art of taking over the world
The Neo-Fascisms of Georges W.
By Faz Rasti
April 18, 2004
Every so often, one feels the need to put pen to
paper because the level of injustice and ridicule-ness in this
world gets so high that one has no other
choice. I don't really remember how it all started this time. Maybe it
this American TV drama/fiction "24". Maybe it was
the war in
Iraq. Maybe it was Mr Sharon's single-handed genocide effort against the
Maybe something else. But whatever it was here I
am once again not being able to shut up and put up. It strikes
me so much that the current
world we live in has so many similarities with Nazi Germany just before
and during the war. Hitler created a common enemy in the form
of the Jews, some say
by pure luck, and united Germany behind him. He went to war for the wrong
reasons but with a clear goal in mind; world domination.
By comparison,
I grant you
Georges Bush Junior is an amateur, but nonetheless the rich boy
from Texas who was a
down and out drunk at one time, who had the infamy of being the owner of
the only oil company in Texas not to strike oil and who has his
wife and dad to
thank for everything he has got in his life, was lucky enough
to become President of
the most powerful nation in the world, and that by not having received the
popular vote.
Before 9/11 he probably could not spell Bin Laden
to save his life, but
let's face it: the gods have been good to the ignorant sod. Our new Mini-Hitler
has followed
the path of the master well. This time instead of the Jews it's the Muslims.
It is not Islam, but the people associated with it; it is not hatred, it
is oil and opportunism, and finally it is not Bush but his close
of associates.
Now a year after unilateral action against Iraq,
a year without finding a single WMD and 3 years under his
leadership (itself a bad joke), the President who has taken more
holidays in office than
any other President, has created
the Orwellian world that none of us thought possible.
Let's just see what
his stats
are like. 2,500 Americans died on September 11, 2001. Since then, more than
100,000 Muslims have been killed by the Americans and millions
made homeless. Terrorism
by definition is the use of terror to achieve ones goal. Ask the Afghans,
the Iraqis and the Palestinians if they have been terrorised enough
by American
Travel to the USA? Well good luck. Not satisfied
with treating you like a criminal
(fingerprinted, DNAed and photographed) they now look at your flight behaviour
too. So if you don't fancy the pork BEWARE. Unbeknown to yourself you
may be a terrorist! The logic kills me but there we go.
Aliens, as they like to call the rest of the population
of the world, are dangerous
and should be guarded against. Can someone tell these people to get
a life? This
is too rich even for fiction. Bin Laden who was a creation of the CIA
when it suited, is a single entity and does not represent the
rest of the
The American
reaction to that, together with the invasion of Iraq has created
more sympathisers for this guy than he could have hoped for in
wildest dreams. Remember
the days after 9/11? For Christ's sake there was even a candle-lit
vigil in
Tehran for the victims. Now, two years on and more than ever, the
Americans are hated by the rest of the world.
Naturally Europeans, who have a
lot more
at control and colonialism, have taken full advantage of the baddies
created by Georges W. and are generating
their own "Big Brother is watching you" scenario. Soon there would
be electronic cards for every single one of the population. They want
to know when you eat, when you shit and when you fuck. In short
they want
to know everything.
Their argument goes back to the same old scarecrows
namely crime, drugs, criminality. But the reality is that they
just want more control over
their own population.
Ask the question: is it really necessary to know what everyone spends,
where they go etc... True answer; invasion of privacy and human rights.
Factual answer; you can no longer cheat the government by for example
not paying
the right amount of taxes.
Most European countries are giving financial
amnesties over any monies that are
not declared. If you don't declare it now and they catch you later
(and believe me your money is not safe anywhere) then you are fucked.
European governments face financial problems. Pension for baby
boomers coming up
too. Guess who is going to pay for it? Joe Public.
who are generally
incompetent, thanks to Mr Bush, can no longer make mistakes. Hell
they are going to have so much control that no one would dare stand
up to
them. If
all they have to do is to dig out their file and find some dirt,
smother and discredit the poor bastard with it, in one clean sweep.
Privacy and
Human Rights?
Forget it. That's already something of the past. Who will not suffer
from any of this? The real money,
the big guys, the oilers, the Dick Chaney's of this world. Overnight
we have all become slaves, doomed to work all our life for the
benefit of
a few. At
least before if one was clever enough, one could break the circles
and "make it". Ask any multi millionaire if they did it according
to the
this brings me back to that programme called "24". I only saw it
recently. I must admit I was addicted. The creators tell you that
the whole thing happens in 24 hours. "Events take place in real
time." Shiteeee!
I had anxiety from this thing. Every Sunday I used to get the shakes
9 o' clock came and I had my fix.
Anyway the plot is simple. The
Hero works for the Anti-Terrorist bureau, they find out that Islamic
going to detonate a nuclear bomb in LA. Holy Fuck. Luckily the
hero finds the bomb
in time, gets all the terrorists and the evidence that implicate
three Middle Eastern countries. Invasion is avoided by minutes
when they discover
the whole thing is the work of OIL people inside the US who are
trying to drive
the price of the oil.
Well either the writers of this plot are
geniuses or real close friends of the President and Dick Chaney.
It is funny when
see your
own reality in fiction form on the box. You ask yourself "Am
I living in virtual reality?" What the fuck is going on in
this world. We all
play this charade, we all watch the evening news, we all listen
to the lies
told, but we all know that the real reason for all this is that
after the fall of communism American power is now unchecked and
as a
result of their
own financial problems (deficit), they want to take over the world.
Just before I
finish my say, I like to mention one more thing and that is the
plight of
the Palestinians. Naturally Georges Junior following in the footsteps
of Hitler
feels real bad about what the Master did to the Jews and is trying
to balance things
up. So Sharon, who if in Croatia, would already be facing charges
for crimes against humanity (remember Shattila?), has been given
Carte Blanche
kill as many Palestinians as possible.
The lingo is the same;
fight against terror.
terror? And so it came to pass that as a result of what a handful
of fanatical people did, another bunch of fanatics made the
whole world
pay for the
rest of time. Maybe so. But I have one message for Georges
W.: Never forget what
to Hitler. At one point in time everyone united against him.
All great powers will fall
one day and that's the way the cookie crumbles my single digit
I-Q friend.
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