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Nostalgia: Stars


* Football fever
* Bond Girl
* Yousef o Zolaikhah: with Fakhreddin
* Bride
* Video: Foroozan "Khaterkhaah"
* With Nasser Malak Motiei: "Raghaaseh Shahr"
* Early 1970s video: Dances and "sings" in "Raghaasseh Shahr"
* With Manoochehr Vosoogh
* Intense
* Nice smile
* With M. Vosoogh: "Dokhtare Shahe Pariaan"
* With Malak Motiei: "Raghaaseh Shahr"
* Chadori
* Killer make-up :o)
* 60s look
* With Foroozan in "Shokooh-e Javaanmardi"
* With Malak Motiei in "Ghalandar"
* Foroozan: Marge Simpson hair-do
* Foroozan: Lioness
* With Malak Motiei in "Raghaaseh Shahr"
* Portrait: Interesting
* With Vigen in "Aroos-e Daryaa"
* With Manoochehr Vosoogh & Taghi Zohoori in "Khoshgel-e Mahalleh"
* Long time ago
* Getting down & dirty!
* With Malek-Moteie in "Naakhodaa"
* Sepas Award
* With Manoochehr Vosoogh in "Aroose Bianka"
* Foroozan / Khorsandi, magazine cover
* 1960s' look
* With Fardin & Zohouri
* Poster: Eshveh!
* With Fardin & Homayoon in "Baba Shamal"
* Foroozan out in the sun
* With Malek Moteie and Vosoogh
* Cover girl, 1974
* "Bar aasemaan neveshteh"
* With Manouchehr Vosough
* Portrait (1970?)
With Manouchehr Vosough
* Revolutionary court summons, 1979
* In "Ensaanhaa"
* With Behrouz Vosoughi
* With Reza Arham Sadr

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