Stop bitching
The dangerous path ahead, but it doesn't have to be this way
S. Sadeghin November 22, 2004
Roozbeh Shirazi wrote an excellent article posing
the notion that everyone wants change for Iran [The
dangerous path ahead], but not everyone is on the same page
as each other as what those changes entail
and these changes will be implemented. And until we decide what
we want things won't change in a manner that as smooth as possible.
Basically we are like a 5-year-old in
a candy store. The mother has told the kid that he can have only
one kind of candy and
for the first time the kid has to decide what he wants on his
I have heard this lame excuse a thousand times from
both Iranians and various US think-tank that in order for changes
to occur,
need to have a leader/group/movement step forward and take
the lead in bring about change in Iran, but this will never happen
because they can't get their act together and select a leader
to lead them to change.
My response to that is NO SHIT SHERLOCK! Please don't take as
an attack on Roozbeh's article, because it's not. It doesn't take
a genius to figure out why people keep regurgitating
the same crap. We have heard it so much
that I think some of us are actually beginning to actually
believe them.
We start saying to ourselves: Good god they
are right! We are so divided on who we want to lead us and
bring about change. Man we are really shit out of luck. I guess
bitch about how we don't know who the people want to lead
them to change Iran.
These people might have a Harvard degree, but it doesn't
mean that we should wait for them to find a solution. Nor are they
necessarily capable of providing us with a solution.
Now this is the way I see it: Yes, I do agree that we do need
to find a leader and have a unified consensus or as unified as
possible to obtain a majority, so that real sustainable changes
can occur. So is this the supposed monumental problem Iranians
are facing?
I have a simple and very viable solution. We have the opportunity
to start a grass root-campaign to solve this stumbling block.
Why don't we find out exactly what, who, when, where and
how Iranians want these changes to come about.
How do we do this? We need to start polling Iranians from all
facets of the spectrum and start getting answers to these questions.
I know it sounds crazy doesn't it? You ask your self "Can
this actually work?"
Roozbeh in his article mentioned the
fact that we live in globalized community because of the internet.
So why don't we use it this website and every other website that
ONLY Iranians would visit to answer those questions.
And when I
mentioned the "...from all facets of the spectrum" I
truly meant that. We can't just focus on polling internet
users; we need to use any vehicles available to us to obtain answers
to these vital questions. We can use the Persian satellite channels,
Iranian newspapers, radio programs, and so on to let the Iranians
from around world know that for the first time they are being asked
what they and they have to make a choices because if they don't
then their voice won't be heard.
Once all this data is gathered several popular candidates
should emerge through the polling campaign. From there, using the
same grass roots infrastructure that we used in the initial polling,
these potential candidates would start running their campaigns
leading up to semi-mock elections to determine the first truly
democratically elected leader or party that could change Iran to
what the MAJORITY of the people want.
Once the unofficially elected leaders know for sure that he has
the backing of a majority of the Iranian people he should initiate
the changes as determined by the people through the initial polling.
I know that this is a very simplistic way of looking at this
hurdle that we MUST overcome. And I am sure that there are many
out there who can poke holes into my solution. And
in no way am I saying that this is the perfect solution, or even
realistic. But we need to stop focusing
on solutions, not problems we all know about.
We are great at pointing
out and focusing on faults with. I know for a fact
many of my American friends say to me that I complain a lot.
I try to explain to them that I'm not complaining; I'm
just merely making an observation of a problem that I have or am
experiencing. They did not buy my explanation.
Finally a good friend
of mine told me that unless I have a solution or going to do something
about my supposed "observation" stop repeating it because
to everyone else it sounds like I just like to complain. And
you know what? He's absolutely right.
We need to focus
on coming
up with answers, rather than pointing
at problems all the time. Rest
assured that in our quest for solutions we may often
fail, but we can not give up.
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