Sieg Heil to Khamenei
No matter
who is Iran's president our fate will remain the same
July 26, 2005 unedited
On Saturday June 25, 2005 Iranian nation had elected
a new president or let say
the Basiji's, the murderers and the rapist have elected a puppet and a
fascist. Ahmadinejad won 62% of votes, defying predictions of a close race, to
defeat another corrupt thug Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani. His victory means all the
organs of the Iranian state are now in the hands of conservative hardliners.
Some 22 million people voted in this run-off poll - a turnout of 60%, down from
63% in the first round a week ago.
In this article I am not going to discuss
why the people have elected this man nor am I going to talk about his past
or present. However; the reason I am writing this article is to
let my fellow Iranians
know whoever is Iran's president the fate of the Iranian people will remain
unchanged. Since Iran's government or the decision making body is based
on an elite group of fanatical, corrupt people led by Khamenei. Thus the presence
a president is irrelevant in Iran's daily decision making. The role of
the president in Iran is like the role of the queen of England. It has a symbolic
meaning but without a merit.
The December 1979 constitution, and its 1989 amendment
defines, the political, economic, and social order of the Islamic Republic
of Iran. It declares that Shi'a Islam of the Twelver (Jaafari)
sect is Iran's official
religion. The country is governed by religious leaders and governing bodies,
with sometimes overlapping duties. The head of state is a religious leader,
titled the Supreme Leader. The constitution stipulates that this
national religious
leader is to be chosen from the clerical establishment on the basis of his
qualifications and the high esteem in which he is held by Iran's
Muslim population.
The exact
process involves an Assembly of Experts who has the right to choose the
leader. The leader appoints the six religious members of
the Council of Guardians (the six lay members--lawyers--are named
by the Islamic Consultative
Assembly, or
Majles); appoints the highest judicial authority, who must be a religious
jurist; and is commander-in-chief of the armed forces. The Council
of Guardians, in turn,
certifies the competence of candidates for the presidency. The president
of the republic is elected by universal suffrage to a four-year
term by an absolute
majority of votes and supervises the affairs of the executive branch. The
president appoints and supervises the Council of Ministers (members
of the cabinet), coordinates
government decisions, and selects government policies to be placed before
the Islamic Assembly, which will never be passed without supreme
leaders blessing.
The parliament, officially titled the Islamic Consultative Assembly, consists
of 290 members elected to a four-year term. The members are elected by direct
and secret ballot.
All legislation from the assembly must be reviewed
by the Council of Guardians. The Council's six lawyers vote only
questions of the
constitutionality of legislation; the religious members consider all bills
for both constitutionality and conformity to Islamic principles.
In 1988, Ayatollah
Khomeini created the Expediency Discernment Council, which resolves legislative
issues on which the Parliament and the Council of Guardians fail to reach
an agreement. The council later became a part of the amended constitution.
1989, it has been used to advise the Supreme Leader on matters of national
policy as well. It is composed of the heads of the three branches
of government, the
clerical members of the Council of Guardians, and members appointed by
the Supreme Leader for three-year terms. Cabinet members and parliament
committee chairs
also serve as temporary members when issues under their jurisdictions are
considered. Judicial authority is constitutionally vested in
Head of the Judiciary Branch,
who is appointed by the Supreme Leader for five-year terms.
The Head of
the Judiciary Branch appoints a Supreme Court. A Minister of Justice
is also appointed by the
president from a list of candidates suggested by the Head of the Judiciary,
but is only an administrative position. The Judiciary Branch
responsible for supervising
the enforcement of all laws and for establishing judicial and legal policies.
The military is charged with defending Iran's borders,
while the Revolutionary Guard Corps (a.k.a. Sepah) is charged mainly
with maintaining internal
security. Iran has 28 provinces, each headed by a governor general.
The provinces are
further divided into counties, districts, and villages. Thus
all the above branches are
under watchful eyes of the supreme leader or what I refer to as the Fuehrer.
According to Iran's Constitution, the Supreme Leader
is responsible for the delineation and supervision of "the general policies of the
Islamic Republic of Iran," which means that he sets the tone
and direction of Iran's domestic and foreign policies.
The Supreme
Leader also is commander-in-chief of the
armed forces and controls the Islamic Republic's intelligence and security
he alone can declare war or peace. He has the power to appoint and
dismiss the leaders of the judiciary, the state radio and television
networks, and
the supreme
commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps. He also appoints
six of the twelve members of the Council of Guardians, the powerful
body that
oversees the
activities of Parliament and determines which candidates are qualified
to run for public office.
Therefore, the election of Ahmadinejad was just a
power struggle
between Rafsanjani and Khamenei. Mr. Rafsnajani who we all now is one
of the most powerful and corrupt people in Iran wanted once again
to show his
but this time it meant who will control Iran for the next four years.
Khamenei who has the support
of conservative faction and the Bazaris didn't want to lose its influence
in every steps of policy making. Thus Khamenei backed Ahmadinejad merely
for its gain
of power over Iran's very fragile political system.
One thing I am
sure that this election was not decided by the people of Iran
but by a group of
bandits and criminals. Iranian people, the majorities of them whom
stayed home and ignored
the call for election, wanted to show to the leaders of Iran that
they do not care
who is going to be Iran's next president. Because the Iranian people
know by now that whoever is Iran's president nothing will change
unless the
whole system