Imerial regime
"Guardeh Javidan" or the Immortal Guards shown here in impeccable
ceremonial uniform were the elite soldiers of the Imperial Army of the Pahlavi Dynasty.
Their name was derived from the Achaemenid Immortal Guards of King Darius the Great
which composed a constant unit of 10,000 Soldiers. They were called Immortals because
when one was killed in combat he was immediately replaced. The fate of the Immortal
Guards after the 1979 revolution was much more dramatic. Most having sworn loyalty
to their Shah and the Imperial Flag, refused to give in to the new masters of the
country and were either killed in combat with the revolutionaries or executed after
the fall of the Imperial regime.
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Photo by Roloff Beny, "Elements of Destiny"
Sent by Darius Kadivar
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