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Human alternative
Idealism and dogma tried to do the same, but Christianity and Islam brought wars. Nationalism based on human rights never did



Ali Mostofi
February 2, 2006

I just came across this interesting article [Galbraith's logic on Iraq], comparing the Clinton and present Bush administrations. I have lost count the number of discussions I used to have, with numerous Pakistani and Indian intellectuals, when I was an undergrad at Princeton Univesity, when Ayatollah Khomeini landed, about how Iran will become Iranistan. Carter was different to Clinton, but the Democrats were quite keen on divide and rule.

In an awkward way, many left wing and so called intellectual people in Iran then, supported the Islamist ideology against Communism paranoia, especially in light of the political vacuum that was created. Once His Imperial Majesty Shahanshah Aryamehr had gone into another existance (remember as an Astrologer I do not believe in death). His material existance is surely missed, but his Spirit is with us, as is the Spirit of all true Iranians is in all of us.

Iran stands for unity that is there, and many will try to dissect it. But Iran is not for Balkanization. As we see the Islamists, and more reform minded Moslems around the world bicker amongst themselves, the very fabric of Iran, the carpet on which we all stand on, will be stronger. As I have said for many many years, we all stand on the same carpet, and it is the best carpet in the world.

Iranian philosophy, art and tolerant attitude has unified the people of the world for millennia, even in moments when Iran did not really exist. Our contribution to the world philosophy remained as milestones in the human thought. Only recently have many people realised that most of those thoughts were originally common sense Iranian nation building rules. The dialectic that has been created against dogma has forced Iranians to rebuild their soul spirit and culture, and claim that which is righteously theirs.

You all saw it when we all unified to protect the phrase "Persian Gulf". Never have I seen Iranians, be they mullah or Zoroastrian or atheist or just plain Iranian be so unified. The Spirit of Iran is all about nation building. We were afterall the first nation of nations.

Idealism and dogma tried to do the same, but Christianity and Islam brought wars. Nationalism based on human rights never did. So when you read the article below and see the references to nation building, reflect upon the three empires that lived for three hundred years, that are at the root of all civilizations.

Ali Mostofi, MSc DUC BA (Princeton, USA). Visit

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