Painter, Poet, writer and song writer
Born in Iran in 1928 to an Iranian father and Russian mother, Serge Rezvani was a
painter for the 20 first years of his artistic activity. He exposes from 1946 to
1996 in different galleries in Paris (Maeght, Arnaud, Durand, Berggrüenn) and
London at Hanover Gallery.
In 1960 he leaves Paris with his wife Danièle Lula -Woman of his life and
the center of his artistic work- and settles in Garde-Freinet where he lives as well
as Venice where he spends most of the year writing.
In the Sixties he adopts a nickname "Cyrus Bassiak" and starts writing
songs ( lyrics and music ) for two major films of the French New Wave Cinema. Indeed
François Truffaut asks him to write the now classic song " Le tourbillon
" (made popular by french actress Jeanne Moreau) for his film "Jules and
Jim" with Oskar Werner, Henri Serre and Jeanne Moreau. Truffauts friend and
rival Jean luc Goddard also asks him to compose the songs of " Pierrot le
fou ". with Jean Paul Belmondo and Anna Karina. Thus Rezvani becomes despite
himself the compositer of the Nouvelle Vague or French New Wave Cinema.
However Rezvani gained fame with his true name as a major French author of the 70's
with two autobiographies " Les années-lumière " (1967)
and " Les années Lula " (1968), " Coma ",
" Les Américanoïaques " and " La voie de l'Amérique
", three novels published in 1970. " Mille aujourd'hui ",
"Foukouli " (1974) and "Feu" are novels focused on his
relation with his loved wife.
He publishes other novels in the 80's such as " Le testament amoureux
" (1981), ), " La loi humaine " (1983).
In recent years Rezvani has returned to his first love painting with exhibitions
and by writing critics on Art and theater.
Having lived most of his life in France, Rezvani's work is essentially influenced
by his country of adoption, nevertheless he did offer a new translation of Khayyam's
Rubayyat as well as a political satirical play mocking the Shah of Iran's Persepolis
Celebrations and titled " Le camp du drap d'or " which was performed in
1971 at the Festival of Avignon (FRANCE).
Rezvani also belonged to an intellegensia who slightly favored the Islamic Revolution
in Iran but without seriously getting involved with this mouvement since he lived
in France.
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