A short film
March 16, 2007
King Khamenei (for it is he): I hear the Greeks have made a film.
Ahmadinejad: Tis true Sire. Apparently, it depicts us as a bunk of dark-skinned savages.
King Khamenei: How objectionable. I am not dark-skinned. Nor was Ayatollah Khomeini or Khatami.
Ahmadinejad: Yes, Sire.
Khamenei: You are though.
Ahmadinejad: Yes, Sire. Shall we bomb Israel?
Khamenei: Why?
Ahmadinejad: Er, because they’re Jews.
Khamenei: No, let’s start a petition.
Ahmadinejad: For what Sire?
Khamenei: For the release of political prisoners.
Ahmadinejad: But, Sire, the film is misrepresenting us as darkies. I have a cousin from shomal who is blond.
Khamenei: What’s his name.
Ahmadinejad: Akbar.
Khamenei: Ah. There was an Admiral Akbar in Star Wars.
Ahmadinejad: Yes, he looked like a lizard.
Khamenei: Clearly runs in the family.
Ahmadinejad: As you wish, Sire. About that petition.
Khamenei: Yes, let’s write a letter to The Economist. We’ll demand that that fine newspaper lobbies our government to release Ahmad Batebi.
Ahmadenejad: Batebi, Sire?
Khamenei: Batebi owes his iconic status to appearing on its front cover, no?
Ahmadinejad: Yes, sire.
Khamenei: Were it not for the potency of that image, with the blood-soaked shirt – we wouldn’t be torturing him to this day, no?
Ahmadinejad: Indeed, Sire.
Khamenei: He deserves a petition.
Ahmadinejad: As you command, Sire.
Khamenei: So do those women we arrested the other week.
Ahmadinejad: Yes, Sire.
Khamenei: And the teachers demanding pay – a petition for them.
Ahmadinejad: Yes sire.
Khamenei: In fact, there’s a petition to have you removed, is there not.
Ahmadinejad: Indeed, Sire. And what of the Greeks?
Khamenei: What?
Ahmadinejad: Their cultural invasion.
Khamenei: That poxy film?
Ahmadinejad: Yes.
Khamenei: There’s already 300 petitions for that. Comment
-- Stand-up comedy: See Peyvand Khorsandi in Berkeley on April 14, 2007
-- Blog: Soul Bean Café