October 6, 2004

The Queen is dead
For decades there has been only one doll that little girls have
wanted - golden-haired, long-legged Barbie. So how did a three-year-old
upstart with drugged-up eyes and an oversized head knock her
off the top spot in the UK? Tanya Gold meets the Bratz
Wednesday October 6, 2004
The Guardian
... The Bratz were created
by Isaac Larian, an Iranian Jew described in the toy industry
as "a charismatic entrepreneur". Larian came to America to become a
structural engineer in 1971 but instead he founded MGA, now the biggest privately
owned toy company in the world. In 2000, the designer Carter Bryant walked into
his California office with a drawing of a Bratz doll. Larian's seven-year-old
daughter Yasmin (now immortalised as a doll) liked the drawing. Larian commissioned
a prototype and the cold wind began to blow through Princess Barbie's realm >>> Full
Sent by Laleh Khalili
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