am sure or at least hope,that you agree with me that there can be no sense of rallying behind a government, or uniting for a big cause, when regime forcibly recruits fighters and gives them a "do or die" option. The horrible loss of million lives in that war, took its devastating toll on our nation, economically and socially, during which there was a period of total disconnect between the people and their government and not a bond through "Patriotic concerns".

Kyle Saghafi


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September 24, 2004


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