In your love for the western capitalism and
lack of reluctance to hate an ideology, you have fallen into the
same extremist trap that you are accusing Muslims to be
October 12, 2006
Never in my life I have seen such a hypocritical,
extreme and distorted view about the issues of our time and what
is happening around the world. See Ali Sina's "Viva
The last time I came across such a distorted discriminatory
views about a section of society was when as a student I was doing
research on rise and fall of Nazis in Europe and I could not help
to find many similarities between your views and those of the Nazis.
The only difference is that the Nazis were discriminating in favour
of their own people and against the others but you are discriminating
against your own people and in favour of their suppressors and
this makes you sink lower than the Nazis ever did.
How your talk of ethnic cleansing and getting rid
of Muslims reminds me of the chilling events of late 1930's and
early 40's in Europe
and their discrimination against Jews gipsies and many others.
Fortunately for the rest of us the world has grown up since and
does not want to repeat the mistakes of the past. As a wise man
said once after witnessing the horrors of holocaust:
And that did not mean only for Jewish people but
for all, including Muslims.
As I stated before even Adolph Hitler was racist
in favour of his own people. What disturbs me the most about you
is that you
are racist against your own people and in favour of others. In
fact during the time I was reading your article I had to go back
to check several time in order to make sure that this article was
actually written by an Iranian and not by a member of one of European
far right groups.
It seems to me that in your love for the western capitalism and
lack of reluctance to hate an ideology, you have fallen into the
same extremist trap that you are accusing others to be.
It never fails to amaze me that how often in order to oppose each
other and prove their point people do not hesitate to become radicalised
themselves or go that extra mile to close their eyes to the facts
and events happening around them.
To me it seems so naïve for a person to see
the world as either black or white. That we either should accept
all the misconduct
of Islamic society and government and the injustice and crimes
that takes place under the name of Islam as true definition Islam
or throw all Muslims into the sea and reject their right to exist
or choice of religion altogether.
First of all let me inform you that as a direct victim
of extremism I am opposed to any type and form of it, be it Islamic,
or capitalist. It is also worth to mention that I am neither a
Muslim nor a communist, although I think they both have valuable
point to contribute into a secular and modern society. But the
trick is not to let them run into extremes. It is very important
that they should not be taken out of proportion and no extremist
view should be accepted from or accommodated by their followers.
We should also consider that Islam is still going
through its evolutionary stages and it is still in its fourteenth
century compared
to 21st century of the Christianity.
Also compared with Christianity
in its medieval stages, Islam has a far cleaner track record,
when you consider things like crusades,
Spanish Inquisition, prohibiting of science and studying by mid
evil church, killing and burning people on accusation of witchcraft
or more importantly prosecution of scholars and scientists such
as Galileo by the church, just because they were stating the
plain scientific facts, Christianity and the west has a far darker
record. In fact in the case of Galileo he was not recognised
by the catholic church until 2006 when the new pop have issued
an statement of pardon instead of an apology, as if after all
these years they still believed that he has done something wrong
they only forgave him out of their own grace.
Even compared to 20th century Europe, U.S., Soviet
Union or China, Islam has got a much cleaner track record.
When you consider
the killing of millions of Jews and gipsies in Nazi concentration
camps or killing millions of Japanese by US during nuclear attacks
on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, or the death, destruction and rapes
that where committed by Americans in Vietnam, Cambodia and Korea.
Also if I wanted to talk about the British and European colonialism
and all the crimes committed by your precious west in Africa, Asia,
South America, and Middle East I have to write you several book
and it is really out of the scope of this article.
In your article you have rightly condemned Islamic fundamentalism
but without wanting to consider how it came to be, and who was
the real designer behind it. This monster was the child of western
policies to ensure their victory against communism.
In case you have forgotten it was U.S and Europe who supported
and armed Osama Bin Laden and al Queda in their fight against Soviets
in Afghanistan in order to stop the spread of communist in Middle
East. And I assure you that it was not for free or out of the goodness
of their hearth.
CIA put Bin Laden in Afghanistan in order for him
to pay for all the weapons shipped to the gorilla fighters and
when the money
ran out the west lost interest. Even despite all the warning
by the moderate Afghans and people like Ahmad Shah Masood who were
constantly warning the west and specially Americans about the
clouds that was gathering over Afghanistan and practically begging
for help. But because they had no money no one cared. Until 9/11
when U.S got a bloody nose for its arrogance and ignorance.
Or perhaps you have forgotten the support that the
west and specially US and U.K gave to Mr Khomeini, just because
they wanted to destroy
OPEC and have cheap oil and in the meantime stop the spread of
communist it the Middle East. Have you forgotten all that Islamic
fundamentalism bullshit that was pumped into Iran by radios such
as BBC, VOA and France and even Israel? In fact it was France who
gave Khomeini shelter and supported him.
During my 20 years of living in U.K and meeting or engaging in
various political discussion with many people of different faith,
nationality and political background you are the only person I
have met who is denying the western involvement in bringing Khomeini
into power, although this fact has been verified times and times
again even by western politicians, journalists and media. The last
example of it was right after 9/11 when an American political analyst
have stated in his interview on CNN, and I quote: "Mr Carter
has got rid of Shah and brought Khomeini into power and his prize
was cheap oil".
I could not believe that in your blind love for the west you are
willing to deny their crimes even when they have already confessed
to it themselves or making excuse for their misconducts and crimes,
and all this for what? A visa or passport? How petty!
What makes it more twisted is that every time that you cannot
deny or make excuses for these crimes you associated them with
the communist elements in the west.
In a funny way it reminds me of a mini series called Dayee-Jaan-Napoleon
and the sad twisted old man who every time something bad happened
that he could not explain or did not want to face, he referred
it to a British conspiracy saying:
"Mash Ghaasem Kar Kare inglisast"
The monster of Islamic fundamentalism has been helping and serving
the west very well until the end of the last century. What we have
now is the same monster coming back to byte them in the ass and
as result the are crying foul
Furthermore, don't you dare to even mention Iraq or Saddam Hussein.
Saddam was a product of the west. They supported him in his coup
against Ahmed Hassan Al-Baker during 1970s and then supplied him
with conventional and unconventional weapons to kill innocent Iranian
men women and children in an unprovoked attack for ten years and
even when the British members of parliament raised concern about
this policy Mrs Thatcher dismissed them as and I quote "communists
loonies who stand in the way of good business". well it seems
that the west is now paying back the dues on their good business
The American's illegal invasion of Iraq had noting to do with
democracy or welfare of the people of Iraq. It was only because
that Saddam started to sell oil in Euro instead of Dollar and started
to break the controversial petrol-dollar-arm cycle. That was why
the war never got the support of the Security Council or even the
European countries such as France and Germany. Hence the U.S and
U.K had to go it alone. If you could not see that you are even
more naïve and blind than I could ever imagine.
So what did you expect the people of Iraq to do just
sit back and let their country to be taken over by the Americans
and their
oil assets, archaeological sites and museums to be looted, as if
they do not have any sense of pride or patriotism?
And yet you go
on and dismiss it as a communist plot. Well hello!? Where have
you been in the past 15 years? Communist is well dead
and berried and nobody follows it so I think it is about time
for you to stop milking that cow and to join the rest of us in
21st century with new challenges and threats on the horizon.
If you believe that the monsters in Westminster and
White House do care about people of Middle East and really want
them to have
healthy democracies you are the real brain dead who needs help
If your precious west is such a champion of democracy
then why during the past one and half century they have met any
of democracy by the people of developing and third world with fatal
force and destroyed it before it even had a chance to get of the
ground. As an example I can mention the assassination of Zulfaghar
Ali Bhutto in Pakistan or assassination Jamal Abdul
Nasser in Egypt, the British supporting of General Pinochet in
his coup against
Alende in Chilly or bringing down of Dr Mosaddegh's government
by Americans, and the list goes on and on and on. So may be now
you will answer the question that why the life of a western citizen
should be more precious than the one of an Iraqi, Iranian or a
Palestinian for that matter and why we should sit and let them
run over us without any resistant.
A murderer is a murderer regardless of whether he is in an Armani
suit or a dirty turban and a bomb is a bomb regardless of whether
it being carried by a suicide bomber or being dropped from a ten
million dollars airplane.
This is the fact that at the end of the day one person's
terrorist is another ones freedom fighter as Mrs Thatcher herself
once called
Nelson Mandela a terrorist.
I find it really incredible that you have got the nerve to blame
the victims and take the side of perpetrators of this criminal
phenomenon at the time when these crimes of interference and conspiracy
by the west are the indisputable facts that have even been verified
by western politicians and political analysts over and over again.
We the people of Iran have accepted our responsibility
in all this. As much as a foolish victim of fraud is responsible
for letting
his greed to get the best of him and do not check the validity
of deal or creditability of the person with whom he is dealing.
But make no mistake. It is very obvious who are the real conspirators
and fraudsters in all this.
We must realise that at the end of the day the people in third
world could only come to the conclusion that the only language
that the west understands is the language force and they do not
negotiate unless they really have to. As an example I can mention
Northern Ireland and IRA.
Sin Fein IRA is no more humane, justified or popular than Hammass,
Hezbollah or Al-Quaede but because they had the backing of Irish
Americans in the senate and they were powerful and effective enough
in their terrorist efforts, they forced the British to accept them
as a part of their political life and even pay people like Jerry
Adams or Martin McGuiness parliamentary wages although they never
attend to Westminster parliament and don't even recognise it.
These are a few examples of double standards practiced by the
so-called western democracies and the death and destruction that
they brought on the rest of the world.
As far as Islamic extremism is concerned I do believe
that we have to fight any form of extremism including the Islamic
but one cannot fight extremism by becoming an extremist. You are
yourself a shinning example on an atheist turned into a fascist
by taking extreme views.
With concern to the migrant societies in Europe or
U.S it is my first hand experience that they have always a lot
to offer and
enrich our society. As long as they obeyed by laws of the land,
I do not care how do they dress or where they pray or for that
matter how do they live their personal life. It is only for the
shallow claustrophobic people with no substance, self-confidence
or sense of history and belonging who see existence of minarets
alongside church bell towers or people with different cultures
and ways of dressing as a treat. For the rest of us it gives the
society a sense of harmony and contrast, showing that we are willing
to accept all kinds of people in our society and respect their
way of life as long as they obeyed by the laws of the land and
distribute to the wealth and wellbeing of our society. As we believe
that by doing so we become stronger and not weaker.
Furthermore how come that the shear amount of money,
intellectual assets, skills and much desired cheap labour force
that these people
are bringing to our society's in the west are being accepted with
no problems or hesitation what so ever, but when it come to their
culture and way of life we can not wait to criticise and discriminate
against them just because they happen to be different.
With regards to criminal activity let me assure you that issues
like wife beating child rape murder and social disorder are well
and truly alive in western society as anywhere else in the world.
It was only last month that we witnessed the trial
of a young man for raping a 3 months, yes you heard me right a
3 months old
child and he all got was only five years in prison for it. A sentence
that disgusted everybody in UK. Or shall I tell you about the young
women who are deceived and smuggled into this country from Eastern
Europe and then forced into prostitution. Or may be you would like
to know the drunk and disorders of every Saturday night who rampage
the streets, beat people up, terrorise neighbourhoods and cause
damage to cars and shops.
May be you would like to know about the
new tradition of Happy Slappy among students and kids as young
as ten years old when up
to ten people attack one innocent person and beat him/her up
to death while others film it on their mobile phone cameras.
Shall I tell you more?
But in spite of all that you do not see the rest
of us labelling a whole society for the misconducts of a few.
With regard to Ms Fallaci it does not matter how celebrated she
is and how many books she has written. As soon as she starts to
become bias against one group of people because of their religion
or ideology and by closing her eyes to the whole truth only concentrates
at one part on the picture without considering the reasoning and
history behind the problems in today's world, she has discredited
herself and only has got herself to blame. It takes a lifetime
to build up a reputation but only one moment of stupidity to ruin
it all.
Frankly I could not believe my eyes when I was reading such naïve,
close-minded, and homophobic reaction or such foul mouth attitude
from a person of her status.
Ironically your proposal to clone her took me back
to my history project where I learned that a group of Nazis not
only proposed
but also attempted to clone Hitler in order to create a new superior
race, or your comments on describing the Muslims as breading rats
was another chilling reminder of same remarks made by Hinry Hinler
with regard to Jews and gipsies.
The danger that threatens the world today is not Islam, communist
or any other ideology or religion for that matter. It is people's
extremism, ignorance and prejudice toward each other, just because
they happen to be different.
If one wants to solve the problem of marginalised
minorities in the western society it has to be done by working
with them and
starting to involve them in social affairs, creating jobs and passing
the information and education. That's how we can build bridges
between sections of the society and speed up the process of integration.
last thing we need to do is forcing people to abandon their tradition
and values or committing another act ethnic cleansing.
This approach has never worked in the human history from the
Roman invasion of Jerusalem to Spanish inquisition or European
of the Jews and Catholics; it was always bound to fail and the
only winners in this game would be the extremists
Who ever said that one has to be anti Islamist or anti anything
to be democratic. As long as one has respect for other point of
view that should be good enough
Finally on your claim that "capitalism is democracy" I
can only say:
Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha
Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha
And more
Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha
From your statement it is evident that you do not
even know the meaning of the word democracy nor you have ever studied
the history
behind the many democracies in the world, especially in Europe.
many countries of the world including France the democratic movements
started as a socialist movement by the poor to demand
social justice and even today most of Europe are socialist countries
anyway. Although capitalism and democracy could be made to work
together and that is with lots of effort, checks and balances
in place, but I can assure you that they are never the same. As
example I can mention the American media who do not hesitate
to sensor the opinion of their interviewees or comments of peoples
calling them just because it does not agree with the appetite
their executives or major shareholders. Such misconducts happen
very rarely in socialist European countries or with the BBC.
There were more attempts in the history to destroy democracy by
than ever was by communism or Muslims.
As a Zartoshty Iranian I am proud of my history and heritage from
Cyrus the great's declaration of human right to King Darus's construction
of Suez Canal. From Hafez poetry and Kharazmi's scientific achievement
to Ebne Sina's philosophy and Omar Khayyam's mathematics and poetry.
Although I am very interested in and persistent to
preserve Iran's History and glory before Islam I can also appreciate
the asset
and enrichment that Quran has brought to our culture and poetry.
Now if our ancestors were such sell-outs as yourself and adopted
foreigners (in this case Arab's) culture and abandoned their own
in the process, well, it's shame on them and more importantly this
is our duty to reverse that process and correct their mistake.
We can have Islam without becoming arabized in the same way that
we can use a western product or adopt the valuable things like
freedom of speech and willing to listen in their culture without
giving away our own nationality and identity. The challenge is
to bring Islam or any other foreign aspect into our own culture,
in the same way the west brought Christianity into theirs.
I have fought extremist and sell-outs all my life, but if there
is a good point to learn and a good thing to be brought into our
culture from foreigners even Arabs and Muslims I have learned to
appreciate it.
In all these, the most important think for me is to keep that
balance and first and foremost remain true to ones own identity
and nationality. I know that if we are strong enough we can accept
Islam as a part of our culture without letting it to take over
or mixing Quran with Arab culture. As I believe the great people
in our history like Hafez Saadi or Molavi have done so. But one
has to keep in mind that striking that balance is very important
and difficult, especially since in the desire to disagree with
the other point of view most of us do not hesitate to adopt an
extreme stand.