the day ever come?
On Israel's offer of aid to Iran in light of
the Bam
By Steven Simpson
January 9, 2004
I posted a few articles back in '01 (before 9/11).
I engaged - and was
engaged - in some amusing (and amazing) emails with Iranian Muslims,
secularists, and anti-Muslims after I had written about Israel
and Iran. As I stated then, - and now - I am an American
Jew who is an
ardent Zionist. Wallahi!
Yet, I have extreme admiration and interest
for Iranian history, culture, and especially pre-Islamic Iranian
religion (Zoroastrianism). I even confess a certain grudging admiration
for the Revolution (if only because "Imam" Khomeini waited
patiently and
geniously) until he was able to overthrow the Pahlavis. This has
bearing on my feelings of Pahlavi or Khomeini. It only shows that
stronger (and perhaps) the smarter wins out against the weaker
Regardless, I was just wondering what Iranian people
(especially here in
America) thought of Israel's offer of aid to Iran in light of the
tragedy. The fact that the mullahs said that they would accept
aid from
any country except the "Zionist regime" makes me wonder
what average
Iranians think of this. If one remembers Israel's aid to Muslim
during the 1999 earthquakes, it should only question the "brave" akhunds'
statements and make historically conscious Iranians think.
appears to me that the "rahbar" and his co-horts are
willing to
sacrifice every *Muslim* Iranian (man, woman, child, mother, father,
brother, sister, son, daughter, etc.) even when "Johood" extend
hand in friendship and aid in such a time of catastrophe. (Makes
wonder if Khamanei's family was caught up in the nightmare if he
would reject Jewish help.)
Will the day ever come that Iranians will stop putting
forth the "Palestinian
cause" even when it means the death of their own
Is Arab Allah, Arab Ali, Arab Mecca, and Arab Islam all worth this?
where are the "crocodile tears" of the IRI when it comes
to oppressed
Muslims in Chechnya and other Russian-occupied Muslim lands, as
well as
to such peoples as the Muslim Berbers and Kurds?
Before anyone responds in vitriol and venom,- which
I do not shy away
from in the slightest! - please think of your glorious pre-Islamic
history before you were conquered by the "lizard eaters" of
Nu'man at
Nahawand. Is the Arab-imported "Allahu Akbar" and "Jahaliyya" more
important to you than accepting the friendship of the "najes
As one who believes in the Bible, please keep in
mind the passage of
Uzair (Ezra) 1:1-4. (A book that was written long before al-Qur'an.)
I wish all the peace-loving Iranians, Shalom Aleikhem (Peace
to you) >>> Bam
benefit concert, Palo Alto, Saturday, January 10
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