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Uneven justice
Only those people with enough financial and political backing get their justice and the rest are forgotten



Bruce Roshanravan
December 28, 2006

In response to Amy Jooni's "Holocaustists":

Although I do agree with most of the points that you have raised about the crimes against humanity that are happening around the world and the evilness of the mullahs and IRI, but I feel there were a few important points that you have missed in your argument and I thought it would be appropriate for me to try and point them out.

Firstly on the issue of the holocaust. I do agree that this was only one of the many horrific crimes against humanity that happened in the hands of Europe and there were many worse crimes committed by Europe and other countries.

There were several crimes of genocide carried by other countries both during World War II, and during the years before and after it. There are also many war crimes and crimes against humanity that are happening right now as we correspond and most of them are going unnoticed or even get covered up by the West just because it does not serve their interest to bring these events into light.

However there was one major difference between the victims of holocaust and the victims of other war crimes (Including U.S nuclear attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki) The victims and survivors of holocaust and their descendants had money and had tones of it. That was how and why they could have their voice heard and get justice. But the rest of victims did not and that is why they were forgotten.

I know I must come across as a horrible person. But I am afraid this is the fact of life.

Notting in this world is for free. NOT EVEN JUSTICE. If one has enough money and influence then they can get justice or even injustice to swing in their in their favour. On the other hand if one does not have any money or fanatical and political influence then they do not matter. The crimes against them will be covered up or at best will be forgotten. This is  true both on individual and international basis.

For example I can draw your attention to the case of O.J Simpson the famous American footballer some years ago. As we all remember very well, all the evidence was pointing into his guilt, but because he had loads of money and got the best lawyers in U.S he got away with murder. On the other hand every day we can see in the news the miscarriages of justice against some poor innocent guy who happiness to be at the wrong place at the wrong time. Usually they had to serve several years in prison or even be executed for the crimes that they did not commit and years later it was revealed that they were innocent. Of course by that time it was too late as they have spend most of their lives in prison or in some cases have even died without getting any justice.

The same rule applies to international affairs. Only those people with enough financial and as a result political backing get their justice and the rest are forgotten. As example I draw your attention to the same period in time when the crimes of holocaust were happening. Toward the end of Second World War as we all know, U.S dropped two nuclear bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki and indiscriminately killed many hundreds of thousands of innocent Japanese civilians. But did we condemn it as an act of genocide or war crime? NO. Did the American policy makers have to answer for their crime in Nuremberg? Of COURSE NOT.

So as you see that is why the holocaust got the publicity it deserves and the rest of the war crimes did not.

As for the Iranian people with strong opinions about holocaust and outrage on Tehran conference, that should not surprise you at all. We Iranians have always been "Kaseye az Aash Daagh Tarr" and always more concerned about others than our own.

In fact as I remember when the Iraqi court under UK and U.S influence decided not to prosecute Saddam Hussein for his illegal invasion of Iran and his army's war crimes against our people, I was expecting some of these laud mouths to express some concern for the rights of their own people. But,

Did I see any opinions of outrage about that on this site? NO.

Did I see people call the lives of those young men who fought the armed to teeth Saddam's army and died for their country as Sacred? NO.

Did I see any body to mention all those chemical and biological weapons supplied by the West, which killed our people? NO.

Did I hear any one questioning the West and U.S morality for supplying those weapons of mass destruction and looking the other way while Saddam was using them? No.

Did I hear any body highlight the death destruction and rapes that were committed by Saddams Army while they were being supported by U.S and Europe?


This was simply because those poor victims did not have a powerful media on their side, to highlight their suffering and the injustice that they have endured. Also Their descendants could neither give us a Green Card nor could help us to find a job or buy a house and settle in Europe or U.S

You see for us Iranians it is not very fashionable to defend the rights of each other and stand up for our fellow countrymen. We prefer to kiss foreign ass any day rather than standing up for our own national interests. Now some kiss Arab ass in order to get into heaven and others kiss Western ass in order to get into U.S and Europe.

There was also another point that you have made in your article and I thought it needs a bit more attention.

It seems you and a lot of other people inside and out of Iran still believe those who run the Iranian government are stupid. Well, This could not be further from the fact.

It is a very dangerous mistake to underestimate ones enemy. Have you ever heard of the phrase by Sa'di?

Doshman naatavaan hagheer o bichaareh shemord

Mullahs and their cronies can be accused of lots of things such as being evil, dubious, traitors, murders, dictators, criminals, terrorists, even fascists and a lot more. But one thing that they definitely are NOT is being stupid, especially when it comes to international affairs. Otherwise a bunch of stupid people could not hijack and rule a country for more than quarter of a century

Too often our hate and resentment toward the mullahs have made us to think of them as stupid. As a result time and time again we have overlooked their plots, evilness and their deception. A mistake that stopped us from understanding and countering these acts.

I do agree that mullahs do not care about people of Iran or the country's economical and social affairs because they are to busy serving their own interest and steeling our national assets and resources.

For a long time I was puzzled by the fact that mullahs give millions of dollars of our money to terrorist groups such as Hezbollah, Hamas and the other shadowy groups, when they could easily take this money for themselves and put it in their Swiss accounts. So the question was why??

The last thing they could be called is being generous. In fact I still remember a little story I heard from my grand father ages ago. The story goes:

One day a mullah was drowning in a pond and people gathered around the pound asking him give us your hand and we will save you but he mullah refused to do so. A wise man (Rend) was passing and saw what was happening so he went to the edge of the pond took off his waist band (Shaal) and throw it to the mullah and told him take the other end of this Shaal. The mullah jumped and took the Shaal and they pooled him to safety. Everybody was amazed and puzzled by this event and asked the man why did he (the Mullah) answer your call and took the shaal but did not give his hand to us so that we could save him. The man answered: "That is because mullahs always take and never give".

So as you see this is the fact that mullahs do not give money or support to anybody for free. Also as I think we can both agree mullahs could not really give a damn about the people Palestine or Lebanon when they do not even care about their own people.

So the question still remains. Why spending all this money?

Have you ever heard of the mosquito that fought the elephant and killed it? As the story goes the mosquito went up the elephant's trunk and started stinging and sucking the elephants blood as a result the elephant was in so much pain that it kept banging its head against a rock until it died.

The same strategy is being applied by mullahs here. They know very well that they cannot take on the U.S or Europe directly. But they know that Israel is one of their major allies and hence vulnerabilities in the region. They know very well about the Jewish influence in U.S and total grip hold of their money on Wall Street and hence U.S economy. Some people call Israel as the 51st state of America. But I call it the first state. Israel has influence over most of the U.S policies around the world. So by threatening Israel and keeping it on its toes one can easily irritate U.S and even influence its behaviour.

The same principal applies to the situation of Iraq today. As the report by Iraq Study Group points out, the only way for the West to get out of Iraq in one piece and prevent the deterioration situation to a full blown civil war and break up of Iraq, is negotiating with IRI. Other wise they can bet their bottom dollar that the situation would definitely escalate to kayos and the instability will spread to the wider Middle East and Persian Golf area. This would be a disaster for them both in terms of security and terrorist activities, and in economical terms and jeopardising their oil supply. that gives IRI a strong bargaining position to get what they want from the west.

Also unlike the Shah who was totally dependent on the West and their support, these people do not keep all their eggs in one basket and keep every body interested. From China to Russia and Europe they show interest to bargain and never give away all the game. they keep these countries interested and on their toes and keep their cards very close to their chest

So as you see regardless of how we feel about Mullahs or their behaviours we have to understand their plots and take them seriously for what they are. That is if we are ever to defeat them.

The same principal applies to this holocaust conference in Tehran. I assure you that mullahs and their cronies in Tehran do not care one way or the other about this event. Whether it has happened or not and what was its scale, does not concern them at all. In fact they have never cared about the humanity or the rights and interests of anybody but themselves.

What they see here is an opportunity to exploit the sectarian divides within Western and especially European community. In fact they have watched the same game being played by the west in different countries around the worlds for many years. They know very well about the principal of divide and conquer. They have understood how this weapon was used all trough the history to provoke people of countries around the world against their own countrymen and how it destroyed and divided most strong countries in the world and reduced them to a hand full of small vulnerable states with no power or influence in worlds stage.

The fact is that the mullahs and their cronies understand very well the unresolved issues from World War II, and the sectarian fault lines that runs through European society. They have observed these societies very well during the past 27 years and are very well aware of the social unease and slow but sure rise of anti-Semitism in Europe and U.S.

Now, what they are doing is to exploit these factors to their own advantage and that is the purpose of such conferences and claims.

Now if we put our hate (although totally justified) for mullahs aside for a moment and examine the evidence more rationally we can see the extend of danger that they impose on us the rest of the world

Please note that by writing the above assessment by no mean I am trying to praise or justify the mullahs or their monstrous actions. But in order to fight and defeat an enemy as dubious and dangerous as them one can not afford to over look their systematic evilness and strong points. Comment




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