Pretexts for war
American military intervention one after the
August 12, 2004
So finally, it's official: the Gulf of Tonkin incident,
which was used by the Johnson Administration as a
justification to attack North Vietnman, was a flimsy
pretext . For those of you who haven't kept up with the facts,
here's a brief review:
With the assassination of President John F Kennedy in November
1963, Lyndon Johnson automatically became President. Johnson's
administration was convinced that the regime in South Vietnam was
about to fall and, according to their idea of the "Domino
Theory" the fall of S. Vietnam to Communism would result in
the fall of other surrounding governments too. However, the indirect
measures taken by the US to prevent the fall of the S. Vietnam
had not been successful. The war hawks in the Johnson administration
urged a direct military attack on North Vietnam instead.
Johnson knew that greater US military involvement in Vietnam,
especially a direct US miltiary attack on North Vietnam, would
not be popular among Americans. After all, he had the upcoming
1964 presidential elections to worry about, but the military planners
were concerned that South Vietnam would fall before the elections.
It was therefore necessary to create an pretext for the bombing
of North Vietnam, which would convince the American people and
the rest of the world. That pretext is known to history as the
Gulf of Tonkin Incident.
According to recently declassified
documents released by the National Security Archives, the US sent a navy ship into the Gulf
of Tonkin, which is located near North Vietnam, to engage in intelligence-gathering
as part of a coordinated espionage offensive against the North
Vietnamese. On August 2, 1964, a US navy ship named "Maddox" was
fired upon by three North Vietnamese torpedo boats in the Gulf
of Tonkin. In retaliation, the Maddox fired back and hit all three,
one of which sank. The Maddox then retreated into international
waters but the next day it was ordered to back into the Gulf of
On Aug 4,1964, the Captain of the Maddox reported that his ship
had been attacked by North Vietnamese forces again. However, later
he sent a message that raised doubts about the attack, and attributed
the false alarm to "freak weather reports and over-eager sonar
men." But that was enough for President Johnson. Johnson now
had the excuse he had been waiting for, and he ignored the Captain's
second message. Instead, he ordered the bombing of four North Vietnamese
bases. Johnson then went on TV and told the American people that "Repeated
acts of violence against the armed forces of the United States
must be met not only with alert defence, but with a positive reply.
That reply is being given as I speak tonight." The US Congress
approved Johnson's decision to bomb North Vietnam and passed what
has become known as the Gulf of Tonkin resolution, which granted
Johnson the power to "take all necessary measures to repel
armed attack against the forces of the United States and to prevent
further aggression." The bill passed, 416 to 0 by the House
and 88 to 2 by the Senate.
The front page of the New York Times reported on that day: "President
Johnson has ordered retaliatory action against gunboats and 'certain
supporting facilities in North Vietnam' after renewed attacks against
American destroyers in the Gulf of Tonkin." Of course, as
we know now, there was no "second attack" by North Vietnam
and no "renewed attacks against American destroyers." By
repeating official propaganda as absolute truths, the American
media contributed to the bloody Vietnam War and failed to act as
the watchdog of democarcy.
By 1969, the U.S. had almost a half-million troops in Vietnam,
and was dropping some 400 tons of bombs and ordnance per day on
the Vietnamese. And the rest is history. Incidentally, after the
fall of S. Vietnam, there was no chain reaction of Communist successes
as predicted by the Domino Theory. All that was left was just a
lot of dead bodies, a lot of lies, and an old US Defense Secretary
McNamara who admitted that he continued fighting the Vietnam war
even when he knew it was a lost cause.
The Gulf of Tonkin incident was of course just one of many pretexts
for wars. People naturally prefer to avoid wars. A war has to be "sold" to
the people, even if it means lying to them. The public will not
tolerate getting their children killed for flimsy theories like
the "Domino Theory" alone - they need to be taught to
hate the enemy, and to consider themselves the victims of the enemy's
hatred. And that's why pretexts for war are necessary. The Tonkin
Incident was in fact just the last of a long series of propaganda
claims used to demonize the North Vietnamese and characterize them
as the aggressors against a peace-loving America.
For example,
in 1965 the CIA printed up a lot of stamps which showed a Viet
Cong soldier shooting at a US helicopter. The stamps were made
to look like they were printed in North Vietnam, by the North Vietnamese
government. The CIA pasted the stamps on falsified letters which
looked like they had been written mailed from North Vietnam, and
then the CIA showed the letters with the stamps to the credulous
US journalists.
The message was clear: Look how those nasty North
Vietnamese are celebrate shooting at our boys and celebrating it
with their stamps! And just to be sure that everyone got the message,
the alleged "North Vietnamese" stamp was also displayed
on the cover of Life Magazine of February 26th 1965. A number of
Web sites show this magazine cover, here
It was only in the early 1980's that a disgruntled former CIA
employee exposed the affair. And that wasn't the first time that
a false prop had been used to justify a war. Lets go all the way
back to the sinking of the Lusitania.
The Lusitania was a British cargo and passenger ship that was
torpedoed and sank by a German submarine in May 7, 1915. The ship
was supposed to be a passenger ship, however it was secretly carrying
artillery shells and millions of rounds ammunition to Britain from
the US. The Germans had repeatedly warned that the use of civilian
passenger ships to ferry illegal contraband to Britain would cause
the ships to come under attack. They had even published a warning
in the US newspapers the morning of her departure, but the warnings
were ignored.
According to some source, an attack on the ship was
exactly the British and Americans wanted: an atrocity to justify
US involvement into World War I (And that's what they got when
the Lusitania was sun, killing 1,195 of the 1,959 passengers
on board, including 123 Americans. Before the United States entered
World War I, there was strong resistance against the war among
the American people. In fact, President Woodrow Wilson's re-election
in 1916 was partly due to his success in keeping the U.S. out
that European war. However, the sinking of the Lusitania provided
the necessary pretext for Wilson to change his position.
The press of course went crazy with news of the sinking of the
Lusitania. Already, a government propaganda office known as the
Creel Committee had been promoting pro-war hysteria in the USA
by deliberately stirring up intense anti-German hatred. This patriotic
fervor soon developed into rigid ideology which resulted in the
violent suppression of all forms of anti-war dissent. Laws were
passed which prohibited any criticism of the war effort, and over
1500 individuals were arrested for expressing anti-war opinions.
Private vigilante groups enforced the pro-war sentiment with
violence, with the approval of the government. Even food items
like hamburgers,
sauerkraut, and frankfurters were given American names, and the
German-sounding names of US cities were changed. People with
German-sounding names changed them too (including the British
royals, who descended
from Germany) and a man was lynched by a mob of several hundred
people simply because he had the misfortune of being German-born.
And in the midst of all this came the final insult: the Lusitania
medal. The British distributed thousands of these medal, which
they claimed were replicas of a medal that the German government
had created and which supposedly celebrated the sinking of the
Lusitania. What more proof was necessary of the perfidy of those
terrible Germans! They were celebrating the Lusitania sinking by
making medallions to mark the event! The British even put the medals
in a nice little box, with a picture of the Lusitania on the lid
and the following description printed inside:
exact replica of the medal which was designed in Germany and distributed
to commemorate the sinking of the Lusitania...This
medal is proof positive that such crimes are not merely regarded
favourably, but are given every encouragement in the land of Kultur
[reference to Germany]" And they included a pamphlet with
the medal which read:
"This medal has been struck in Germany with the object
of keeping alive in German hearts the the recollection of the
glorious achievement of the German navy in deliberately destroying
an unarmed
passenger ship..."
But the facts were a bit different: a private
individual in Germany by the name of Karl Goetz had made the
medal in his home as a sort of political commentary, and he had
a few copies amongst this friends. The medal did not celebrate
the sinking of the Lusitania, and the German government had not
created the medal. The British had falsely attributed the medal
to the government of Germany in order to stir anti-German hatred.
But it was only after the war that the truth about the medal
came out. (Falsehood in Wartime, by Arthur Ponsonby) And you
can still
find Lusitania
medals on sale on Ebay. Of
course, pretexts for war are not a monopoly of the US or UK. Hitler
used the pretext of "humanitarian intervention" when
he invaded a part of Czechoslovakia known as the Sudetenland, which
had a large concentration of ethnic Germans.
In a letter to Chamberlain,
Hitler justified his invasion of Czechoslovakia on the grounds
that "the security of more than 3,000,000 human beings was
at stake" and that the ethnic Germans in Czechoslovakia had
been " prevented from realizing also the right of nations
to self-determination." Yes, as you see, Hitler was such a
big a fan of self-determination.
But leaving Hitler and his ilk aside, American history is full
of pretext for war. We an start with the the Mexican-American war
of 1846 (manufactured border dispute used as a pretext for the
US to gain much territory from Mexico) and go to the Spanish-American
war of 1898 (accidental sinking of the USS Maine in Havanna harbour
used as a pretext to wrestle Cuba and other territory away from
Spain) to the invasion of Grenada in 1983 (rescue of American medical
students who were in no danger) and to the Gulf War (nonexistent
weapons of mass destruction located in Iraq.)
There are suggestions
among some historians that the US knew of and provoked the Japanese
attack on Pearl Harbor to justify US involvement in World War
II (Day of Deceit: the Truth about FDR and Pearl Harbor, by Robert
Stinnett.) According to James Bamford, the US even considered
a campaign of terrorism on US soil which was to be blamed on
Castro so as to create a pretext to invade Cuba. (Body of Secrets:
of the Ultra-Secret National Security Agency.)
So pretexts are not new. But in the case of America, the real
irony is how people buy into the pretexts of war - repeatedly.
After all, America is supposed to be a democracy, where the we
have a government of the people, by the people, for the people.
And yet the people are led around like a herd. And typically, the
media usually actively promotes the pretext and contributes to
the trickery. And Congress? It can't wait to give Presidents full
authority to wage war. So I have to ask: in what sense is the US
truly a democracy? When we're sold on the next war, or the
one after that one, are we really functioning as a democratic nation
You have until the next war to decide.
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