The narrow war
How "Islamo-fascism" is the pretext for Islamic
October 12, 2006
What I find disturbing about Bush's latest classification of this "war" following
9/11 are the implicit statements underlying its evolution. As we
all know following 9/11 the Bush administration announced a “Global
War on Terror.” Very recently, the war on terror changed
to the “global
struggle against violent extremism.”
In Bush’s
latest speech justifying the war on Iraq and the war post-9/11
he used
a different brand name. One more poignant to nomenclature used
by his supporters. He said we are now in a war
against “Islamo-fascism.”
Bush did note that “Islamo-fascism” is
different then Islam itself, I think the very act of narrowing
down terrorism to one religion or faith serves as a basis of declaring
that religion or faith as a cause for terrorism. Thus, as has always
been with this president, his implicit rationale trumps his explicit
statements. The first two brand names for the war are classified
in generally neutral terms in the sense that it doesn't point to
any particular
religion, or faith. By using neutral terms terrorism and extremism
is not considered the product of any one particular faith, but
a global issue that can emerge from a person of any spiritual or
religious background.
Note, however, that conservative
circles and pundits, as well as many self-proclaimed
liberals, collapse the notion of "terror" and "extremism" with "Islam" while
completely disregarding the prevalence of terrorism and extremism
committed by non-Muslims, particularly prior to the Iraqi war.
In fact, to signify the combinative effect of these elements the
term “Islamo-fascism” has
become the preferred nomenclature. The consequences of these distortions
have already rooted themselves out in many conservative circles.
Robert Spencer, the right wing
director of "Jihad Watch" has already noted that by collapsing
these notions Bush will enable "officials to pursue jihadists
in America more openly than they have up to now" and to "call
on groups such as the Council on American Islamic Relations and
the Muslim Public Affairs Council to renounce all intention to
bring Sha’ria to the United States even by peaceful means.”
Spencer is saying that by fighting a war against “Islamo-fascism,” America
can further suppress the rights of free speech and association
of Muslims, regardless of whether there is intent to foster extremism.
Daniel Pipes broadens
the notion of "Islamo-fascism" by
including Muslims who wish to politicize their faith. Under Pipes
of "Islamo-fascism", we should go to war Iraq's current
government given the insistence of its leaders and people to use
the Qu'ran
as a source of law and legislation. By identifying any war with
any faith Bush makes the misguided and dangerous move of association.
Bush’s new classification
does not make the enemy any more clearer, it confuses and conflates
the notions of Islam and fascism together. It makes the superficial
claim that terrorism is rooted in one religion, rather then
looking at social and political issue that transcend across all
acts of
terrorism. Comment
Nema Milaninia is a law student at UC Hastings College of Law, executive editor of the International Studies Journal, and editor of the group blog