Dream speech
My axis of evil State of the Union speech
September 5, 3003
The Iranian
It's January 2004 and once again I am invited to
deliver my annual "State of
the Union" address at a joint session of the Congress. Row
after row packed
with Senators and members of Congresspersons. Many familiar faces;
Rodham-Clinton, Kennedy, DeLay, Pelosi, Frist, Mohammed, Wong,
Flores, Nguyen,
Mohtashami, amongst others.
Miguel, my Vice President sitting behind
along with the Speaker, there are dignitaries, ambassadors and
at least two
heads of state upstairs watching from the galleries. I clear my
throat, wait
for their applause to start to die down and start...
Ms. Speaker,
Vice President Rodriguez, members of Congress, distinguished
guests, fellow citizens,
As I address you tonight the state of
our economy
is a serious tragedy, our colossal deficit is a dreadful
legacy for our
children, the Patriot Act ridicules some of the most primitive
rights we
cherish so dearly, we have invaded countries with no justification
and are
paying heavily for this enormous and historical mistake
and in short we have
turned a country that may have once presented a democratic
vision into global
public enemy
number one.
On the international front, the United Nations
-- we once labeled as "
irrelevant" -- may be our saving grace and the only way
out of our increasing
international isolation. In the past, we have insulted and alienated
many of
our European allies, some of whom we owe our sovereignty to. At
the same time, others we considered allies, have
to be the main enemies of our nation's independence and liberty.
countries have demonstrated over the years that their aspirations
contrary to the ideas of freedom and global justice.
Saudi Arabia
for example, is a brutal and stringent dictatorship. This is
where political parties are banned, religious minorities are
persecuted and
women are denied their most basic rights and are not allowed
to travel
without permission, hold certain positions or even drive an automobile.
country ranks as one of the worst violators of basic human rights.
For years Saudi Arabia has acted as the primary
sponsor of a malicious version of extremism, under the guise of
religion. This behavior is not only limited to the power elite
in that kingdom, but
the state itself is the primary financial backer of thousands of
institutions worldwide that function as cradles of terror and terrorism,
charities, religious schools and places of worship.
The current
government of Pakistan seized power in a military coup in
October of 1999. General Pervez Musharraf's troops overthrew
Prime Minister
Nawaz Sharif's elected government in seeking a greater role in
policy for
the military. Since the coup, international human rights organizations
as Human Rights Watch have reported on rampant and widespread
abuses in the
name of political "reform".
Pakistan is currently home to a growing assembly
of various extremist groups, with direct and evident ties to international
such as
Al-Qaeda. The country is also in possession of a growing stockpile
weapons of mass destruction, in the form of nuclear weapons.
There are genuine concerns in some circles as to the accessibility
to these WMD's
by defiant fringe elements.
Over the past few ecades, no single
country has violated and ignored more
UN resolutions than the state of Israel. This is despite having
hundreds of
other resolutions blocked or vetoed by its friends. Israel
still occupies
Palestinian, Syrian and Lebanese territories in contravention
of principles
of international humanitarian law. It has also continued to
put pressure on
the elected leader of the Palestinian people, in violation
of elementary democratic principals.
The presence of radical fundamentalists close to
circles of power in Israel is a
serious security risk to its neighbors and the world. This is particularly
alarming considering the country's hold on the largest stockpile
of nuclear
weapons in the region, with reports of a large program to develop
possess other WMDs.
Amnesty International has repeatedly condemned "the
unlawful killings, the wanton destruction of civilian property,
deliberate obstruction of humanitarian aid" along with other
violations of
human rights in Israel and the territories it occupies.
like these, and their global supporters, constitute an axis of
evil, arming to threaten the global peace. By ignoring
some of the most basic
desires of their people for freedom and democracy, stockpiling
weapons that
is menacing to peace, supporting various forms of terrorism
in both direct
and secondary means and incorporation of religious beliefs
and practices
with state matters, these governments are extending their role
in promoting
a dogmatic and authoritarian form of politics, contrary to
democratic principals.
We will make an effort to build bridges with other
nations and peoples, many
of them victims of our past brutality and aggression, to build
a coalition
of global citizens, dedicated to values we all cherish. With our
new coalition, we will reduce our unnecessary military overindulge
and use some of those resources to support individuals, groups
and nations
committed to democracy, independence, social and economical justice
peace. We intend to help the people of these countries on their
path to
freedom and democracy.
My message to the people of countries like Saudi
Arabia, Pakistan and Israel
today is simple; you can count on us as a friend and supporter.
Although we
will not interfere with your country's internal matters, we extend
our hand
in assistance, if and when you feel you may need it.
I look forward to the day the world will not need
to worry about these three
frightening regimes, and we can all start the process of building
a better
world for us and for our children.
Thank you, thank you all and
may you all be blesses with health, happiness
and liberty.
Thunderous applause that interrupted my speech several
times, erupts into a
deafening roar this time and in the midst of all the noise, suddenly
there's this loud familiar music playing in the background: Let's dance in style, let's dance for a while
Heaven can wait, we're only watching the skies
Hoping for the best but expecting the worst
Are you going to drop the bomb or not?
I recognize the tune; it's Alphaville's Big in Japan but, what?
In Congress? Axis? Evil?
I open my eyes. It's my alarm clock. It's 5:30 AM. Time to get
up, shower,
get dressed and go to work. It's just another ordinary Thursday
Well, just barely.
As I start to get up, I reason with myself; thank
goodness it was just a dream. What responsibility, what insurgent
what stupidity to think it is even remotely possible... NOBODY
will ever say
those words, particularly not a dreadful Eyeranian immigrant. Pay
taxes but have no representation in the way they are
spent. Oh well. I better hurry up. I was late for work yesterday.
Can't do
that twice in one week. Let's go! >>> News & politics
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