March 7, 2003
Concert at Tarbiat Modares University on the occasion of the 20th
anniversary of its foundation.
Place: Tarbiat Modares University, Sports Complex
Date: 2 Aban, 1381, 11:00 a.m.
Conductor: Ellips Masehian
Orchestra: 24 people
Chorus: 45 people
Pieces: (1) Kojaid ey shahidane Khodayi (Composer: H. Kamkar)
(2) Mirza Kochak Khan Jangali (Composer: Mirzamani)
(3) Change Roodaki (Booye Jooye Moolian) (Composer: R. Khaleghi,
Orchestra Arrangement: E. Masehian)
Audience: 1500 people
Sent by E. Masehian
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