Who's calling who a nuclear threat?
Now, what happens if I say that the
fact that the U.S. has built 67,500 nuclear missiles from
1951 to the present makes me nervous?
Tahereh Aghdassifar
August 11, 2005
I'll just get straight to the point: I'm tired of reading
about how America, the U.N. and the E.U. are angry about
the possible production of nuclear arms in Iran. I find it
fairly hypocritical that the U.S. gets to decide who is and
is not allowed to produce nuclear weapons and I also find
it odd that they are only referred to as weapons of "mass
destruction" when a country in the Middle East is suspected
of producing or having them.
So far Iran has not constructed
any nuclear weapons, and they have quite vehemently denied
the idea that their uranium project is in connection to an
arms program.
Now, obviously I don't believe that... but so
far I've not been given any actual evidence that Iran plans
to build weapons;
I've seen lots of ranting and raving from the current administration
and an article now and then from CNN and BBC News speculating...
but I've not seen proof that these weapons exist or are going
to exist. In fact, according to the Washington
Post "A major U.S. intelligence review has
projected that Iran is about a decade away from manufacturing
the key ingredient for a nuclear weapon, roughly doubling
the previous estimate of five years, according to government
sources with firsthand knowledge of the new analysis."
let me get this straight, if in fact Iran chooses to produce "weapons
of mass destruction" they will
not have them ready for another ten years? Now, this is only
if the ten year estimate is correct, as the article also
reports that the Presidential Commission on Weapons of Mass
Destruction has found that "U.S. intelligence knows
'disturbingly little' about Iran." In looking at the
timeline provided
by BBC news, in December of 2002 "The existence of [uranium
enrichment plants] at Natanz and Arak [were] confirmed by
satellite photographs shown on US television."
these be the same satellites that photographed buildings
in Iraq housing "weapons of mass destruction" which
the U.S. now fully admits do not exist? After these satellite
photos were presented "The US accused Tehran of 'across-the-board
pursuit of weapons of mass destruction'." So, the fact
that Iran is enriching uranium, which is indeed the first
step of producing a nuclear weapons (also the first step
in providing nuclear energy) means that they are planning
to pursue "weapons of mass destruction" similar
(yet not nearly as advanced) to the ones the U.S. holds and
still produces.
Personally, I don't believe anyone should
really have nuclear weapons, but that's a naive way of thinking,
especially now
that so many countries have access to them, so if they must
exist, I don't understand why the West takes it upon themselves
to decide who can and cannot produce weapons. Conversely,
if a country in the Middle East were to make a statement
to the media proclaiming how angry they are that the U.S.
has nuclear weapons, no one would take the issue seriously
and the "terror alert system" would probably jump
up a few colors... The words "double" and "standard" come
to mind at this point.
Now, what happens if I say that the
fact that the U.S. has built 67,500 nuclear missiles from
1951 to the present makes me nervous? What if the total number
of nuclear bombers built from 1945 to the present (4,680)
makes me question the motives of the U.S.? And should I feel
uneasy that the very state I live in, Georgia, has the second
largest arsenal of nuclear weapons (2,000) in the country?
No one would take me seriously, the majority of you reading
this probably will not take me seriously, because it is something
we do not consider.
The idea that Iran may possibly have
a very limited number of nuclear arms in ten years makes
everyone a bit jumpy, but no one questions the reasons behind
the U.S. holding so much nuclear power. Again, if it were
up to me, no one would have nuclear arms, but slowly I've
learned to give up on some of my more idealistic views, and
now I'm left with the question of why. Why is it okay for
the West to hold "weapons of mass destruction" but
not Iran? Are we worried that in Iran the weapons may fall
into the wrong hands? That perhaps terrorists will acquire
some of these nuclear weapons? Let's step back for a moment
and put things in perspective:
The man currently in charge
of running the United States of America can barely pronounce
the word "nuclear" and
we are to trust him with over 65 types of 70,000 nuclear
warheads and bombs? Why are we worried about Iran in ten
years when we have a president right now who has already
invaded one country based on faulty and just plain false
information? I don't think Iran should be our main concern
when it comes to nuclear power. I also don't believe that
countries with massive stockpiles of weapons that are capable
of blowing the world up a thousand times over have any authority
to tell other countries not to produce weapons.
Iran will
produce weapons if they want to. End of story. I don't agree
with it, but I also don't agree with the United States believing
they have the power to choose who is and is not to be trusted
with nuclear arms, especially when many of their own citizens
do not trust them with nuclear arms.
If the U.S. would like
Iran to stop enriching uranium, perhaps they should stop
labeling them as a part of the "axis of evil" and
taking every opportunity possible to threaten them for activities
which other countries do without hassle from the West. Or
perhaps the U.S. (this being my idealistic side coming out)
would like to make an example of themselves and be the first
to significantly decrease their nuclear power, or better
yet, completely eradicate their program. And if by now you
still believe I am completely unjustified in my way of thinking,
here are a few things to consider
the next time you hear about Iran on the news:
* Number of designated targets for U.S. weapons in the Single
Integrated Operational Plan (SIOP) in 1976, 1986, and 1995:
25,000 (1976), 16,000 (1986) and 2,500 (1995).
-- Bruce Blair, Senior Fellow, The Brookings Institution
* Peak number of operating domestic uranium mines (1955):
-- Nineteenth Semiannual Report of the Atomic Energy
Commission, January 1956, p. 31
* Fissile material produced: 104 metric
tons of plutonium and 994 metric tons of highly-enriched
-- U.S. Department of Energy
* Number of thermometers which could be filled with mercury
used to produce lithium-6 at the Oak Ridge Reservation: 11
-- U.S. Department of Energy
* Number of dismantled plutonium "pits" stored
at the Pantex Plant in Amarillo, Texas: 12,067 (as of May
U.S. Department of Energy
* Total known land area occupied
by U.S. nuclear weapons bases and facilities: 15,654 square
miles. (As a reference, the total land area of the District
of Columbia, Massachusetts, and New Jersey: 15,357 square
- Rand
McNally Road Atlas and Travel Guide, 1992)
-- U.S. Nuclear Weapons Cost Study Project
* Number of secret
Presidential Emergency Facilities built for use during and
after a nuclear war: more than 75.
-- Bill Gulley with Mary Ellen Reese, Breaking Cover, Simon
and Schuster, 1980, pp. 34- 36
* Total number of U.S. nuclear weapons tests, 1945-1992:
1,030 (1,125 nuclear devices detonated; 24 additional joint
with Great Britain).
-- U.S. Department of Energy
* Estimated amount spent between October 1, 1992 and October
1, 1995 on nuclear testing activities: $1,200,000,000 (0
-- U.S. Nuclear Weapons Cost Study Project
* Number of nuclear tests in the Pacific: 106.
-- Natural Resources Defense Council, Nuclear Weapons
Databook Project
* Number of U.S. nuclear tests in Nevada:
-- Natural Resources Defense Council, Nuclear Weapons
Databook Project
* Number of high level radioactive waste tanks in Washington,
Idaho and South Carolina: 239.
-- U.S. Department of Energy
* Volume in cubic meters of radioactive
waste resulting from weapons activities: 104,000,000.
-- U.S. Department of Energy; Institute for Energy and
Environmental Research
* Cost of January 17, 1966 nuclear
weapons accident over Palomares, Spain (including two lost
planes, an extended search and
recovery effort, waste disposal in the U.S. and settlement
claims): $182,000,000.
-- Joint Committee on Atomic Energy Interoffice Memorandum,
February 15, 1968; Center for Defense Information
* Number of
U.S. nuclear bombs lost in accidents and never recovered:
-- U.S. Department of Defense; Center for Defense Information;
Greenpeace; "Lost Bombs," Atwood-Keeney Productions,
Inc., 1997
* Minimum number of classified pages estimated to be in the
Department of Energy's possession (1995): 280 million.
-- A Review of the Department of Energy Classification
Policy and Practice, Committee on Declassification of Information
for the Department of Energy Environmental Remediation and
Related Programs, National Research Council, 1995, pp. 7-8,
* Estimated 1998 spending on all U.S.
nuclear weapons and weapons-related programs: $35,100,000,000.
-- U.S. Nuclear Weapons Cost Study