Letters February 2006 Absolute power insults the ProphetOn Mohammad cartoons controversy: A colleague walked toward me today: - What is the deal with these Muslims over Cartoons? -How the hell I am supposed to know? They are angry, it has been a last drop and many are abusing it to make themselves heard - No matter what we do Muslims hate us, those who are in charge fill them with hatred. All of a sudden, I a Shia and an Iranian became the representative of 1.2 billion Muslims from several backgrounds divided in dozens of religious groups, some I have not even heard of. There are a few things that must be said about these recent events. First of all there were two kinds of protests against these cartoons. One organized by Muslim populations, either immigrants living in Europe tired and angry at their negative image and their isolation or Muslim populations in Islamic countries. Governments organized the others. Some made their anger known through official channels; this includes all governments -- even secular Uzbekistan -- and some organized mobs. After all since when can three people get together in Damascus without Syrian intelligence being on their tail? What happened in Tehran, Beirut and Damascus were organized by a minority in a minority to make a political statement and abuse an opportunity created by Danish naivety. Radicals cornered by the lack of tact and their diplomatic inabilities grabbed these cartoons as a God sent opportunity to push their people to the old lines dividing "Corrupt West" and "Pure Islamic World". Why our governments do not protect the dignity of Islam and our Prophet, may angels salute his soul, by having higher moralities, a better conduct, or a more efficient governing system? Those who love power use any opportunity to abuse it in order to hold on to it. They have abused Islam, they have abused our love for the Prophet and Islam, they have betrayed both our national interests and Islam and They are abusing our rights, our freedom and us in the name of Islam and our national interests. The day a President, or a King in Arab countries, assumes absolute power, and stops letting his opposition to be heard, he has insulted the Prophet who always consulted his followers, who let those who disagreed with him to be heard. Today rulers such as Qaddafi and Emirs of UAE are rolling in money, cash and luxuries while our Muslim brothers and sisters are cold in Pakistani mountains, but nobody calls this an insult! To a Prophet who ate just three dates a day when his followers did not have food, who bought an Aba (An Arab Dress covering from shoulders to toe over a long shirt and trousers) for just 4 silver coins instead of a better one for 12 so he could buy and free a slave with 8 left, isn't this an insult? Our governments insulted our Prophet by letting his teaching become limited to veiling women. None recalls his manner in running a government, his accuracy in keeping public accounts and his modesty toward his followers. We are living in a time that our rulers consider themselves even closer to God than our beloved Prophet, more righteous than him who so many times told his followers: "I am a human like you." They are not anything like him, the best thing they can do to defend his dignity is to leave him alone and to stop justifying themselves and their actions in his name and in the name of Islam. I wonder why we are not protesting those who in his name have done so many wrongs? I would like to apologize from bottom of my heartOn Dutch documentary on Jews in Iran: After watching the movie clip about my Jewish Iranian hamvatans in Iran and the things have said to them by some ignorant and arrogant people made me realize that this government is non Iranian. As an Iranian I would like to apologize from bottom of my heart to all Iranian Jewish, Christians, Zoroastrians, Sunnis and Bahais and all other minorities. My Heart was broken and felt like crying. This government sole purpose is to destroy Iran and dismantle Iran. They are doing everything they can to cause friction amongst religious and other ethnicities. Damn this government and damn ignorant and fascist people. God Bless Iran and all Iranian people Why should I believe the stories about Hossein?On Amir Normandi's "12 post cards for Muharram": I am not an islamist neither a religious man. I liked Mr Normandi's photo essay. However, I was not quite confortable with them. In one of the photos there is a symbol for ABOLFAZL's hand (Hossein's son) - that is a very sacred sign and they use it over some bronze or copper bowls to drink water mostly in places called SAGHA KHOONEH - and it was covering a woman's naked breast. Well, having all the stories about Ashoora in my mind and coincident of having Mohammad's Cartoon crisis in the world, a thought, a very old question came to my mind and I thought how can it be? Well, I thought if Ahmadinejad and Khameneyi and other fenatics islamists are now denying Holocast and the fact that about six million jewish people were killed during the WWII despite all the documents and alibys, the people who lost their loved ones during that rage, all the files and written orders and even the furnaces themselves, why should I believe the stories about Hossein and how he was killed? I don't think there wasn't anything like what Europe had during the WWII in order to file and save the incidents happening during their wars. There isn't anybody who is left from that time, neither there is any sign of how Hossein and his comrades were killed but the stories people told each other, so it can change from person to person. Now, how on earth can I trust those people who is denying the filed, proven and documented fact of Holocast tragedy, while they don't have anything official to prove their basic belief and tragedy they are always talking about and call themselves 'HOSSEINI'. What if all the stories about Hossein is just a story being made up by some stranger just to convience people how tragedic Hossein and his comrades died? What if these are just some fantasy stories being made up during centuries by Sheikhs,Mulas, Khalifas and Imams just to fool thier people and rule them easier? OK, I went back to the photo essay and I'm confortable with the pictures. They are nicely done and have something to say. Something very important.... Rudi, stay right where you areOn "Regain your dignity, Rudi": Regain your dignity, RudiA few friends and I were discussing Rudi Bakhtiar, arguably the best Iranian news anchor, and certainly the best looking anchor person and the fact she had been persona non grata for the last few months; of course we were having our discussion over chelo kabob. After all, we are Iranian men. Oh my God. How could she do that to herself? How could she do that to us? Fox News? The mouth piece of the Bush dynasty? As I sat up on the bed to regain my composure, I noticed that the make up artists at Fox had tried their best to make Rudi look as fair skinned as possible; that's called Fox's "whitification". You're Nazis; you can't help itTo the editor of the German "Tagesspiegel" Thomas Wurster for publishing cartoon of Iranian football players: In your recent article (BERLIN, A caricature of Iranian players' carrying explosives was published in Berlin based newspaper "Tagesspiegel" on Friday. Caricaturist Klaus Stuttmann drew the picture showing the Iranian footbal players with bomb-belts and German soldiers beside them. "Why the German Bundeswehr (army) has to be in action at the worldcup was added as text. ) you had depicting Iranian national players as terrorist. As I read your article and then looked at the cartoon I was astonished and at the same time I was amazed how a country that killed six million Jews and continues to harrass and discriminate against minorities gives itself the right to make fun of a hardworking and peacefull people of a nation. Please name me one Iranian CIVILIAN that was involved in terrorist attacks. Howvere; I can give you millions of names of German CIVILIANS who had participated in Killing Jews. If I was you I would look at my parents or my grandparents past and I can assure you that at lease 60% of your family members had participated in the mass killing and genocide of innocent people. As clearly it shows you have that racist Nazi like fascist idea still with yourself and can't help it. Nazi's like you and your racist paper don't even deserve readers attention. I just feel pitty and sorry for you that you are trying to get attention like this. "Es tut mir sehr leid das sie noch eine Nazi sind. Vieleicht sie mussen eine cartoon uber sich zeichnen sie verdammte Nazi." God Bless Iran and the Iranian people [See German editor's response] When are you Muslims going to grow up?On Amir Normandi's "12 post cards for Muharram": Just a few lines to thank you for having the courage to put this up... it's hightime somebody did that, and who better than one of us. I would also like to tell all the backward minded Muslims who have been offended by these images and the cartoons (although I would by no means equate these meaningful images with the Danish cartoons), when are you as Muslims going to grow up? And more importantly why do you still feel so self-conscious about your religion to feel threatened by what other people think about your faith? Surely, if your are convinced you've found THE path, you should consider yourselves above all these petty show. I thought faith was supposed to be something personal... And to all of you Muslims who are offended by such and "ugly" depiction of your religion, why don't we see or hear you so called "moderates" go out on the streets and confront these fanatics and lunatics out there who are tarnishing the image of your faith more than any cartoon... it's time you guys pulled your heads out of the sand. Iranian music in Bay AreaMy name is Sepehr Valizadeh. I am a U.S. Born Iranian American residing in Oakland. I own a record company and studio in Emeryville. All of our clients to date have been in the vein of American music and as of late I have been interested in helping develop Iranian Talent through our label and studio. Some of our clients and credits include En Vogue, E40, Lenny Kravitz, Pink, 3 Doors down, Goapele, Toni Tone Tony, Dave Gahan (depeche Mode) etc. I would like to put the word out in the Iranian community that there is a Multi Million dollar Multi Platinum studio and Label interested in developing Iranian music here in the U.S. I realize through extensive research that the majority of product solicited is coming from Los Angeles; however through relatives and friends in the community I also understand there is a demand for diversified works and better production quality. Being that your site has such a broad reach, I am inquiring to the willingness and likelihood of your site doing a special article on our expansion catering to the Iranian community. Owner/Producer We are hoping to find a child to adoptDear Birth Mother, Fat chick with plastic boobsOn Shahriar Zahedi's "Baab ol-shavat": I loved Mr. Zahedi's sincere and very sweet confession! I happen to be one of those women who thinks Mariah Carey is talented but looks like a cheap whore. Sorry Mr. Zahedi but it has nothing to do with being jealous. Those of us who are all for being recognized for talent, feel that someone like her with a nice voice (I do not listen to her music but know it well) does not need to have her huge implants always pouring out of her clothes and be stupid enough to say that she loves old Hollywood and her taste in dressing is like Marlena Dietrich! Never mind those cut-offs showing her bottom cheeks (which you will see some women walking in the streets at night trying to attract customers) wear. You put her fat ass right in her mouth because Dietrich was the personification of cool and intelligent feminine and you did not see a fat ass in tight jeans or huge implants falling out of clothes. She also never wore sweaters without bottoms trying to get the message across that she was not wearing anything under it. Confident women who are secure and never feel that they have to roll around or sing in the pool with a towel. Oh well, good for you for being honest about how you feel about a fat, half naked chick with plastic boobs. Hope god drops one in your lap and no doubt, you will make her feel really special. Mastery of mind and emotionsOn Azam Nemati's "Devil's maiden": the short story is so well written and so expressive that I almost believed every bit of it. Azam you have the mastery of mind and emotions so beautifully expressed. are you a fiction writter? email me more of your writtings. the lobe of emotion is the frontal lobe keep your emotions alive and your frontal love active and never get in the hand of these neuro surgeons who operate many times unnecessarily or without good reasons and hurriedly. It's no body's businessOn the Israeli question vis a vis Iran's nuclear ambitions: I just have one thing to say about Israel. Israel is a bogus country. I was on a flight that was delayed and was entering my final destination. Before landing the flight attendant said that some passengers on the flight have a connecting flight, please let these passengers exit first. There was complete silence on the plane. Then the flight attendant said that their continuing flight is to Tel Aviv. All of the sudden a bunch of the passengers who were all WASPs (White Anglo-Saxon Protestants) started mumbling, "F***K them." Israel was created because Europeans didn't want any Jewish people in Europe. So what did they do? They told them to go back to the Holy Land. This in hopes that if all the Jewish people went back Jesus would reappear and convert the Jewish people or kill them. Anyhow, there has been over 50 years of occupation in the land that belongs to Arabs. Cyrus the Great, an Iranian, was for human rights. I also believe that these squatters called "Israelis" should go back to where they came from. As for the Iranians they can have whatever technology their heart's desire. It's no body's business. And why would Iran bomb Tel Aviv? 20% of the people who live their are called "Arab Israelis" who are mostly Muslims. Only 10% of Arab Israelis are Christian. So it doesn't make sense that Muslim Iran is trying to nuke a country with a large amount of innocent Muslim residents. The EU, the US, the UN, the IAEA and the rest of the nay sayers to Iran's plight for advance should just piss off. I smack them with my Shoongool. Real motivation? Curse the religion they hate.This is not in response to any particular article or letter but to countless number of articles and letters I have read in regard to cartoons published in Denmark. My problem however is with those people, many of them Iranian, who are arguing passionately about freedom of speech while their real motivation is only to curse the religion they hate and nothing else. Many of them would do much worse than what these fanatic Muslims are doing if it was Cyrus the Great who was insulted instead of Muhammad. Most of them are people who called the Iranian newspaper "insane" and "horrible" for their attempt on drawing Holocaust cartoons. Although I am a very patriotic Persian, in love with Persian culture and heritage, I care enough for freedom of speech to tolerate Cyrus or Darius or even Iran itself being ridiculed; however this is much more than I can say about a large number of Iranians who are passionately defending the Danish newspaper today! I thank you, nonethelessOn Touraj Touran's "As sacred-less as they come": Dear Touraj Khan, Your commentary was sent to me because it seemed to accuse me of copying DH Lawrence. I have to shamefully admit that I have actually never, ever, read any DH Lawrence. But I am delighted that anyone would think that I was copying him word for word and just changing some names! I had to re-read your polemical criticism of Jahanshah Javid, myself and Abbas Milani, (great company to be grouped in by the way) twice before I really understood what you were saying and where you are coming from. Really if you are going to accuse people of bad prose you should at least try to do so in a readable way -- lest people feel like you are in no position to critique anyone's writing. I asked myself where this guy is coming from. Why is he angry enough to write this? Obviously this is not his job; he is neither a 'writer' nor a 'critic.' No you are just angry at something. But what I write angers moralists not people like you who, confess to exposure to pornography, "as a man," (you betray your misogynistic tendencies, by the way, when you write like this! As if only men like pornography -- or should have the right to be exposed to it! Give me a break wake up and look around. We have changed since you were in college!) Or does, what you consider, my lack of writing ability really anger you so much? No it has to be more than that. People don't spend precious time writing angry letters unless they are really pissed off. I have rarely witnessed polemics pointing a finger at bad style. But why is this guy so angry I found myself pondering? This site is used to angry emails from monarchists. The way you describe Hoveyda puts you outside that camp. Then why such support for Bush and the Republicans! Upon re-reading the, rather obscurely written, letter I figured it out. You sir, are probably an ex-socialist yourself, since you seem to know them well, but you, like many reformed socialists, are now making a lot of money and vote Republican. Hence this strange and angry letter. Maybe I have been away from the States for too long but do people really get this upset about an editor making fun of Bush? Wow. I thank you, nonetheless, for thinking that I have stolen from DH Lawrence and invite all the readers of your commentary and this response to read my essays and judge for themselves whether it is stolen material or simply revolutionary prose from a woman who has found in erotica the best way to express her freedom. Good old daysHi to all friends who were students of Roya Babak primary school in Abadan. I was surfing through Iranian.com site when the word Abadan caught my eyes and ended up reading J. Javid, late Mrs M. Habibi and Shahrzad Irani's statement whom all somehow I know them not directly but through their siblings who were my classmates. I enjoyed reading them a lot and especially the family picture of Javids since Susan & Soraya were exactly as I remember them and strangly whenever I dream good old times of Abadan the 2 of them are present in my dream. Shahrzad looks like her older sister Azar who saw her last at the National University of Iran where both of us were student there. I used to live at 568 Braim not very far from their house. Their statements brought back to me all the unique and pleasant memories of my childhood, friends and beautiful city of Abadan. This is Mitra Firoozi and I attended Roya primary from 1960-1966 right before my family moved to Tehran while I was there for summer holidays so no chance to say good bye to my friends. Azar Irani , Shohreh Goodarzi (also moved to Tehran same year and was my classmate at Hadaf High school), Susan & Soraya Javid (Ghahremani Ghajar), Yasmin Hemati, Parvin Ganjavi (also moved to Tehran same time or year after), sholeh Karimi, Leila Mozafari, Giti Salami, Afsaneh Sharifi, Jila Parandoush...Wish I had my pictures with me. I only remember Ms Toufigh, Mr Javadi, Mr Shoura my teachers and Mrs. Aghdaei our principal. For so long I used to tell stories to my friends in Tehran about our school, clubs, Annex, Boat club, Rex cinema, stores, swimming pools, Christmas events, parties, Ms Ladan Habibolahi's Ballet classes,Garden parties, dispensary, beautiful streets, home facilities and all the fun and healthy events we had had back then in 60s and 70s in Abadan most Tehranian deprived. My favourite place was Boat club in sizdeh bedar with all the tents for different games, food and breathtaking view of Minoo island at sunset. In the afternoons when the sky was blue blue with white clouds, colorful sailing boats made the most beautiful scene. I'll never forget those precious moments and only can share them with you guys. Mitra Firoozi Crossed the lineOn Amir Normandi's "12 post cards for Muharram": I see that aghaye Normandi and aghaye Javid are both going down the shock and awe route. Normandi with his pictures and Javid with consistently pushing, and now finally having crossed the line. I find it unfortunate that both of you gentlemen have confused disrespect with freedom of speech. I don't know whether to say you are both insensitive or perhaps more fittingly, boorish and vulgar. I wonder what your great-grandmothers (khoda biyamorzateshoon) would have to say...but of course, being the well-educated, donya-dide men that you are, you'd blame their religiousness and lack of open-mindness upon a lack of education and a myriad of other cultural ills. Aghaye Normandi, putting aside the grossly insulting manner through which you have chosen to present your opinions on a subject that millions are passionate about, what exactly are you trying to prove? Ok, ghabool, us religious Iranians are an ignorant lot. You are better than all of us for you have seen the light! The light (aka freedom of speech) that permits you to trample upon the most sacred and revered of subjects. Now let us uncultivated and uneducated men and women wallow in our own pit. Your talent musn't be wasted on such unworthy subjects. Aghaye Normandi, manaye ghayrat va bighayrati ro nafahmidi. Mohemaat resaani beh akhondhaaOn Amir Normandi's "12 post cards for Muharram": Ehanat Be Eteghadate Mazhabi Az Har Mozee Aab Be Asiab Rejim Akhondi Ast. Be Esme Azadi Nabayad Baraye Fashisme Mazhabi Khorak Faraham Kard Va Be Akhondha Mohemat Resani Kard No wonder you're blockedOn Amir Normandi's "12 post cards for Muharram": as a visitor who check your site almost every day some days even twice, I found the pics very insulting. What are you trying to do, becoming another free press??? or a porno site? With this kind of fredoom you will never have a base among pepole of Iran, maybe in LA they love you but not in the streets of tehran where the mourning of ashura is being very prevalent in these days. No wonder they block your site in Iran. Very interestingOn Amir Normandi's "12 post cards for Muharram": Very interesting photos of Muharram. Keep up the good work. Iranian renaissanceOn debate in iranian.com regarding Mohammad cartoons: I hope you are doing fine. You and your site are truly part of the Iranian renaissance. I wish you the best. Majid B DO remember to read poemRecommending Amir Normandi's "12 post cards for Muharram" to friends: I think that you may be interested in looking at this photo essay on Iranian.com. I personally salute the editor's courage for publishing it!! And, please DO remember to read 'Poem: "YES - No Virility"' at the end. Homa Horny RashtiOn Amir Normandi's "12 post cards for Muharram": I AM NOT RELIGIOUS PERSON BY ANY MEANS. I GREW UP NORTH OF IRAN AND WE ARE AS A WHOLE VERY LIBERAL. BUT I FIND YOUR POSTED PICTURES VERY TASTELESS. WHY NOT JUST POST THAT SHAPELY WOMAN'S PICTURES FOR READERS FUN WITHOUT GETTING INTO PEOPLE'S BELIEVES. I WILL BE VERY MUCH INTERESTED TO SEE THAT SHAPELY WOMAN'S PICTURES AND GLADLY E-MAIL THEM TO ALL OF MY RELATIVES AND FRIENDS IN IRAN. PLEASE INCLUDE HER E_MAIL ADDRESS. THANK YOU. Ahmadi Don't show how stupid our society is; fix itOn Amir Normandi's "12 post cards for Muharram": Well orchestrated SHOWOn photos of Muslim demonstration in London against Mohammad cartoons: I honestly think this is a well orchestrated SHOW designed to prepare or neutralize the public opinion in Europe for a possible invasion of Iran. The writings on the signs are so blunt and incredibly stated to just create even more hatreds towards Muslims and Iranians in particular. You be the judge. Greater offenseIn response to a friend -- and everyone else -- on Amir Normandi's "12 post cards for Muharram": Sexual exploitation? Maybe... just maybe. However, this is sexual exploitation to expose more than skin. It is to expose the list of repressive measures against women that still exist. Forced hejab, being treated like an animal by men who are convinced they are following the word of God? This is far more repulsive to me and a large chunk of humanity. And if people don't see the greater sin, the greater offense to human dignity...well, that's their choice. They can be offended all the want! Just as long as they don't kill me we're cool :o) Love you j This guy's days are numberedOn President Ahmadinejad: How could anyone with an ounce of brains have voted for that idiot? He is on the threshold of biting off more that he can chew. Does he really think that the EU, Israel and the U.S. are going to stand by and allow a mad man to have nuclear weapons? You'd have to be born in a vacuum to think that they would. What's wrong with Changiz?On Shahriar Zahedi's "Esm gozaaraan":
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