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The bridge to Calcutta

One act play

By Majid
October 23, 2002
The Iranian

..............................(Pegah is looking out of the hotel room window.
..............................She turns and catches Jubin staring at her from the
I wish you wouldn't stare at me like that.

I can't help it. You looked so distant. What were you thinking of?

It wasn't anything important.

There was something about the way you were standing there---staring out like that. It was strange, in a melancholic sort of way.

I said; it wasn't anything important.

Tell me anyway.

Tell you what Jubin? Why do you want to know? Can't I drift away for a moment without being interrogated?

Of course you could. It's just --- for crying out loud --- this is the day after our weeding ----- how could you get lost in a daydream?

I am sorry. I am just a bit distracted.

Distracted? Distracted by what?

Can't you dropt it? Let's just forget the whole thing.

I can't. I can't imagine what possibly could distract you after last night.

Why are you making such a big fuss about this? I am sorry. --- Okay. It was selfish of me to wander off. Can't we change the subject? This is ridiculous.

Were you thinking about him? --- Were you?

That's the most pathetic thing I've ever heard you say Jubin.

Well damn it, what was it then?

What is the matter with you?

I don't know. Call it what you will. It's just ---

Maybe you need a little bit of fresh air. Why don't you go round and about the city?

What? And leave you here alone.

Oh come off it, I know you want to anyway.

Don't tell me what I want.

What do you want then?

Just tell me what or whom you were thinking of.

Why are you being so insistence?

Damn it; I have the right to know.

What right?

Just tell me ---

Okay, I'll tell you. Just to shut you up. I was thinking of Calcutta.

What? Calcutta? What the hell ---

A bridge to Calcutta --- I was standing on a bridge to Calcutta. That's where my mind was wandering off to --- away from everything.

Bullshit, why don't you just come out and say it.

Say what?

You know what I mean. You think I am blind. I see right through you. It wasn't me you wanted next to you at the alter ---

Stop it Jubin, I am in no mode for one of your jealous fits.

I should have never married you.

No one forced you. I have been honest with you all along.

I deplore your honesty. It has brought me nothing but pain.

I should have never confided in you. I underestimated your incapacity for forgiveness. Why did you marry me then, if you couldn't trust me?

I thought I was in love.

Love? Who are you kidding? You did it out of spite --- to avenge me.

It was love. Damn you --- I love you.

You hate me. I can see it in the way you stare at me, in the way you touch me, the way you make love to me --- like a brut --- rough --- cold --- dirty. I should have never gone through with the marriage. We should call it off now, before we both become slaves to it.

You must be mad?

It's a simple matter Jubin. Worst things can happen to us.

Right after our weeding? --- It would be scandalous.

Don't dramatize it. No one would care. Beside, you can tell them what a slut I was --- I don't care, tell them whatever you want --- let's just end it now. I couldn't live with your contempt. --- Your looks give you away. --- You loathe me.

You ruined our lives---ruined everything by catering to your sick urges.

My sick urges? It was a cry from within --- maybe just an unconscious attempt to escape your claws.

What you did was cruel. I can't forgive you. I can't, no one could.

I don't want your forgiveness. I just want out of this suffocating relationship.

Just tell me why you did it? What had I done to deserve such punishment?

What makes you think that it was about you? The world doesn't revolve around you Jubin.

Then what the hell was it?

How many times do we have to go over this Jubin? You promised you'd never bring it up again.

I can't.


I don't know why?

I know, because you are not through with me yet. You want to drag me down with you to that hell of yours where you are haunted by your fears and doubts. You want to see me down there with you, suffering day in and day out. You want to see me crushed. --- Can't you see, I am like a drug that feeds your hate --- and you'll abuse me until there is nothing left of both of us.

That's not it.

Then what the hell is it? What? --- What?

Don't scream at me. I don't know what it is --- I --- I --- It's just that I can't stand to see you drifting away before my eyes. --- I can't. It tears me apart --- I need to be part of everything that you feel.

But I can't stand being part of your life every minute of my existence. I need to breath every now and then. I need to have a place of my own. A place that no one can reach --- can touch. Do you understand that? It's my right ---

No damn it, you gave up that right when you married me. For God sake, we suppose to be a fucking couple. you don't need a place to hide from me. I am your husband --- You should be able to confide in me--- that's what a marriage is all about ---

I did confide in you --- and you have punished me ever since. You turned your disdain and disapproval into a dagger and drove it into my heart. And still, you won't let go of its handle. You twist and turn it every chance you'd get.

What did you expect? You cheated on me. You sold off my love for a night of cheap pleasure.

Don't you see? This is pointless; it's just a destructive and vicious circle that we are caught up in. Please understand --- I can't be part of the world that you have made up. You world is too restrictive, too demanding on my soul --- It's too suffocating for the truth.

All I am asking is to share your thoughts with me. That's not much to ask, is it now?

And, I did share it. I told you, I was standing on a bridge to Calcutta.

Am I supposed to believe this bullshit? --- And suppose I'd believe you. What are you doing wandering off on some godforsaken bridge to Calcutta?

I don't know --- All I know that I was standing there in the middle of the bridge. On one side there was Calcutta --- a city engrossed with human suffering. You stood on the other end --- with a huge black mist hovering behind you.

You were hallucinating.

And then I hear this voice under the bridge calling me. I look down, I see a hand stretched toward me, and I hear this voice again, begging me to jump in.

It's him under the bridge, isn't it?

No. It's a voice of a stranger. I don't know who and I can't see his face. --- All I see is a hand stretched toward me. --- Then I hear this soft, enchanting voice, imploring me to follow him.

Am I supposed to believe this shit? It's him. Who else can it be? It's always been him.

I don't care what you believe. I told you what I saw. Besides, what's the point of me telling you anything; you'll never believe anything I say.

Can you blame me?

I never blamed you for who or what you are. I do question your so-called love and devotion to me. What you feeling toward me is not love. It feels like hell and I don't want to be caught in this inferno of feelings you have for me. Do you understand? I want out.

What did you think? Did you think that I could forget everything? How could I? The picture of that man and you twisting and turning like snakes haunts me every day. Don't you see what you did? When you embraced him, when you kissed him; you erased me from your heart, your thoughts, and your dreams --- It's not so much the physical aspect of your action that troubles me, it's the absolute annulment of my being that tortures me. If it was just a simple act of passion ---

Stop it. --- Please. --- Just stop it. It was a mistake. How many times I have to say it for you to believe it? But it had nothing to do with you. It wasn't about you.

Who the hell was it about then, if it wasn't about me?

I don't know anymore. I was confused then as I am now.

Now, you are lying to yourself and I.

Why should I lie anymore? What would be the point?

Because the truth is too vulgar even for you to bear --- It would destroy both of us.

Don't you see; we are already destroyed. Just tell me what you want of me. I can't stand this bickering anymore. I can't stand your abuse. What is it that you want anymore?
Do you even know?

I want to tear down this bridge and any other ones that stand between the two of us. I want to set them all ablaze.

You don't understand, I want to jump in --- Jump into those hands.

I'll stop you.

You can't, you stand too far away. ---

I'll jump after you. ---

No you wouldn't. --- There wouldn't be anything but a void waiting for you under that bridge.

Then, run over to me.

No. I won't. I couldn't.

Why? Why not?

Cause you don't call out after me. --- You are just standing there at the far end of that bridge--- like a huge mute figure, with a dark mist hovering above you.

This is just a fucking daydream you are having --- You know I would be calling you. I am telling you that I would. I am calling you now.

You can't.

Why not?

You have lost your voice.

To what?

To jealousy --- to rage, to your contempt for me.

For God sake, I am your husband. I love you.

But I am not your wife. I am not anything to you but a shadowy figure standing in the middle of a bridge with whom you have fallen in love with. I am out of your reach. I've always been. --- Can't you see? You and I have been frozen in time on that bridge. The voice I hear is an abstraction --- but the distant between us, is real, conclusive --- unbreachable.

It's all an illusion. Forget all of that. I am calling after you now. I am reaching out to you.

It's too late - I have already fallen.
(She puts on her hat and jacket and walks
toward the door)

Where are you going?

I am going to look for that bridge.

Stop this nonsense. --- Come back.
..............................(She opens the door)
Don't do this to me.
..............................(She Exits. Raising his voice)
You'll never find that bridge.
..............................( Long pause. Jubin walks to the window
..............................and looks out. He sees Pegah. He calls
..............................out to her)
Come back. Pegah --- Pegah.
..............................(Pegah disappears in the crowd.
..............................Curtain drops.)

..............................The End

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By Majid





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